Landlord System

Chapter 191 System Planning

Chapter 191 System Planning

Waldo City, a small town on the border of the Garcia Empire, was originally the territory of the Kingdom of Mary.Since the Kingdom of Mary was destroyed by the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, all the people here believe in the God of Light.But later the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces were defeated by the Garcia Empire. After this place was managed by the Garcia Empire, people here could not believe in the God of Light, but must believe in God.But because people here’s belief in the God of Light has been deeply rooted in their bones, people here believe in God on the surface, but in fact they believe in the God of Light. They secretly put up portraits of the God of Light in their homes, and come to worship in front of the portraits of the God of Light every morning. .And Arnovis is such a person.

Anovis is a fanatical believer in the God of Light. The first thing he does when he gets up every morning is to worship in front of the portrait of the God of Light. It is forbidden to enter the Temple of Light to worship the God of Light.

In the morning, Arnovis arrived at the Temple of Light early and lined up to enter the Temple of Light.Today is the first day that the Temple of Light is allowed to enter again. On this morning, all believers who believe in the God of Light lined up early, waiting to enter the Temple of Light.

As the sun rose in the morning, the gate of the Temple of Light was officially opened, and believers outside the gate entered the Temple of Light to worship in an orderly manner.

Outside the Temple of Light, in a building not far away, this is a Catholic church.No one came in here today except a godfather and a believer.

"Bishop Enod, why does the Pope want to accept the Light Cult? Isn't this going to destroy our jobs?"

In the Catholic church, Christian Difus complained to Bishop Enod.

"Stop complaining, hurry up and wipe the stool again, the Pope has his reasons for doing this, we just need to implement it."

In fact, Bishop Enode did not understand why the Pope did this. Could it be that, as the high-level officials said, Catholicism is great, and Catholicism can accept anyone and any denomination.For this sentence, Enode didn't believe it at all, but this was the Pope's order, and they had to implement it.

The situation in Waldo City is happening in all the cities of the original Mary Day Kingdom. The system has deeply brainwashed the people here, so that when the Garcia Empire announced that they could continue to believe in the God of Light, they all Arrive at the Temple of Light for the first time, pay homage to the God of Light, and celebrate the arrival of this day.

In less than a day, the territory of the former Mary Day Kingdom returned to the system.When the Mary Day Kingdom returned to the system, the next step for the system was to take down the Garcia Empire. This process was very slow. The first thing the system had to do was to enter the local city of the Garcia Empire and build the Temple of Light.Fortunately, the Catholic Church and the Garcia Empire have allowed the establishment of the Temple of Light in other cities. The system took this opportunity to order its believers to build a Temple of Light in every city of the Garcia Empire.In this way, within three months, every city in the Garcia Empire had a Temple of Light, but these Temples of Light did not perform any actions after they were established, as if these buildings were just landmarks in these cities.

Holy Spirit City, it was still the meeting room.

"My lord pope, don't make this light god so crazy. You see, they have built a temple of light in every city on our territory, and even want to build a temple of light in our city of the Holy Spirit! My lord pope, I request your order They went too far to eradicate the Temple of Light."

A cardinal sitting at the conference table slammed the table angrily and looked at the Pope with red eyes.

"Dansta, sit down. Is the Light God Religion going too far? No, I don't think they are going too far. Did they build these temples of light to recruit disciples? No, since they didn't, they just built a temple of light. How can this be done? What to explain. Okay, don’t talk, let me finish first, I know what you mean, what you want to say is that although they have not recruited believers now, it does not mean that they will not recruit in the future. You mean this, but Have you forgotten? The Garcia Empire is the site of my religion, and the people here believe in my religion. So what if they build temples of light in all the cities of the Garcia Empire, and there are no believers to believe in their gods. The Temple of Light established by the Garcia Empire is just a joke. So, Dansta, don’t be too sensitive, as long as we increase the publicity of our church, the Temple of Light will be a joke.”

The above remarks were all made by the Pope of the Catholic Church to deceive these bishops. In fact, the Pope's real intention is to quickly dissolve the Catholic Church so that he can openly and honestly believe in his new master, the God of Light.As mentioned earlier, the Pope has been transformed by the system, so the Pope's heart is now towards the God of Light.

"Well, His Excellency, I was impulsive."

The Pope said so, so Dansta could only bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Okay, since Dansta has admitted that he is impulsive, let's skip this topic and talk about the next thing. The thing is this, the servant of the Light God Sect invited us to visit their Light Temple Let’s go, what’s your opinion?”

"Master Pope, I mean not to go, we are Catholic, an ancient sect, not all cats and dogs can be invited."

"Yes, His Excellency, we are not going!"

"Don't go? Is your opinion not to go? Well, let me ask a few questions, what does the God of Light look like? What does the God of Light look like? How does the Sect of the Light God work? Do you know these things? I don’t know! I don’t know, so why don’t we find out? There is a good saying, if you want to defeat your enemy, you must fully understand him. Do you rely on our believers? Don’t be stupid! Tomorrow, all of you will go to the Temple of Light with me, and I want to see what the Temple of Light looks like.”

Go to the Temple of Light to see, this is just a conspiracy, a conspiracy played by the system for these cardinals.Tomorrow is a big day. This big day is a day of extermination for the Catholic Church, but a day of rebirth for the Bright God Sect.Starting tomorrow, there will only be one sect left in the Western Continent, and this sect is the Sect of Light.

On the western continent, in the city of Andrew near the city of the Holy God, there is a temple of the God of Light. This temple has not been opened since its establishment, but it opened when the sun rose today.So the people in Andrew City were curious about this temple and wanted to visit it, but they couldn't enter the temple and were excluded from the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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