Landlord System

Chapter 192 The Western Continent Included

Chapter 192 The Western Continent Included
City of the Holy Spirit, today is the day when the Catholic Pope leads all the high-level officials to visit the Temple of Light.Before dawn, all the high-level officials went down to Andrew City under the leadership of the Pope.When they arrived at Andrew City, they saw the white Temple of Light outside the city.

"Welcome Pope Ans of God to visit the temple of my God. I am Saint Novasi, please!"

When the high-level members of the Church of God came to the Temple of Light led by the Pope, a group of people walked out of the Temple of Light, led by a holy envoy in white uniform, who came out to welcome the members of the Church of God.

"Holy envoy Novasi, you are welcome, let's go, take me in and have a look!"

The Temple of Light, the Pope of the Catholic Church has never entered, so he is naturally curious.Follow the Holy Envoy Novasi into the Temple of Light.

The Temple of Light is still as white as ever, so white that you can't see the edge. After the Catholic Pope arrived here, he ignored the people behind him and went directly to the statue of the God of Light and knelt down like a fanatical believer.

As for the high-ranking Catholics who followed the Pope, no one jumped out at this moment to say that the Pope was wrong. Their brains were being brainwashed by the brainwashing machine that was systematically installed in the Temple of Light. Naturally, no one stood up to say that the Pope It's not.

Not only the high level of the Catholic Church was systematically brainwashed, but almost all the people in the Garcia Empire were systematically brainwashed.

The way the system brainwashes these people is through a special brainwashing machine on top of the Temple of Light.This special brainwashing machine is similar to the brainwashing device in the movie "Men in Black" we watched. It has a spherical flashlight on it. Once the flashlight is turned on, all people who see the flash will be brainwashed by the system. This covers almost all aspects of brainwashing. 80% of the population of the Garcia Empire, which means that all the nearly 3 million people in the Garcia Empire have been successfully brainwashed by the system, changed their beliefs, and believed in the God of Light.

After this brainwashing, the Western Continent was officially captured by the system.However, the system also suffered losses. Enabling brainwashing requires energy. Originally supported by Mo Yu’s gold coins, the system also supported the rapid construction of the Temple of Light in the Garcia Empire. However, after Mo Yu’s gold coins were all consumed, the system only Can use his original power to brainwash the people of the Garcia Empire.Fortunately, with the blessing of the power of faith, the system was able to succeed.

The sectarian dispute in the Western Continent is officially over, and the system can withdraw its gaze from the Western Continent and turn back to Mo Yu.

In Sucheng, Mo Yu has been stationed here for more than a month, and he has been waiting for the 50 troops sent to him by the system.

"System, why hasn't the army arrived yet? It's been more than a month, and even the army has disappeared. System, aren't you playing with me?"

It has been more than a month, and it stands to reason that the army promised by the system should have arrived in Sucheng long ago, but Mo Yu sent someone back to Dinglu City to check if there was any news about the army, but the information sent back was nothing at all. The army docked, which made Mo Yu anxious.

"This system is not playing with you. This system has lost the whereabouts of that army, and has no idea of ​​that army at all."

That army disappeared, and the system doesn't know what happened. Although the system is the controller of this plane, not everything the system pays attention to, just like this army, the system originally paid attention to it, but later because of The system did not pay attention to the affairs of the Western Continent, and when the system paid attention again, that army had disappeared.

"The army has disappeared? System, are you making trouble? This place is under your control, how could the army disappear?"

Damn, the news was so explosive that Mo Yu was caught off guard.

"This system is not omnipotent, and it is impossible to keep an eye on that army all the time. Well, don't worry about that army anymore, just disappear as soon as it disappears! This system has prepared a new army for you, with a number of millions of people, directly through The Temple of Light is teleported here, but you can figure out the teleportation fee, it’s not much, 100 billion.”

"I rub it, not much? System, you play! Ten billion is not much? If it was left in the past, labor and capital would definitely not be able to pay. Now! I can pay, but why does the system need to be transmitted through the Temple of Light instead of directly Send it?"

"No, tens of billions have already been deducted. Please set up the Teleportation Temple. First, the Temple of Light in Dinglu City. Second, the Temple of Light in Vientiane City. Third, build a new temple in Sucheng for teleportation."

The system will not tell Mo Yu that all the temples of light are connected. Although the outside of the temple of light is in a different place, its interior is the same space.It's like having multiple doors in a room.

"System, choose two, Vientiane City!"

Sioux City is not far from Vientiane City, and Mo Yu felt that there was no need to build a new Temple of Light in Sioux City.Sioux City has to be given up. This city is too big to be defended and cannot be used as a forward base. Only Vientiane City can be used as a forward base and logistics support base.

Although Vientiane City experienced the last city explosion, half of the buildings inside were destroyed, but its walls are intact, so in this more than a month, Mo Yu asked the left and right sages to send people to repair the walls of Vientiane City, And the buildings in Vientiane City were demolished, and the buildings inside were demolished to better accommodate the military camps.

Vientiane City, the city that was originally full of houses, has been demolished by the fanatics of the God of Light, and many tents have been placed here, turning the entire Vientiane City into a huge military camp.And in the center of this huge military camp, there is a white building, which is the Temple of Light.

The Temple of Light today is very different. There are groups of soldiers coming out of the Temple of Light.

These soldiers are all from the Western Continent, and they are troops mobilized by the system to help Mo Yu recover the Dynasty Continent.

After the millions of troops came out through the Temple of Light, they rushed towards Sucheng non-stop. They wanted to join Mo Yu as soon as possible and wait for Mo Yu's dispatch.

After the million-strong army arrived in Su City, Mo Yu, Zhan Yang and others were checking the dynasty map and studying the next city they would attack.

"This is Huai'an City, and this is Yangcheng. These two cities are in different directions. What we have to do now is to choose one of these two cities to attack, or attack both cities at the same time. Then, everyone, you Let's talk about what we're going to do next."

In front of the dynasty map, Mo Yu pointed to the two cities on the map and asked Zhan Yang and others.

"Master, I think we attack Huai'an City with all our strength. After taking Huai'an City, we can start from Huai'an City and fight all the way to the Imperial City. As long as we take the Imperial City, we can radiate from the Imperial City to the surrounding areas and take down the entire dynasty."

This is Zhan Yang's idea. Zhan Yang wants to cut the mess quickly, split the dynasty in half with one knife, and divide it into north and south halves.

(End of this chapter)

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