Landlord System

Chapter 24 Robbery, ICIQ card, all tell me the password! (2)

Chapter 24 Robbery, ICIQ card, all tell me the password! (2)

How can I cook the rice without cooking it in a pot? Waiting online!Very urgent!

Facing the empty kitchen, Mo Yu didn't know where he got the food he ate last night, and wanted to ask Wang Er, but now Wang Er has turned into a zombie.There is no way, Mo Yu can only look outside.

When he came outside, Mo Yu searched for a while, but couldn't find anything to eat. Mo Yu was very angry. These gangsters really don't want people to live.

"Damn! No money, no food, it seems that the schedule of robbing the pirates has to be advanced."

Mo Yu originally wanted to wait for the arrival of the seven men he had recruited before he went to rob the pirates, but now he has no choice but to move ahead.

"Zhan Yang, Zhan Yang, don't sleep, we will rob now!"

Back at the rich man's hut, Mo Yu quickly woke up Zhan Yang who had just slept for less than two hours.

"Well~ Master, you call me? Ho~"

Zhan Yang, who just played chess with Zhou Gong, was woken up by Mo Yu again, very helpless.He yawned a lot and asked Mo Yu.

"Zhan Yang, let's rob now."


I wipe!What's happening here?Zhan Yang was stunned.Is it because I have auditory hallucinations before I wake up, or I am sleepwalking.Didn't you say it was two days ago?
"I said, let's rob now! What's wrong?"

Mo Yu saw Zhan Yang's confused look and said it again.

"Master, why did you change your mind again?"

Well, it seems that it's not that I have auditory hallucinations or sleepwalking, but that the young master really wants to rob now.Zhan Yang is helpless, the young master is making such a fuss again?
Hearing Zhan Yang's question, Mo Yu replied sheepishly: "Oh, that's it. We have no food on the island. If we don't go out to rob, we will run out of food and starve."

"No way! I remember there are two big barrels of sago. Could it be that the gang of slaves took it away?"

Zhan Yang clearly remembered that there were still two large barrels of sago, but if there were no more for a while, those slaves took them away.

"Yes, the gang of slaves took it away, even the pots we used to cook, motherfucker! Now we have nothing to eat, so I want to grab the pirates' food and gold now."

Mo Yu hated those slaves to death, motherfucker!Even if he ran away, he didn't forget to loot the things of his great rich man.So Mo Yu vowed that next time he meets those slaves, he must teach him a lesson.

"Then, alright, young master, let's go now, but what should we do if we don't mention it again? He's still in a coma."

Well, there is no food left, and now it is right to rob pirates, so Zhan Yang agreed, but he remembered the unconscious Mo Zaiti, so he asked Mo Yu.

"It's okay, just let him lie down here. We're not far away, and we can make a round trip in half a day."

Those pirates were not far from Mo Yu's island, about 20 nautical miles away, so Mo Yu thought it would be safer for Mo Yu to lie here alone.After all, Mo Yu didn't go there and not come back, but just went to rob.

"Okay then, master, let's go!"

After everything was arranged, there was nothing else to say, Zhan Yang and Mo Yu went to the seaside, boarded the fishing boat, and went to the place where the pirates were.

An hour and a half later, Mo Yu and Zhan Yang arrived at the island where the pirates were.

"Master, are you sure it's here? Why doesn't it look like an island where people live!"

Looking at the pirate island, Zhan Yang always feels that this is not an inhabited island. If there are inhabited islands, the island should not be densely jungled, and even a pirate ship cannot be seen.

"It's here. The reason why you don't see people living on this island is because the pirates picked a good place. That place is the bay of the island. The bay is close to the center of the island. You can't see the bay from the outside. , I want to take a hidden waterway to get in, come, paddle with me, and I will show you the hidden waterway.”

This island is definitely suitable for pirates, because there is a very spacious bay near the center of the island. The bay is like a pocket. meters, a cave with a height of 10 meters, and the second half is very large. The area of ​​the entire pocket belly is about 8 square meters, the sea area is 5 square meters, and the rest is land area. Such a large bay is enough to accommodate Get a pirate group of less than 2 people.

With Zhan Yang, Mo Yu quickly saw the cave, but the problem was that the cave was surrounded by a wall, and there was a sluice in the middle of the wall that could pass a 5-meter-wide ship.Now the sluice is closed, and there are still some pirates standing on both sides of the sluice.

"Zhan Yang, look, that's the entrance to the pirate den. We have to find a way to sneak in. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Seeing the closed sluice from a distance, Mo Yu had a big head and didn't know how to get in, so he asked Zhan Yang.

"Master, I thought about it for a while. I think it's good for us to go in directly. There is no need to sneak into the pirate's den."

