Landlord System

Chapter 25 Robbery, IC, IQ card, all tell me the password? (3)

Chapter 25 Robbery, IC, IQ card, all tell me the password? (3)

At this time, in the House of Representatives.The first seat is the pirate leader, the first leader, the next to the left is the second leader, and the right is the third leader.At this time, the third master was very excited, thinking that he would never see his beloved Xiao Liu again, and almost died for Xiao Liu.Now that Xiao Liu is back, can he not be excited?I can’t wait to rush out and hug Xiao Liu across the room to get involved in the base (Author: Ugh, shit! I almost couldn’t make it up anymore, it’s so fucking disgusting! If it wasn’t for the fun of the plot, I’d just go straight to jump over!).

"Third brother, be safe and don't be impatient! Your Xiaoliu is back, don't worry about it, after I meet Xiaoliu, you can take him away!"

The head of the family doesn't know why his third head of the family is so good. He doesn't like women, but likes men. Who the hell to ask for an argument.

"It's the boss, I will bear it!"

The boss has spoken, so of course the younger ones must obey.

"Boss, I heard that Xiao Liu captured the brother who killed dozens of us alive. I don't know how Xiao Liu managed to do it. It couldn't be that Xiao Liu was bought by someone!"

What the second master can't stand the most is the special hobby of the third master, so he will make trouble for the third master from time to time.

"Second brother, you fart! Xiao Liu is not that kind of person. Brother, look, the second child has started to trouble me again!"

The second leader troubled the third leader, of course the third leader was upset, so he refuted the second leader and sued the first leader.

"Okay, I'm not a child, what's the trouble, second child, please stop talking."

The first head is very big, the second head doesn't like the special hobbies of the first head, and he doesn't like it either, but whoever makes the third head his own younger brother, he has to accept it if he doesn't like it.

"Yes, boss!"

Since the first master asked him to talk less, the second master had no choice but to accept it.

After waiting for a while, the chief saw three people walking in from the House of Representatives. After looking carefully, he realized that it was two people escorting one person in, and the person who was suppressed should be the pirate group who killed him. Dozens of brethren's guys.

The third master also saw the three people who walked in from [-], but he didn't pay attention to the person who was escorted in, but to the person holding the trident in his hand. When he saw the appearance of that person clearly, he immediately Regardless of his own identity, he rushed over and hugged that person, and cried while hugging, "Xiao Liu, it's really you! Woooo~ Xiaoliu, I thought you were dead, woooo~"

And these three people are Mo Yu, Zhan Yang, and the strong man named Xiaomei.

"Three, three masters, can you let go first!"

As soon as he entered the meeting hall, he was hugged by the third leader. Mo Yu looked confused. What the hell is going on?

When the third master heard Mo Yu call him the third master, his face changed, and then he thought of something, so he said to Mo Yu coquettishly: "Xiao Liu, you have changed. Didn't you call him wife before? Why do you call him now? Three in charge? I know, Xiao Liu, you are angry with others. It is because they are bad. They did not pick you up immediately when they evacuated. Xiao Liu, they made a mistake, so don't be angry with them! is it okay?"

"My Nima!"

God!Quickly, let a bolt of lightning strike this big guy who is so gay!It's so fucking uncomfortable!

Mo Yu is about to throw up, motherfucker!No wonder it made him feel gross before, it turns out that the root of everything lies in this big guy, damn it!If a big man acts like a baby, there is nothing wrong with women, because women can't stand the way a big man acts like a baby!
"Fuck you! Labor and capital don't pretend anymore, Zhan Yang, I'll give you the trident!"

Mo Yu couldn't bear it any longer, he kicked the third leader flying, and then shot the big guy named Xiaomei who led the way with his pistol, and threw the trident to Zhan Yang by the way.

"Xiao Liu, you."

Seeing Mo Yu go crazy suddenly, the third master couldn't accept it, and looked at Mo Yu stupidly.

"What are you, your Xiaoliu died long ago, see clearly that I am the richest man Mo Yumo, the owner of the island you wanted to attack yesterday, today, I have nothing to say, just two words, robbery! IC, IQ card all tell me the password! I wipe it! I ran out of the market! Don’t worry, I’m here to rob and settle accounts.”

Mo Yu saw what the third master was going to say, so he interrupted him and took off the mask by the way.

The head of the family was stunned by Mo Yu at the beginning, but after Mo Yu finished speaking, he stood up from his seat, pointed at Mo Yu and said, "It's you! You are so brave! Just two people dare to break into our Fire Legion , I really don’t know how to live or die, come and arrest these two fools! I want to avenge the dozens of warriors of my fire!"

After the big master had finished speaking, many people rushed into the hall, and they surrounded Mo Yu and Zhan Yang.

"I advise you, let me rob properly, otherwise, I will make you look good!"

