Landlord System

Chapter 48 Getting Ready

Chapter 48 Getting Ready

"Brother Yu, I'll go with you!"

Li Man knew that Mo Yu didn't want to take her there, so he asked her to draw a picture.But Li Man wanted to go back to the imperial city, after all, it was the city where she had lived for 20 years, and she wanted to go back if she had the chance!
"No, Man'er, you can't go, it's too dangerous, I will never let you be in danger."

Mo Yu didn’t want to take Li Man there, the imperial city was too dangerous, there were too many third-level zombies in the imperial city, although Li Man had a defense bracelet for protection, but Mo Yu felt that the defense bracelet was not a panacea, in case those third-level zombies would use it poison, wouldn't Li Man be in danger?

"Brother Yu, there will be no danger, isn't there still the defensive bracelet you gave me? What danger can there be!"

Li Man thought that with a defensive bracelet, he would not be afraid of anything, otherwise why would he need this defensive bracelet?
"No, Maner, there is nothing in this world that is absolutely defensible, and a defensive bracelet is not necessarily safe. What's more, Maner, this island also needs to be taken care of. I go to the imperial city, and you stay and take care of it for me. This island, work hard to increase the influence of this island, strive to allow more people to live on this island, we want to make this island the only sacred place in the world."

"Then, all right! Brother Yu, I'll stay on the island."

Mo Yu has already said that if she wants to stay on the island to take care of the affairs of the island, then Li Man can only agree to Mo Yu to stay on the island.

"Very good, then go and draw the map of the imperial city! I'll prepare for departure and try to set off the day after tomorrow!"

The sooner you get back the money in the small treasury, the better.So Mo Yu wanted to spend two days arranging the affairs on the island, and then went to the imperial city for an adventure.

After talking with Li Man, Mo Yu went outside to check and don't mention their arrangements again.

Generally speaking, Mo Zai mentioned that their arrangement was very good, at least so far, Mo Yu couldn't find any faults.

Talk to Mo Zai and tell them that after meeting in the living room tomorrow morning, Mo Yu will go back to the mansion to rest.

There was nothing to say all night, and when he woke up the next day, Mo Yu had breakfast and went to the lobby to wait for everyone to arrive.

Before long, all the captains arrived in the reception hall.

After everyone arrived, Mo Yu said: "I called you this morning, mainly because I wanted to take half of you with me to the imperial city, but the problem is that I don't know who to choose to go with me." The imperial city, so I want to ask you, who is willing to go to the imperial city with me?"

"Master, take me, I am willing to accompany you!"

"Master, I am willing too!"

"Master, and me!"


After listening to Mo Yu's words, a group of people quarreled and wanted to go to the imperial city with Mo Yu, hoping that Mo Yu could choose them.

"You are all willing to go, then I will select a few of you to go to the imperial city together, don't mention it again, Wang Anran, Su Yang, you three take your subordinates and me, and the others stay behind. Okay, I didn't choose The ones are gone, don't mention it again, Wang Anran, Su Yang, you three stay here."

Although the three people selected by Mo Yu are not high in force, they all have their own specialties. Needless to say, they are the first in intelligence and are very familiar with the imperial city of the dynasty.Wang Anran is a master swordsman, with a laser sword in his hand, he looks like a demon crawling out of hell, using a sword so superbly that the zombies often have their heads chopped off before they notice him.Su Yang, a scholar, his specialty is not profound knowledge, but very violent, very crazy, ever since he got that invincible laser fan, everyone is like a mad dog, rushing into the crowd of zombies, shooting indiscriminately .

"Yes, Master!"

Those who were not selected showed disappointed expressions, said yes to Mo Yu, and left the hall.

"Don't mention it again, Wang Anran, the two of you go back and organize your team and make preparations for departure tomorrow. As for you, Su Yang, you go back and pick two men who are not afraid of death like you, and let them come over at noon to collect weapons. Now, you all go to work!"

After everyone left, Mo Yu told Mo Zaiti, Wang Anran, and Su Yang.

"Yes, Master!"

Don't mention it again, Wang Anran and Su Yang responded to Mo Yu after hearing Mo Yu's explanation, and then left the hall.

"What kind of weapons should I choose for those people?"

After Mo Zaiti and the others left, Mo Yu thought that Mo Zaiti's men didn't have any weapons that could deal with zombies, so he opened the mall and chose weapons, wanting to choose suitable weapons for Mo Zaiti's men.But the problem now is not to mention that their subordinates are all pirates. Most of them are used to being wild and disobedient. If they are given powerful weapons, I am afraid that their ambitions will expand after possessing powerful weapons. , may want to rebel.But if the power of the given weapon is too weak and cannot kill zombies, then what's the use!Headache!Mo Yu had a headache thinking about it!

"If only there was a potion that could increase the loyalty of those people, I'll wipe it! How did I forget the omnipotent system! Stupid! System, I want to increase the loyalty of Mo Zai's subordinates, is there a way?"

Mo Yu patted himself on the forehead, scolding himself for being stupid, so he asked the system.

"Hello, players, you can directly pay gold coins to increase your loyalty, and let the system modify their loyalty!"

"Damn it! It's that simple! Well, let's estimate how many gold coins will be needed to increase the loyalty of all those subordinates to 85%?"

Mo Yu thought that increasing loyalty needed to be complicated, but he didn't expect the answer given by the system to be so simple.

"It is estimated that it will take 85 million gold coins to increase the loyalty of all your subordinates to 1670%. May I ask the player, do you want to pay 1670 million gold coins to modify the loyalty of your subordinates?"

"Pay it!"

1670 million gold coins is a lot, but Mo Yu thinks it is a good deal. After all, after paying so many gold coins, these pirates will not be betrayed, and it is better for Mo Yu to choose weapons for them.

"System prompt: The loyalty of all your subordinates has been increased!"

"That's it!"

Hearing the system prompt, Mo Yu could choose a weapon right now. After thinking for a while, Mo Yu chose a spear and a broadsword inlaid with obsidian.After making the choice, when Mo Yu wanted to pay, he suddenly remembered that he had given Yi Yang the payment card. These weapons could be purchased by Yi Yang. It's better, after all, it's easy to explain the source of the weapon.

"Yi Yang, Yi Yang, come here!"

After Mo Yu chose the type of weapon, he called Yi Yang who was standing outside the door to come in.

"Master, did you call me?"

After hearing Mo Yude's call, Yi Yang walked into the hall and asked Mo Yudao respectfully.

"Yes, Yi Yang, you go to the blacksmith shop on the main street and buy 50 spears inlaid with obsidian and 100 large knives also inlaid with obsidian. After you buy them, distribute them. Okay, that's it. , go get busy! Call Xiao Mo over by the way!"

After ordering Yi Yang to buy weapons, Mo Yu sat in the lobby and waited for Xiao Mo's arrival.

"Master, did you call me?"

When Xiao Mo came to the hall, he respectfully called Mo Yudao.

"Well, Xiao Mo, I called you here because I wanted to ask you, where did you arrange for the three carpenters I brought back yesterday, young master? Have you arranged a place for them to make furniture?"

Mo Yu called Xiao Mo to ask Xiao Mo about the situation of the three carpenters he brought back yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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