Landlord System

Chapter 98 Changing the Way of Military Training

Chapter 98 Changing the Way of Military Training
"Brother Yu, how is he?"

Li Man watched the whole conversation between Mo Yu and Zhan Yang, and after seeing Mo Yu carrying Zhan Yang into the box, he came over and asked.

"He's fine. I didn't know what caused his amnesia before. I let the system heal it."

After putting Zhan Yang on the sofa, Mo Yu wiped his sweat and answered Li Man's question.

"Oh, that's right! Then he is now?"

Now that the system has been cured, why is Zhan Yang still awake?So Li Man asked Mo Yu again.

"Oh, that's right, the system said that his brain needs to be adjusted and he will enter a coma."

Mo Yu explained again.

"Oh~ That's it! Then, Brother Yu, shall we continue drinking tea?"

After listening to Mo Yu's explanation, Li Man asked Mo Yu if he wanted to continue drinking tea.

"Well, let's continue to drink tea, Xiao Er, and have another pot of West Lake Longjing, and bring those snacks here, and we will drink tea here!"

Zhan Yang was in a coma, without drinking tea, it would be very difficult for Zhan Yang to wake up, so Mo Yu asked Xiao Er to serve another pot of tea, and asked Xiao Er to bring over the snacks he hadn't eaten.

"Yes, sir, just wait a moment!"

Xiao Er heard Mo Yu's words, and responded to Mo Yu, and went to serve Mo Yu a pot of West Lake Longjing, served a good West Lake Longjing, and then went to get the snacks that Mo Yu hadn't eaten. After bringing everything, Xiao Er He said: "Master, please use it slowly, and call the younger one if you have something to do."

"Okay, let's go!"

After asking the waiter to leave, Mo Yu and Li Man sat on the table drinking tea and chatting, waiting for Zhan Yang to wake up.

The waiting time was a bit long, and Mo Yu asked the waiter to serve tea for the fourth time. Zhan Yang hadn't woken up yet, and it was going to be dark soon. Mo Yu could only pick up Zhan Yang and bring him back to Mo's house.

On the way, he ran into Zheng Xin who was leading a patrol. After that, Zheng Xin asked his men to take Zhan Yang from Mo Yu's back, and carried Zhan Yang back to Mo Mansion.

After returning to Mo Mansion, Mo Yu asked Zheng Xin to put Zhan Yang behind the guest room, and asked Zheng Xin to arrange someone to guard it, and then he and Li Man went back to the back garden to rest.

When he woke up the next day, Mo Yu went to the guest room to watch Zhan Yang.

Zhan Yang was still in a coma.Seeing this, Mo Yu had no choice but to leave first.

After leaving the guest room, Mo Yu wanted to visit the barracks.

The barracks are now the residence of the Urban Management Brigade.When Mo Yu came to the barracks, he saw that Mo Zaiti was training a group of men.

"Master, you are so early!"

Mo Zaiti, who was training his subordinates, saw Mo Yu, so he ran to Mo Yu and greeted Mo Yu.

"You are too early! Are you training these recruits?"

Mo Yu saw Mo Zaiti running over to say hello to him, and he also asked Mo Zaiti after greeting him.

"Yes, master, master, do you have any guidance?"

Hearing Mo Yu's question, Mo Zaiti thought that Mo Yu had some instructions, so he asked.

"There is no guidance, I just want to see how you train."

Mo Yu was very curious, don't mention how they trained again, that's why he asked such a question.

"Oh, that's right! Then, young master, come with me!"

Knowing that Mo Yu wanted to watch their training, Mo Zaiti took Mo Yu to the camp where he usually stayed, and let Mo Yu sit behind the chief seat, and he continued to train his subordinates.

Mo Yu sat on the main seat and watched Mo Zaiti train his men. He felt that Mo Zaiti's training method seemed to be unsatisfactory. They just used spears to thrust and block, just these three movements.What kind of combat effectiveness can soldiers trained in this way have?Mo Yu felt it was necessary to change this training method, so he stopped Mo Yu.

"Stop mentioning it and come here!"

"Master, did you call me?"

Hearing Mo Yu's shout, Mo Zaiti ran over.

"Don't mention it again, is your training, back and forth, the three trainings of eternal spears doing stabs, picks and blocks?"

Before changing this training method, Mo Yu needs to know first, not to mention whether they only train in three ways.

"No, master, we still have bow and arrow shooting training, but I arranged the bow and arrow shooting training until the afternoon."

Mo Zaiti didn't know why Mo Yu asked this question, so he answered Mo Yu's question with doubts.

"Is it just these two trainings? Then, didn't you do physical training?"

As far as these two trainings are skill training, without physical training, Mo Yu feels that the combat effectiveness of soldiers trained in this way is absolutely weak.

"Well, young master, this is how we train, including the soldiers of the dynasty. As for physical training, I don't think it is necessary. When we train the three spear events, we are already training physical fitness at the same time."

For physical training, Mo Zai mentions that it is unnecessary, because he feels that they are already doing physical training when they are training the three items of spear thrusting and blocking.

"That won't work, don't mention it again, I don't care how you trained soldiers before, from now on, cancel the training of spears and bows and arrows, increase physical training, and gun training, which is the laser gun I use. As for physical fitness The training is like this, do 200 push-ups every morning, like this, do 200 squat jumps, like this, and then run around the city wall, after a week of persistence, increase the amount appropriately, and in the afternoon is gun training , After three months of persistent training, I guarantee that all these soldiers are fighters with super combat effectiveness!"

For such training, Mo Yu directly denied it, and proposed his own training method, and also made some demonstrations so that Mo Zaiti could understand it better.

"Master, why do I feel that training like this is useless? Master, our previous training methods are all obtained through actual combat. Isn't your training method too child's play? What benefits can you get from this kind of training method?"

Mo Zai mentioned that he did not approve of Mo Yu's training method. He felt that this kind of training was useless, and the soldiers trained in this way were completely useless without the laser gun.

"Alas! It seems that my explanation is not clear enough. Let's let the system directly pour the knowledge about military training into Mo Zaiti's mind!"

Seeing that Mo Zaiti doubted this method of military training, Mo Yu had to rescue the system and let the system transmit all knowledge about military training to Mo Zaiti.

For the system, this kind of trivial matter is completely trivial. As long as there are gold coins, this kind of trivial matter will of course be resolved quickly!
Soon, Mo Zaiti understood the greatness of military training, so he gave a military salute to Mo Yu, just like a modern soldier, trotted to the front of his subordinates, and talked about the military training reform plan with his subordinates.

Under Mo Zaiti's explanation, everyone cursed and their emotions were very unstable.This is no joke!I thought it would be a good thing not to need to train spears and bows, but now everyone is talking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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