Seeing a group of people surrounding him, Mo Yu wasn't afraid at all. With just this few people, it wasn't enough for Zhan Yang to fight a round, so what are you afraid of!Be arrogant when you should be arrogant!
Seeing Mo Yu's arrogance, the boss sneered and said: "Boy, you are quite arrogant! Why do you want us to look good? Is it just with the hidden weapon in your hand? Or with the trident in that guy's hand?"

"Yes, with these two weapons in our hands, we can make you look good, don't you believe me?"

Mo Yu didn't know where the boss was so confident, so he looked down upon the weapons in his and Zhan Yang's hands. Didn't he know that he could kill a bunch of his men instantly with just one move of the trident in Zhan Yang's hand?

"Boss, boss, we still listen to him, we will give him whatever he wants!"

The big leader really didn't know the power of the weapon in Zhan Yang's hand, because the third leader didn't tell him.So at this time, the third leader, after regaining his senses, trembled when he heard Mo Yu's words of trying, and began to persuade his boss.

"Third brother, what are you afraid of, isn't it just a broken hidden weapon and a broken trident? What are you afraid of! Boss, hurry up and get them caught, I'm going back to sleep with women!"

The second leader really disliked the third leader, and refuted what the third leader said.

"Old man, why are you shaking so much? Is there something you are hiding from me?"

The eldest master heard the words of the third master and saw the trembling of the third master, so he didn't understand why the third master was so scared, so he asked the third master.

"Master, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I didn't tell you that dozens of our brothers were instantly killed by this trident. Master, I beg you to promise him not to test the power of the trident. , That is not a weapon that can be used by humans at all, but a weapon of God, that weapon will release lightning, and it is that lightning that instantly killed those dozens of brothers."

"Damn it, third child, you are going to kill us! Uh, then, what, everyone put down their weapons, it's all a misunderstanding, sir, don't be impulsive, it's all our fault, sir, you said just now that you want to kill us!" Robbery, I don’t know what you want to rob, we are very poor here, I probably won’t satisfy you! Please bear with me!”

Hearing the explanation from the third master, the eldest master immediately wanted to violently kill this bastard.Damn!Such important information was not disclosed.This is embarrassing, but for the sake of my own life, the head of the family feels that it is not about investigating the situation of the third head's concealment, but how to make Mo Yu and the others feel comfortable.

Mo Yu saw that everyone had given up, so he relaxed and said pretentiously: "This is the right attitude! We are all civilized people and should not fight or kill. If you treat each other with courtesy, then we will There is nothing to be impulsive, Zhan Yang, put away your weapons. We are here to rob, not to kill!"

"Yes, yes! We are civilized people!"

At this time, the head said yes, but in his heart he had already scolded Mo Yu bloody.

"Okay, since you are so sincere, I won't rob you, just rob all your gold treasures, let someone move them here, don't play tricks, I know how many gold jewels you have on this island. "

In fact, Mo Yu didn't know how many gold and jewels there were on this island, he said this to make a big boss.What's more, I don't know it for the time being, but as long as there are gold coins, wouldn't the system know it by spending money?

"Yes, wait a moment, I'll have someone move it here! Someone, bring a chair for this man to sit on, and also have all our gold and jewelry brought here!"

Okay, just gold and jewels.The boss thought Mo Yu was asking for food!After all, in the apocalypse, gold jewelry is not very valuable, and the most valuable thing is food.If what Mo Yu robbed was food, then the boss would never agree to it so simply.

Under the order of the master, someone sent a chair to Mo Yu, and Mo Yu sat on the chair and waited for the pirates to bring their gold and jewelry over.

Mo Yu didn't make Mo Yu wait long, and soon, Mo Yu saw a dozen pirates carrying 8 large boxes in, lined up, and opened the lid of the boxes.Immediately, Mo Yu was dazzled by the gold in the box.

"My God! So much gold, and so much jewelry, it's gone, it's definitely gone."

There are 6 boxes of gold and 2 boxes of jewelry, which are worth more than 3000 million gold coins in the mall.This made Mo Yu very happy. Without a word, he immediately rushed to a box and started the recovery system. In less than a second, the gold in this box was recovered, and then Mo Yu moved to another box to continue recycling until the gold was recovered. All gold jewelry is recycled.

"Very good, I am very satisfied! Since you are so honest, I will not make it difficult for you, Zhan Yang, let's go!"

Mo Yu loved these pirates so much, he was overjoyed to have sent him so many gold coins.Originally, he wanted to kill the pirates after getting the gold coins, but now Mo Yu changed his mind and decided to let the pirates go and raise the pirates as cows. When there are no more gold coins, he will come to rob again.

"Master, go slowly! Don't come next time!"

The master was scared, originally thought that Mo Yu would not be able to hold so many gold coins, but who knew that Mo Yu could directly disappear them, which surprised and scared the master.He hurriedly sent Mo Yu off without even thinking of stopping him.

 The second update, everyone, for the sake of the author's hard work, please give some recommendation tickets!I have spent all my time on code words, don't let my efforts down!Recommended tickets come here!I will continue!


(End of this chapter)

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