Landlord System

Chapter 21 Cool 3's Revenge 3

Chapter 21 Ryo San's Revenge 3
"Wang Er, what's going on outside? Such a big movement makes me worried!"

Seeing Wang Er walking into the hall, Mo Zaiti asked Wang Er directly.

"In the slave group, there was a zombie making troubles, and now everything is solved, but now there is a new problem, that is, a new kind of zombie has appeared. This kind of zombie is different from the zombies we have seen in the past. They can disguise Adults, we can’t recognize them without being exposed, and now I suspect that there are still such zombies among the slaves, so I want to discuss with the young master, what should we do now? By the way, where is the young master?”

Wang Er saw that there was no need to ask any more questions, so he explained the situation outside.

"The young master has gone to rest, so we won't disturb him. I think we should find a way to solve this problem instead of asking the young master everything!"

Mo Zaiti answered Wang Er and suggested that they solve the problem.

Since this problem needs to be solved by himself, Wang Er said first: "Well, let's discuss how to solve it! Don't mention it again, do you have any good suggestions?"

"I don't have a good suggestion, but I have an idea, why not let those slaves fend for themselves, as long as you protect the young master, what do others have to do with you and me? Let alone slaves, in this chaotic era, it is not easy to recruit slaves matter?"

"No way, we can't give up those slaves. Although slaves are easy to recruit, if we give up those slaves and turn them into zombies, it would be like killing a thousand enemies and harming ourselves. We don't want this kind of idea. explain!"

Mo Zaiti's idea is very cold-blooded. Wang Er does not accept this idea. After all, slaves are human beings, not to mention letting the slaves fend for themselves. That is to let the half-human and half-corpse increase his troop strength, so Wang Er will not give up. .

"Zhan Yang, what do you think?"

Since Mo Zai's idea didn't work, Wang Er asked Zhan Yang who had been silent all this time.

"Kill, kill all the slaves. Staying will only increase the opponent's troops. It's better to kill all the slaves. It's a big deal to recruit a few more slaves after the event!"

"You, alas! Zhan Yang, you are a complete cold-blooded animal, you can say such ruthless words! Forget it, don't think about it, first surround these slaves to strengthen surveillance, at worst, if you find one, you will kill one. At dawn, after the sun comes out, you can see who is a zombie, then you continue to guard here, and I will make arrangements."

Zhan Yang's words were even more cold-blooded. Wang Er could only temporarily strengthen the surveillance of the slaves and strengthen external patrols.

Walking out of the rich man's hut, Wang Er hurried to arrange these matters.After everything was done, Wang Er could only wait for the sunshine to come.

Dawn is the most sleepy time for people.And Liang San took advantage of this and launched an attack on Wang Er at dawn.

The first thing that broke out was the guards following Wang Er. These guards were transformed by Liang San, so Liang San ordered them to capture Wang Er when Wang Er was sleepy.

Because he was following his guards all the time, Wang Er was not wary of them, and soon those guards who turned into zombies caught Wang Er, and stopped Wang Er's mouth to make him speak, and then they were under the cover of other zombies , quietly took Wang Er away.

After taking Wang Er out of the crowd, these zombies carried Wang Er to the only cave on the beach. Inside, Wang Er's mouth was released, but his hands and feet were still held by the zombies.

"Are you all going to rebel? Let me go!"

Wang Er who was caught here was still in a dazed state, not sure why the people he brought brought him here.

"Don't waste your energy! Wang Er, long time no see!"

When Wang Er was struggling, Wang Er heard Liang San's voice, and immediately understood that it is hard to guard against a house thief!He had been guarding against zombies coming out of the slaves, but he hadn't guarded against the people around him. It turned out that these guards had become half-human, half-corpse subordinates.

"Liang San! It turns out that you did all of this!"

"Hehe, Wang Er, it's too late for you to know, so what happened to me, you are my prisoner now, wait a minute, I will make you my slave, and let you assassinate your master, That rich dog! Hehehe, I am very happy to think that I, Liangsan, will be able to avenge my revenge immediately!"

"Liang San, you're dreaming! I won't be your slave, let alone assassinate the young master. Get the hell out of here! Pooh!"

Liang San's words made Wang Er very disdainful. He, Wang Er, is loyal to Master Mo Yu and may betray Mo Yu.

"Whether you want to be my slave or not is not up to you, but up to me, catch him, I want to suck his blood!"

Wang Er's words angered Liang San, Liang San was very angry, and didn't want to force Wang Er anymore, so he directly asked his zombies to grab Wang Er, he wanted to suck Wang Er's blood and make Wang Er his slave.

"Liangsan, you must die!"

Hearing Liang San's words, Wang Er knew that he was going to die, so he desperately cursed Liang San to die!

"I don't want to die well! Haha, I don't want to die well in the first place, why do I still want you to curse me?"

