Landlord System

Chapter 49 Carpenter Arrangements

Chapter 49 Carpenter Arrangements
"Master, everything has been arranged. It's in the courtyard at No. 10 East Third Street."

East Third Street is the street on the left at the third intersection of Main Street.

"Court No. 10? Take me to see it!"

In other words, after the construction of this city, except for the rich man's mansion and the main street Mo Yu is familiar with, Mo Yu doesn't know about other places, thinking how big this No. 10 courtyard is, Mo Yu doesn't know, so he wants to see it.

"Yes, master! Please!"

Since Mo Yu wanted to take a look, Xiao Mo had no choice but to lead the way and take Mo Yu to Courtyard No. 10.

Courtyard No. 10 is not far away, it is the 10th courtyard on the left side of the gate of the mansion.

When they came to courtyard 10, Mo Yu asked Xiao Mo to open the door, and then walked in. After entering, Mo Yu saw three carpenters, master and apprentice, tidying up the courtyard.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the three busy carpenters, master and apprentice, Mo Yu stepped forward and asked.

"Yes, young master, young master, I will wait for Xiaomin to greet you!"

The three carpenters, master and apprentice, who had been busy all the time, didn't notice Mo Yu's arrival. They didn't react until Mo Yu spoke, and immediately knelt down to greet Mo Yu.

"Here, you don't have to kneel down when you see me in the future. You're not used to it! Get up, all of you!"

Growing up, no one had ever knelt down for Mo Yu, and Mo Yu was not used to it.

"Yes, Master!"

"Tell me what you were doing just now?"

After the three carpenters and apprentices got up, Mo Yu asked the same question again.

"Master, it's like this. The three of us, master and apprentice, want to tidy up this courtyard and use it as a place for us to make furniture in the future."

The old man among the three carpenters answered Mo Yu's question.

"Oh, that's it! I don't think it's very wide here. Is it a bit small to make furniture here? Xiao Mo, didn't you say that you have arranged a place for them to work? Where did you arrange it?"

The courtyard is only about a hundred square meters. With such a small space, Mo Yu felt that if he put all the golden nanmu in this courtyard, the space here would be filled.

"Master, this is where they work and live. After all, this is the most spacious place in the whole city except for the mansion. I think this is very suitable."

No. 10 courtyard house is indeed the largest courtyard house in the city. Because it is the last courtyard house on Dongsan Street, it is 30 square meters larger than other courtyard houses.

"That's right! Let me think about it, this courtyard can't hold the wood brought back from the pirate island, how about this! The last section of Dongsan Street is sealed off, starting from the gate of No. [-] courtyard. Knock down all the walls of No. [-] and No. [-] courtyards, and combine a part of East Third Street to form a compound. This compound will be the place where carpenters make furniture in the future. Xiao Mo, just do as I say , Find someone to tear down the wall!"

A hundred square meters is not enough to store wood, so Mo Yu thought of closing part of Dongsan Street, and then demolishing the walls of No. [-] and No. [-] courtyards, so as to get a large courtyard, which is enough for carpenters and others to make furniture in this large courtyard. .

"It's the young master, I'll do it right away!"

After Xiao Mo responded to Mo Yu, he went out to find someone to tear down the wall and build the gate.

After Xiao Mo went out to find someone, Mo Yu came outside the street. He wanted to put all the wood on the street first, and let the old carpenter arrange where to put it after the combined compound was built.

After coming to the street, Mo Yu put all the wood on the street, covering a section of the street directly.After placing the wood, Mo Yu said to the three masters and apprentices who followed him: "Okay, let's put the wood here first, master, I will wrong you for a while, during this time, don't rush to make furniture. After the compound is built, you can arrange the making of furniture, just like this, you go to work! I'm going back!"

"Yes, master, master, you go slowly!"

In the respectful send-off of the three carpenters, master and apprentice, Mo Yu left the No. [-] courtyard and went for a stroll on the street.

Walking on the street, Mo Yu looked at the stores opened on both sides of the street, and was very satisfied with the decision he made yesterday to open the mall in this city.

Passing by a teahouse, Mo Yu decided to go to the teahouse to take a rest and drink some tea by the way.

Entering the teahouse, Mo Yu saw that the teahouse was deserted.

Mo Yu knew why the teahouse was deserted. After all, there were not many people in the city. Most of them were Mo Yu's subordinates. However, these subordinates had just arrived in the city not long ago and did not dare to blatantly come to this teahouse to consume. Even if they had the courage to come and consume, They don't have any gold coins with them, so they can't use their gold treasures to pay here, because the shops here don't accept gold, only gold coins.This rule was set by the mall after Mo Yu opened it.

"Master Mo, are you here for tea?"

As soon as he entered the teahouse, Mo Yu saw the shopkeeper's smiling face coming to greet him.

"Yes, shopkeeper, bring me a pot of the best tea you have here, and some snacks by the way!"

"Okay, sit down, the villain is going to prepare tea for you."

The shopkeeper of the teahouse was overjoyed when he heard Mo Yu's answer, and immediately led Mo Yu to a table, asked Mo Yu to sit down, and went to prepare tea for Mo Yu.

Not long after, Mo Yu saw the shopkeeper and the shop waiter, bringing some food over.

"Master Mo, this is the best in my teahouse. These dim sums are all from the Western Regions. They are delicious. My lord, please try them!"

After the shopkeeper asked the waiter to put down his things, he personally entertained Mo Yu and introduced the desserts on the table.

"This~ okay! I'll try it!"

The dim sum introduced by the shopkeeper made Mo Yu dumbfounded. Isn’t the dim sum from the Western Regions just cakes, egg tarts and the like?Mo Yu was tired of eating these things before he came to this world.But now that Mo Yu sees the cake and egg tart again, he still wants to take a bite, not for the taste, but for nostalgia!
"Well, not bad, this egg, uh, this snack is delicious!"

After taking a bite, Mo Yu felt that the cake he ate was delicious, and the taste was probably comparable to the British mousse cake.

"It's delicious, that's good. The villain is really afraid that you won't be used to it. Then, young master, you should eat more."

The shopkeeper didn't know that Mo Yu had eaten it, and was afraid that Mo Yu would not be used to it. Seeing that Mo Yu was satisfied with the meal, the shopkeeper heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, I won't eat it, I will eat it later, the shopkeeper will pour me some tea! Let me try your tea!"

Mo Yu took another bite of the cake and stopped, after all he came to the teahouse to drink tea.

"Okay, Lord Mo, Lord Mo, this is the famous spring tea of ​​Hengyu Mountain, named Yushan Tea. This tea is a bit bitter when you drink it, but after you drink it, you will be able to taste the fragrance of the tea and a hint of tea. The sweetness of silk, Master Mo, please taste it!"

The shopkeeper deftly poured tea for Mo Yu, and introduced the tea to Mo Yu while pouring it.

 Children's Day is approaching, I wish all the students who have not grown up a happy Children's Day!

(End of this chapter)

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