Chapter 65 One Month
Fang Qi didn't want to procrastinate on the construction period. For such a long time, he mainly wanted to study cement and glass.

Now that cement and glass have been researched, it is much simpler.

As for other things, they are all floating clouds, and they cannot be found out no matter how much research they do.

So, let’s get to work.

These days, the production of cement has already caught up, which can meet my own needs and the needs of the construction of the drainage system of Chang'an City.

Now that you are fully satisfied, let's start building directly.

This kind of thing doesn't need Fang Qi to do it himself, the construction team who will be the supervisor will build it according to Fang Qi's drawings.

The blueprint had already been drawn, Fang Qi went directly to the general prison and gave the blueprint to Yan Lide.

After Yan Lide looked at the drawing for a while, his eyes widened.

This drawing is still relatively detailed, with perspectives from all directions, and the dimensions are clearly marked.

It's just that this house has exceeded his imagination, and it is completely different from the houses he usually builds.

"Fang Qi, your house seems a little different."

Yan Lide said to Fang Qi: "If you look like this, it's not easy to build!"

"Old Yan, it's okay. I will guide them how to build it when the time comes. Don't worry."

Fang Qi said to Yan Lide calmly: "You just need to give me someone, and I will do the rest."


Yan Lide nodded in agreement.

After Fang Qi brought the people back to the Princess Mansion, he naturally began to teach them how to build a house. They were all proficient in this thing, but they just changed things.

If these people can become generals and serve as prisons, they must be the best, and they will learn it as soon as they learn it.

The construction of the princess mansion started, and the construction of the canal was also going on.

Fang Qi didn't need to worry about these two things every day, but started to give lectures in the Imperial College normally.

I don't know if it's because I told Li Shimin before that I'm very busy.

Li Chengqian also came to the Imperial College.

In the past, there was only one prince like Li Tai in the Imperial Academy.

The other princes were either attending lectures in the Hongwen Hall or in their own mansions.

At this time, Li Shimin directly packed all the princes and sent them to the Imperial College.

There is only one purpose, which is to let them learn arithmetic.

He thought about it, the two people who are most proficient in arithmetic in the entire Tang Dynasty are Li Chunfeng and Fang Qi.

Both of these people will tell fortunes.

So he feels that he is very good at arithmetic.

It is not required that the princes can learn well, but he wants his sons to learn to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

Although Li Shimin can't educate children, he loves them.

It's good to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Fang Qi looked at the arithmetic class where the number of people had increased. In addition to the previous few people, there were a few more princes. The number of people finally changed from single digits to double digits, and he felt calm in his heart.

Fang Qi came to the podium, looked at the dozen or so people below and said: "The later ones, you and the previous ones, study carefully what I taught before, I don't want to repeat things."

Fang Qi raised his finger, and said: "One month, I will give you one month, you study hard, after one month, I will see how much you have learned, and I can teach you something new."

"Teacher, if you have anything new, please teach me first!"

Li Tai immediately became excited, he finally surpassed Li Chengqian in one aspect, couldn't he be excited.

Now that Li Chengqian has become a latecomer, he has learned a lot.

"We will learn these things after you have taught them."

Fang Qi glanced at Li Tai, and then said, "Do you think you have learned a lot?"

Fang Qi smiled and shook his head: "What you are learning now is just superficial. After a while, I will teach you some real knowledge. You can open mountains and fill seas, and go to heaven and earth!"


The dozen or so people below were stunned.

What's going on?

Reclamation of mountains and seas?
Heaven and earth?

Is it a magic trick?

"Your eyes tell me you don't believe it!"

Fang Qi smiled, and then said: "Don't believe me, I never tell lies! You will understand in the future. Of course, it is not unconditional for you to learn these things. You must complete my test before you can learn These things, if you can’t complete my test, you won’t be able to learn these things.”

"What test?"

Li Tai cried out: "I want to learn!"

"What do you study? What do you study?"

Fang Qi glanced at Li Tai, and then said: "You just study hard now, the test is not something you can accept now, if you accept my test now, you will die!"


Li Tai was stunned: "This test will kill you?"

"Yes, to pass my test, you must have a sincere heart. If you don't have a sincere heart, then it is impossible for you to pass the test."

Fang Qi looked at Li Tai, and then said to everyone: "You should study hard now, one-on-one tutoring, one month's time, you should grasp it well!"

After Fang Qi finished speaking, he left directly.

"Fourth brother, do you think what Fang Qi said is true or not?"

Li Ke asked Li Tai who was next to him: "Isn't it the tricks of the gods to open mountains and fill the seas, go to the sky and enter the earth? He will do it too? Didn't the emperor say to let him teach us arithmetic?"

"Third brother, don't ask me, I don't know either."

Li Tai shook his head, and then said to Li Ke: "Fang Qi is the elder brother's attendant, you might as well ask the elder brother."

"I don't know!"

Li Chengqian shook his head, and then said: "He was a student of Gu. On the first day, Gu was beaten by his father and was seriously injured in bed. Then he came to the Imperial College. You have seen him more times than Gu. He’s had more times.”

"According to my understanding, he will definitely, not aimlessly."

Li Tai said to Li Chengqian and Li Ke: "Brother, third brother, look at him, he is capable of both literature and martial arts, is it necessary to lie to us? I believe he will know these things.

Some things are difficult for us, but seem to be very simple for him. Have you ever thought about it?
Didn't he just come up with something like Zhenguan Plow?

Maybe he can come up with some way to let us have the ability to open mountains and fill seas, go to the sky and enter the earth? "


Both Li Chengqian and Li Ke were silent.

They couldn't guess these things either, and then they started to learn from Li Tai and the others.

Fang Qi now has a month of free time, all the work has been done, and he came outside Chang'an City, and started training again.

Since the last accident, Fang Qi didn't start teaching them because his hand was dislocated.

Instead, let them practice on their own. Of course, only God knows how well they did during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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