Chapter 66 Training
Outside Chang'an City.

Fang Qi looked at the barracks that had been set up, those people who grew up loosely in front of the barracks, these days, their food was good, and they all gained weight.


Fang Qi walked over, looked at these people expressionlessly, and shouted all over.

After seeing Fang Qi coming over, these people stood a little straighter, as if they had forgotten what the posture Fang Qi had taught them before, and how to stand.

Fang Qi looked at these people and said, "Are you not full or are you full? Don't you know how to stand?"

"You people, have you lived like this for such a long time?"

Fang Qi looked at these people and was speechless in his heart. Is this how the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are like this?

"Look at your appearance, do you look like a soldier?"

Fang Qi looked at these people speechlessly, and then said: "From now on, I will teach you all the basics, and you all look after me. In a month, I want to see your progress!"

Fang Qi began to continue teaching these people, standing at attention, taking a rest, walking in unison, walking forward, all kinds of things were taught and practiced.

A few days passed quickly.

Fang Qi is still training, but he has nothing to do, and these people will be miserable.

Fang Qi trained him like a dead dog every day.

Especially in the middle of the night, Fang Qi would still do things and beat drums to gather.

If you don't come out, there will be endless means of punishment, making these people miserable.

A month passed by so slowly.

It's the last day.

"Today is the last day of your training. I want to see the effect of your training over the past month. If you succeed in the challenge, you will have a short rest. The first one to complete the challenge will be The commander of a thousand of this group, and the second to eleventh, will become the commander of a centurion, and so on!"

Fang Qi looked at these people, this month's training has already let them know the training routine, as long as they follow this routine, they will be fine.

From now on, Fang Qi doesn't need to train these people by himself, he just wants to find someone to take over from him.

You can rest!

After these people heard Fang Qi's words, their eyes immediately lit up.

Nothing else matters, the most important thing is to be able to rest.

This month is really unbearable, it's like hell, if they can't resist, they really want to resist.

Whether it is Cheng Chumo, Li Huairen, these little princes, or these thousand elite soldiers, for them, all this is really hard work, and as long as they can rest, they will be happy.

This time it was really exhausting.

"Everyone has it. Today's final test is to run around Chang'an City! If you can run back before sunset, you are considered qualified, and you are eligible to rest. If you can't, start training tomorrow to double!"

Fang Qi told everyone the content of the assessment, and then said: "Start!"

Hearing this, everyone ran away without thinking.

Fang Qi looked at these people and silently calculated.

The limit speed of rapid march in this era is about 150 miles a day and night, and the limit distance in this day is about [-] to [-] miles.

After all, you run a little slower at night than during the day.

The circle of Chang'an City is seventy or eighty miles, and it is not a whole day, this distance is almost the limit of ordinary soldiers.

And these people have gone through a month of hard training, if they can't reach this limit, it proves that these people are really bad.

It is not so easy to run around Chang'an City.

Chang'an City has Yong'an Qingming Longshou Sanqu. Although these three are canals, they are no different from rivers outside Chang'an City.

These three canals lead directly to the eight waters surrounding Chang'an City.

Unless you find a bridge, otherwise, you have to swim across it. If you don’t swim across, you can only take a detour. In this way, the distance can exceed a hundred miles, and you won’t be able to make it back before sunset.

Fang Qi wanted to see their true strength.

Fang Qi waited in place.

No.1 soon, Fang Qi has been counting the time, the first person to run is an ordinary soldier, not those small country princes who grew up well-clothed and well-fed, according to reason, Fang Qi thinks it should be those small countries The public is faster.

Because they have not lacked nutrition since childhood, and their physical fitness far exceeds the soldiers Li Shimin gave him.

Fang Qi looked at the first person who came over, a little surprised, but he didn't say anything, but asked, "What's your name?"

"Luo Feihu."

Concise and concise, no redundant nonsense.

"Very good, you are the first one, and you will be the commander-in-chief of these people in the future, so take a good rest."

Fang Qi nodded, and then waited for the next person.

Obviously, the next people, just as Fang Qi expected, those little princes who have never lacked nutrition since childhood, arrived.

When they saw Luo Feihu who had already arrived, their eyes were full of surprise.

But they didn't say anything, and soon everyone was here.

Not a single person failed to complete this test.

The specific reason is the last sentence Fang Qi said, if they fail the assessment, the amount of training will be doubled. This sentence has fully stimulated the potential of this group of people.

One by one passed the test this time.

Fang Qi let these people have a good rest, but didn't let them dismiss, and they didn't say much.

After waiting for a while, Fang Qi finally stood up.

people have arrived.

Fang Qi had already secretly contacted Li Shimin, but he didn't expect Li Shimin to come here until now.

Li Shimin was accompanied by a group of people, including Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Yu Chigong, Li Xiaogong, Hou Junji, and almost all the high-end generals of the Tang Dynasty.

"Fang Qi, you asked me to come over to see your training results for this month."

Li Shimin walked to Fang Qi's side, and said, "I brought these people here, you want me to see this?"

Li Shimin pointed to some people who were lying on the ground, or sitting on the ground, stumbling around, and immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

What the hell is this?

"Everyone has it, gather!"

Fang Qi shouted.

In an instant, these stumbling people all stood up, and then completed the assembly at an extremely fast speed.

Not a little sloppy.

Everyone was shocked. Looking at these people, they had no idea what was going on.

"Your Majesty, today they ran around Chang'an City starting from the hour of Chen, and half an hour has passed by now."

Fang Qi said something to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was stunned when he heard this: "What? Three and a half hours? Can you go around Chang'an City?"

What a scumbag this is!

(End of this chapter)

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