Landlord System

Chapter 20 Cool 3's Revenge 2

Chapter 20 Ryo San's Revenge 2
"Master, we are not in a bad situation. Don't worry if we are here! Nothing will happen tonight."

Don't mention that he is full of confidence, and his self-confidence comes from Zhan Yang's force value. With Zhan Yang, don't mention that he believes that the half-human, half-corpse arrester is Zhan Yang's opponent.

"Be careful! Then I'll go to rest first, just call me if you need anything!"

Don’t mention the self-confidence again, which makes Mo Yu feel a little worried about him. Now the enemy is in the dark and will attack at any time. It is very necessary to improve defense, but it doesn’t matter in the local rich man’s hut. Only Mo Yu’s men can enter here. Half-human, half-corpse would definitely not be able to enter here.

After telling Zhan Yang Mo again to tell them to be careful, Mo Yu went back to the bedroom and wanted to sleep. After all, he hadn't slept well for many days. He was too sleepy and couldn't hold on, so he should rest!
Back in the bedroom, Mo Yu didn't care about the empty bed, just lay down and fell asleep.

And when Mo Yu was asleep, Mo Yu didn't know that the half-human, half-corpse Liang San was planning to activate the half-human, half-corpse zombie he had ambushed in the slave crowd in advance to create chaos.

As mentioned earlier, Liang San was dead, and his body was thrown into the sea, and the body that was thrown into the sea floated along the current to a strange island, and the strange thing about this island is that the island is shrouded in clouds and fog all the year round, and there is no sunshine all year round, so There are no plants on this island, not even marine life near the sea.

There should be no creatures on such a weird island, but the problem is that there are not only creatures on this island, but also two special creatures, and there are a lot of them. The largest one is a kind of black beetle, which is very large. Big, black all over, with very scary fangs on the head, and this kind of beetle is highly poisonous, afraid of sunlight, and often lives with carrion corpses, and this kind of beetle is a corpse beetle.This kind of corpse worm lives on land all year round, and is very resistant to seawater with a lot of salt, so this kind of corpse worm has never left this island.It is said that this kind of corpse insects feed on carrion and dead bodies, but this uninhabited island, where do carrion and dead bodies come from, so I have to mention another creature on this island-insect eaters

Insect-eaters are special creatures formed by the mutation of monkeys. The life cycle of this kind of creatures is very short, and they die in almost two years, but they multiply and grow fast, which makes them almost occupy this island, but it also causes Due to the shortage of food, the only food they can eat is corpse worms. Except for corpse worms, they cannot swallow other food, so they grow after the death of their own kind, and use the corpses of their own kind to feed corpse worms, so that the corpses Insects survive on this island.Insectivores are also afraid of sea water, so neither creature will leave the island unless someone brings them out of the island.And if someone brings corpse insects and insect eaters out of the island, it will destroy the whole world, because these two creatures carry zombie virus and are highly contagious. The cloud contains to stop the spread of this zombie virus, then the world has long been turned into a zombie world.

So the topic is coming, this world has become a zombie world, how did it cause it?

In fact, the source is this island, not an island problem, but a human problem.He is a vendor who specializes in selling strange creatures. He accidentally broke into this weird island and found a monkey-like insect eater. He felt that this creature was of very high value, so he took his men to capture it. I picked up one, and then left the island with this insect-eating monster. After leaving the area covered by clouds and mist, the corpse puppet died directly due to the change in the environment. Turned into zombies, causing these zombies to attack wildly after returning to the land, which caused the arrival of the zombie apocalypse.

After saying so much, I actually want to say that Liang San’s body drifted to this island and was discovered by an insect-eating monster. After discovering Liang San’s body, the insect-eating monster took Liang San’s body and killed her. The corpse was dragged to the place where corpse bugs were fed, hoping that the corpse bugs would use the corpse as food, but who knew that after being bitten by the corpse bug, Liang San's body mutated, turning Liang San into a half-human, half-corpse special zombie.

Liang San woke up after becoming a half-human, half-corpse zombie, and after waking up, Liang San realized that he was not a human being, but a half-human, half-corpse zombie, and also understood that he had become this half-human The half-corpse zombie has a special ability, that is, all human beings bitten by him will become his kind, and they are also controlled by him.After realizing this, Liang San has a crazy plan. His plan is to use this special ability to avenge Mo Yu and kill Mo Yu.So Liang San tried to find a way to return to the island where Mo Yu was.

After Liang San's hard work, Liang San finally returned to the island where Mo Yu was, and happened to encounter pirates attacking the island, so Liang San took advantage of Mo Yu's focus on the pirates to sneak into the slave group , bit a few slaves, and took advantage of the chaos to leave the slave group and lurk on the mountain where the crater was.