"No, look at those guards. They have bows and arrows in their hands. We can't attack directly. Let me think about it. By the way, didn't those pirates attack our pirates before? And you killed a lot of pirates , They probably hate you very much now. Otherwise, I will pretend to be a pirate, and you will pretend to be captured by me. Let's try to see if we can get in. If not, then we will fight directly. Do you think this is okay? "

Mo Yu disagreed with Zhan Yang's idea of ​​doing it directly, so he rejected Zhan Yang's doing so.Then he thought of a way and told Zhan Yang.

"This method should work, but young master, you probably know those pirates by your appearance, how do you pretend to be a pirate?"

The solution is feasible, but Zhan Yang feels that those pirates all know Mo Yu. After all, they have seen Mo Yu when they attacked the island before. It is estimated that some people in the pirate den are holding Mo Yu's portrait everywhere to promote Mo Yu. look!
"No, look at my transformation!"

Faced with this problem, Zhan Yang has long since found a solution, that is, there is a face-changing mask in the mall, and the price is not expensive, that is, 199 gold coins.The reason why the price is so cheap is that this kind of mask is only disposable, and it will be scrapped after use.

After purchasing the mask, Zhan Yang put on the mask, and instantly changed into a different person, and this person was still a member of the pirate group, a pirate who died in Wang's second hand.

"Master, this thing is awesome! It's so real! It's not a mask at all."

Zhan Yang admired Mo Yu completely after seeing him put on the mask.

"Okay, don't touch it, and give me your weapon. Prisoners don't need weapons."

He was about to reach the sight of the pirates, and Zhan Yang was still touching his face, so Mo Yu hurriedly told Zhan Yang not to touch it, and took Zhan Yang's trident by the way.

"Remember to act like a prisoner and don't show your flaws!"

After taking Zhan Yang's weapon, Mo Yu confessed that after seeing Zhan Yang nodding, he immediately pretended to be very serious.

"Stop, who are you?"

Less than 20 meters away from the sluice gate, Mo Yu was stopped by the guards on the sluice gate.

"Master, little one..."

"Xiao Liu, it's you, your kid is still alive, that's great, open the door quickly, and notify the third master, and say that Xiao Liu is back!"

When Mo Yu heard the question from the person on the sluice, he just wanted to make up a random name to deal with it, but he was interrupted by the person who asked the question as soon as he opened his mouth. Fortunately, it was the person who asked the question who interrupted. The random name is wrong, and it is very likely to be exposed.

"It's me, I'm Xiao Liu, by the way, I captured the murderer who killed dozens of our brothers, let me go to see the head of the family, I want to receive a reward!"

Damn!Almost exposed, Mo Yu was sweating all over, but luckily the man revealed his identity in advance.

"Okay, Xiao Liu, you are awesome, you can catch such a person! Great, hurry up, row in, let's go see the boss."

The person who had been talking to Mo Yu didn't doubt Mo Yu's words, so he quickly asked Mo Yu to row in.

After Mo Yu rowed into the sluice, Mo Yu saw the situation behind the sluice.Behind the sluice, part of the originally spacious cave was occupied by a row of pontoon bridges, and the remaining part could only accommodate a five-meter-wide sea boat to pass through.

After Mo Yu's boat came in, the person who had been talking to Mo Yu guided Mo Yu into the bay.When he got to the place where the boat stopped, before Mo Yu stopped the boat, he jumped up and helped Mo Yu stop the boat.

After the man jumped on the boat, he helped Mo Yu to stop the boat and said to Mo Yu: "Xiao Liu, you don't know that when you are away, the third person in charge can't sleep well, but he is thinking about it day and night waiting for you to come back. Now You are back, the third leader must be very happy, by the way, Xiao Liu, why don't you tie him up?"

The first half of what the man said gave Mo Yu an ominous feeling that something was wrong, but now is not the time to worry about it, so he replied to the man: "It's okay, this man fought with zombies before. He was seriously injured, otherwise how could I have captured him!"

"That's good! Hey, Xiaoliu, let's go. I'll take you to find the third master. I think the third master is waiting impatiently."

After hearing Mo Yu's explanation, the man didn't doubt it, and he seemed to trust this person named Xiao Liu very much.

Asking himself and him to go to the Third Master, without Zhan Yang, Mo Yu felt that this was inappropriate, so he said: "Well, my lord, I want to take this person to meet the Third Master first, and then go to the Third Master. look?"

"No, Xiao Liu, don't call me an adult, just call me Xiaomei as before! Well, you have to meet the big master first, of course you can, let's go, I will escort him to meet the big master with you."

The man was very hesitant when Mo Yu called him an adult, so he asked Mo Yu not to call him an adult, but to call him Xiaomei.

"Okay, Xiaomei, let's go. You, get up and walk with us!"

Xiaomei, this name is awesome!Mo Yu really admired it. A big man with a stubble on his face named him this name, so there is no need to explain it!

After calling Zhan Yang, Mo Yu and the big man named Xiaomei escorted Zhan Yang to the House of Representatives to meet the leader.

 I'm too lazy to type anymore, everyone look at it and give a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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