Chapter 97
Looking at Mo Yu with a cold face, Mo Zai mentioned that he knew that he had spoiled Mo Yu's good deeds, swallowed, and said to Mo Yu cautiously: "That, this, young master, I'm here to ask you, the number of urban management brigades Recruitment is full, shall we go to Nail Lu City next?"

"Are they fully recruited? That's good! You train them for a week first, and after a week, we will set off for Dinglu City!"

Mo Zaiti came here for business, so Mo Yu didn't worry about Mo Zaiti's fault anymore.

"Yes, master! Then, it's nothing, I'll go!"

Mo Zaiti was thinking in his mind that he had escaped a little bit. If he didn't escape now, then when would it be better?So Mo Zaiti quickly said goodbye to Mo Yu and ran downstairs.

"I just said, I won't let you kiss here, look, it's embarrassing again!"

After Mo Zaiti ran away in a hurry, Li Man complained to Mo Yu.

"Ugh, this was totally unexpected! Come on, Man, let's go home and make out!"

Mo Yu was embarrassed by what Li Man said, but Mo Yu quickly adjusted his mentality and dragged Li Man to go downstairs.

The intimacy in broad daylight made Li Man feel inappropriate, so he pulled Mo Yu and said, "Brother Yu, Brother Yu, don't rush back! Going back is too boring, or Brother Yu, let's go to the teahouse Have some tea?"

"Tea? What kind of tea? It's boring to drink tea, but it's more interesting to go back."

When a man's emotions are teased, he must release it.That's why Mo Yu doesn't want to drink some tea now, it's more important to go back and make a villain.

"Brother Yu~I spent a whole night of tossing around last night, I can't take it anymore, Brother Yu, let him go today! Let's go drink tea, shall we?"

In broad daylight, Li Man didn't want to go back if he was tossing around.

"Uh, all right! It's up to you, let's go drink tea!"

After Li Man said that, Mo Yu had no choice but to agree to drink tea. After all, last night was a bit crazy, and he had been tossing all night.

Talking about drinking tea, the two quickly walked to the door of the teahouse.After being greeted by Xiaoer, he entered the teahouse.

"Both, what tea do you want?"

After the waiter welcomed Mo Yu and Li Man into the window seat on the second floor of the teahouse, he asked Mo Yu and Li Man what kind of tea they wanted.

"Give me some West Lake Longjing, by the way, Xiao Er, do you have any snacks at home?"

After ordering a pot of West Lake Longjing, Mo Yu felt a little hungry, so he asked the waiter if there were any snacks.

"Master, we have snacks at home, such as rice cakes, sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, shortbread...etc, there are too many! Master, why don't I get you one of each?"

Speaking of snacks, the waiter in the shop introduced a lot to Mo Yu, and finally asked Mo Yu if he would have a portion of each.

"You don't need to order one of each, you can serve osmanthus cake, shortbread and rice cake, just these three servings, go!"

The waiter in the shop introduced so much, Mo Yu only remembered the first three items, so he ordered these three items.

"Okay! Grandpa, please wait for a while, the tea will be here soon!"

Hearing that Mo Yu only wanted three snacks, the waiter in the shop didn't say anything. After responding to Mo Yu, he went downstairs to prepare tea and snacks for Mo Yu and Li Man.

"Brother Yu, look, that person is really weird. He is wearing a one-piece black dress and covers his face. Is there something wrong with this person? Brother Yu, should we ask the urban management team to check him?"

When Mo Yu was ordering good tea, Li Man, who had been looking outside the street, saw a strange person, so he told Mo Yu.

"What weird person? Hey, why does this figure look so much like Zhan Yang? Man'er, wait here, I'll go and have a look!"

The weird person Li Man mentioned, Mo Yu looked more and more like Zhan Yang, so he decided to take a look.

"Brother Yu, don't go. If he is not Zhan Yang and is an assassin, then you will be in danger!"

Li Man thought it couldn't be Zhan Yang, if it was Zhan Yang, why would he be dressed like this, it was weird.

"It's okay, Man'er, don't worry, this is Mo Haicheng, no one can hurt me."

Mo Haicheng is Mo Yu's territory, and he is confident that there is no danger to approach him.

"Then, all right! Brother Yu, you go! Be careful!"

As Mo Yu said, this is Mo Haicheng, which is managed by the system. Li Man also felt that it was unlikely that there was any danger, so he asked Mo Yu to take a look.

After obtaining Li Man's consent, Mo Yu got up, went downstairs, and chased that strange man.

The strange man's footsteps were not fast. He was walking while looking at everything around him, as if he was remembering something.

"Zhan Yang! Are you Zhan Yang?"

Mo Yu, who came out of the teahouse, came to the strange man within two steps, so he called out Zhan Yang's name, wanting this way to confirm whether the strange man was Zhan Yang.

"Zhan Yang? This name is so familiar, why can't I remember where I heard it, ah, my head hurts! Ah..."

After the weirdo heard the name Zhan Yang, he tried desperately to recall where he had heard the name before, but before he could think about it for a long time, he had a splitting headache and rolled on the ground with his head in his arms. When he was rolling, the hat he was wearing fell down.After the hat fell off, Mo Yu saw his face, and once he saw the face, Mo Yu confirmed that this was Zhan Yang.But why did Zhanyang become like this.And he seems to have lost his memory.

"Zhan Yang, Zhan Yang, why did you become like this, Zhan Yang, Zhan Yang, I am your young master, answer me quickly."

After confirming that it was Zhan Yang, Mo Yu hurried forward to help Zhan Yang and asked Zhan Yang.


At this moment, Zhan Yang can't remember anything, which means holding his head and screaming in pain.

"Zhan Yang! It seems that this is not possible, system, heal Zhan Yang's head for me."

Zhan Yang has amnesia, Mo Yu can't call Zhan Yang, Mo Yu can only let the system heal Zhan Yang.

"You are being treated, the treatment is complete, and the corresponding treatment fee has been deducted."

After Mo Yu told the system to heal him, the system healed Zhan Yang very quickly. After ten seconds, the system healed Zhan Yang, and at this time Zhan Yang just passed out.

"System, haven't you recovered from the treatment? Why did he faint?"

Hearing that the system said that Zhan Yang had been cured, Mo Yu saw that Zhan Yang was in a coma, so he blamed the system.

Regarding Mo Yu's questioning, the system explained: "Player, this person suffered from amnesia due to an impact on his brain. After being treated by this system, although the treatment is cured, he needs to sleep to allow his brain to readjust."

"So it is!"

After listening to the system's explanation, Mo Yu felt more relieved, so he carried Zhan Yang on his back and walked towards the teahouse.

"Xiaoer, do you have a box here? I want this brother to rest here."

Walking into the teahouse, Mo Yu asked the shop waiter.

"Master, yes, come on, please come with me!"

The waiter in the shop heard Mo Yu's inquiry, so he ran over to help Mo Yu help Zhan Yang, and then led Mo Yu to the box.

The box is on the second floor, and Mo Yu was trapped by Zhan Yang, and with the help of the shop waiter, he entered the box.Fortunately, there is a wooden sofa in the box, which can accommodate a person to lie on it and sleep.So Mo Yu put Zhan Yang on the sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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