But not long after he had been lurking, he ran into Mo Zaiti who was about to eliminate the four pirates.

Liang San didn't know Mo Zaiti, but he felt that Mo Zaiti must be someone close to Mo Yu, so he stopped Mo Zaiti and told Mo Zaiti that he was half-human and half-corpse Liang San, and asked Mo Zaiti to pass on the message For Mo Yu, he came back for revenge!After finishing speaking, he was knocked unconscious and never mentioned it again.The reason why Mo Zaiti was knocked unconscious was that Liang San wanted to see if anyone was looking for Mo Zaiti. If no one was looking for Mo Zaiti, then this Mo Zaiti was not an important person around Mo Yu, so there was no need for Liang San to waste time here. This kind of person is directly transformed into Mo Zaiti and becomes his own slave.And if it is important, then he can see clearly how many people who are very important to him are around Mo Yu, and his plan is to kill these important people first, so that Mo Yu will lose his minions.

Fortunately, Mo Zaiti is still very important to Mo Yu. Liang San lurked near Mo Zaiti until the evening, saw the appearance of Zhan Yang, and also saw and felt the threat of Zhan Yang's weapon to him. Immediately, he didn't dare to move easily, and patiently waited for Zhan Yang to leave with Mo Zaiti on his back.

After Zhan Yang left, Liang San dared to move, and said to himself: "Huh~ that person is so dangerous! It's really not easy to take revenge on that rich dog, but I will never give up! I want bit by bit To consume the people around the rich dog, start with the easiest one, Wang Er, the lackey of the rich dog."

As night fell, it was the best time for Liang San to take action, so Liang San took advantage of the cover of night to quietly lurk where Wang Er was, which was the construction site where the slaves' residence was being built.At this construction site, the group of slaves stayed here because Wang Er ordered them to rest here, so all the slaves stayed here, including the zombies hidden among the slaves.

Although Liang San lurks near Wang Er, it is very difficult to attack Wang Er, because there are many guards around Wang Er, although Liang San is not afraid of those guards, but Liang San is afraid that those guards will hold him back and make Wang Er escape. So Liang San needs to activate the zombies hidden among the slaves to create chaos and distract Wang Er and the guards around him.

When the plan started, the zombies among the slaves were the first to attack. After receiving Liang San's order, those zombies showed their fangs one after another, threw down the slaves around them, and sucked the blood of the slaves, making the slaves scream , thus causing chaos in the entire slave group.

At the beginning of the chaos among the slaves, Wang Er realized that something was wrong, so he led the guards around him into the crowd, and saw a few zombies sucking blood.Seeing the blood-sucking zombies, without saying a word, Wang Er took a metal rod and killed one of the zombies. He hit the zombie with a metal rod, and the high-voltage electricity was released instantly, directly causing the zombie and its body to The person who was sucked by the blood was directly coked.After this zombie was charred, Wang Er continued to kill another one, which was also a stick, and this zombie was also charred. Just like this, he swung the stick six times in a row, and all the zombies in the slave group were wiped out!
"Okay, all of you be quiet, the zombies here are all dead, Xiaotao will lead someone to clean up these zombie corpses, gather them all, and we will burn them tomorrow!"

After getting rid of the troublesome zombies in the slave group, Wang Er ordered his subordinates to do things, and he led people to investigate how these zombies got into the slave group.

And Liang San, who was lurking near Wang Er, originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos and take Wang Er's point in one fell swoop, but when he saw that Wang Er easily killed the first zombie with the metal rod, he immediately changed his mind , Take down some of the people around Liang San first.

So he took advantage of the chaos and quickly bit a few guards around Wang Er. After transforming these guards, Liang San quickly retreated, waiting for the right time to attack.

After investigating for half an hour, Wang Er finally knew how these zombies got in!These zombies did not sneak in at all. They were originally human beings who were slaves, but they were artificially transformed into zombies. This sounds creepy, and these transformed zombies were not exposed. Cases like humans are really hard to recognize.So now Wang Er is highly suspicious that there should still be such zombies ambushing among this group of slaves.

In order not to cause further confusion, Wang Er concealed the results of this investigation and strengthened the monitoring of the slave population.Afterwards, Wang Er left the slave group and wanted to go back to the rich man's hut to report the situation to Mo Yu.

The distance between the construction site and the rich man's hut was not very far. Wang Er quickly entered the rich man's hut, and saw Mo Zaiti and Zhan Yang anxiously looking out the door in the lobby.

 Damn it, I’ve been blocked. I’m posting again.

(End of this chapter)

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