Damn!Forget about it!Wang Er really forgot that Liang San really had a bad death, but was shot to death by Mo Yu, so can that curse be taken back?

No matter what Wang Er thinks, Liang San is about to go to Wang Er's neck and suck Wang Er's blood.

Afterwards, Wang Er became Liang San's blood slave directly because Liang San injected the zombie virus when he sucked blood.


After being transformed into a zombie, Wang Er is no longer loyal to Mo Yu, but transfers his loyalty to Liang San, and calls Liang San the master.

"Very good! Wang Er, now I want you to go back to where you were before, pretend nothing happened, and wait until dawn (ps: to explain, half-human half-corpse are not afraid of the sun, but they can't stay in the sun for a long time) In the sun, staying in the sun for a long time will make their skin burn!) You go to see the rich dog and take his life before he is killed, understand?"

After Wang Er is settled, the plan can proceed to the next step. Liang San said that the plan is going well, and the rich dog can be killed soon.

"Yes, my master!"

After Wang Er agreed, he took the original guards and walked back to the original position.

And when Wang Er walked back, what Wang Er didn't know was that Mo Yu knew about his betrayal when he was just transformed into a zombie, and the reason Mo Yu knew was because he had a system.

"Warning! Warning! Players, please pay attention. Due to your negligence, the manager you designated has joined the hostile camp. Players, please pay attention! Warning! Warning! Players, please pay attention. , players please pay attention!"

Just when Mo Yu was sleeping soundly, Mo Yu was woken up by the warning sound of the system!

"Hmm~ System, what's wrong?"

Mo Yu, who had just woken up, was still a little fuzzy. He couldn't hear the system's first and second warnings clearly, so he asked the system again.

"Warning! Warning! Players, please pay attention. Due to your negligence, the manager you designated has joined the hostile camp. Please pay attention!"

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

The system responded to Mo Yu's words and warned again, but this warning immediately woke up Mo Yu from his dazed state!
"Damn it! I just fell asleep and said, how can my manager join the hostile camp? It's impossible! Wang Er's loyalty to me, I'm sorry, how did Wang Er's loyalty to me change overnight? It's -100%, are you kidding?"

Mo Yu didn’t believe that Wang Er would betray him. After all, his previous loyalty reached 96%, so it was impossible for him to betray him. But after he checked Wang Er’s loyalty, he was immediately frightened. What does -100% mean? It represented an absolute betrayal, so Mo Yu hurriedly got up and hurried to the hall, and saw Mo Zaiti and Zhan Yang drinking tea and chatting.Immediately said to them: "Don't mention it again, Zhan Yang, we are in trouble! Chief Wang Er betrayed us! Hurry up! You go and take over the team patrolling outside and let them guard against Wang Er. If you see Wang Er, don't Whatever you say, kill it!"

Here, sir!Are you sleepy? Wang Er discussed it with us before, why is it so fast, damn it!Could it be that Wang Er was bitten by a zombie and turned into a zombie?This is not bad!Let's go to Zhanyang, let's quickly organize the manpower, be careful of Wang Er! "

Mo Zaiti originally suspected that Mo Yu was sleeping and dreamed of Wang Er's betrayal, but after thinking about it carefully, Wang Er hadn't said that there were zombies hiding in the crowd before, so Wang Er was probably bitten by a zombie and has become zombies.Thinking of this, Mo Zaiti hurriedly went out with Zhan Yang to organize people to guard against Wang Er and the zombies hiding in the crowd.

"Damn it! Wang Er has definitely turned into a zombie. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that Wang Er's loyalty is -100%. Fuck, it's really annoying!"

Wang Er turned into a zombie, which meant that Mo Yu lost an excellent supervisor. Mo Yu regretted it to death. If he had known, he would not have let Wang Er go outside to manage those slaves. Yes, it will be very difficult to find such a general in the future. For now, Mo Zai Mention can be used as a support, but Mo Zai Meni's ability is definitely overkill when used in management.

The camera came outside.Outside, Mo Zaiti was reorganizing manpower to strengthen patrols, while Zhan Yang was in charge of guarding the group of slaves and also guarding against external threats.

And when Zhan Yang was in charge of guarding, Zhan Yang saw a few people walking swayingly from a distance, which immediately made Zhan Yang's bell ring loudly, and immediately reminded him not to pay attention to those people.

"Stop! Who are you, report your name!"

When the visitors were about to approach here, Mo Zaiti hurriedly made a sound to stop them from approaching.

"It's me, Wang Er! Don't mention it again, why did you come out!"

The one who responded to Mo Zai's mention was Wang Er, and these people were Wang Er and his guards.

"Wang Er, very good, you dare to betray the young master! Zhan Yang, get rid of him!"

When Mo Zaiti heard that it was Wang Er, he immediately gritted his teeth and ordered Zhan Yang to dispatch to kill the traitor Wang Er who betrayed Mo Yu.

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(End of this chapter)

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