Landlord System

Chapter 108 Zombie Sneak Attack

Chapter 108 Zombie Sneak Attack
"Young master, you are here, come on, young master, please sit here."

After Mo Yu got on the high platform, Zhan Yang greeted Mo Yu and invited Mo Yu to a chair to sit down.

"Zhan Yang, are the soldiers you led divided into three military camps?"

After Zhan Yang guided Mo Yu to sit on the chair, Mo Yu asked Zhan Yang.

"Yes, young master, I was divided into three barracks! What's the matter?" Zhan Yang didn't know why Mo Yu asked this, so he answered Mo Yu's question honestly.

"Zhan Yang, do you know that it is wrong for you to divide like this? It seems that you don't know, so let me tell you, the first point is that if you divide the camp like this, if the dynasty is still there, it is a good plan. But this is the world after the dynasty was overthrown by zombies. We are not facing people, but zombies. To face zombies, what we have to do is not to fight with zombies in close quarters, but to attack from a distance. If we want to attack from a distance, then We must let all soldiers become qualified gunners and use laser guns proficiently, that is, I hold this in my hand. Therefore, Zhanyang, Archer Battalion, and Heavy Armor Battalion will be cancelled, infantry battalions will be retained, and armored battalions will be established. Battalion, set up a missile battalion, and re-deploy troops. There are still many details, so I won’t go into details. Hey, take it. This is all the information on the military reform. You can read it. After reading it, proceed Army reform, as for the weapons mentioned above, you have to train all the troops first, and after three months, after the physical fitness test, you can ask me for it!" With a black question mark on his face, Yang took a book handed over by Mo Yu in confusion.

"I've given you the book, come and ask me if you have any questions, I'm leaving!"

After giving the book to Zhan Yang, Mo Yu ignored Zhan Yang's confusion, stood up gracefully, and walked out of the square.

After walking out of the square, Mo Yu returned to his place of residence.

"Brother Yu, where did you go just now?"

Back at the place where he lived, as soon as Mo Yu entered the door, he saw Li Man anxiously waiting for him.

"I just went to the square to watch Zhan Yang's morning practice, what's wrong? Man'er!"

Mo Yu could see that Li Man had something to tell him, so he asked Li Man.

"Brother Yu, just now Zheng Xin came to report that something happened in the paddy field. All the people guarding the paddy field overnight were killed by zombies!"

In the morning, not long after Mo Yu went out, Zheng Xin ran downstairs where Mo Yu lived, and slammed on the door, trying to tell Mo Yu about the emergency, but because Mo Yu went out early, it was Li Man who opened the door. Naturally, Zheng Xin told Li Man about it.

After Li Man heard the news, he immediately asked Zheng Xin to go back and organize a team, preparing to kill the zombie who didn't know where it came from.But all of this had to wait for Mo Yu to come back, so Li Man waited anxiously downstairs for Mo Yu.

"What, there's this matter, Man'er, you stay at home, I'll go check it out right away!"

Hearing that all the guards in the paddy field died overnight, Mo Yu was shocked. After the shock, he talked to Li Man and hurried towards the paddy field.

Soon, Mo Yu ran to the rice field, and then saw Zheng Xin leading a group of men to investigate the scene, trying to find traces of zombies.

"Zheng Xin, how is the situation?"

Seeing Zheng Xin, Mo Yu hurried to Zheng Xin and asked.

"My lord, I haven't found anything so far, and I don't know where these zombies are hiding during the day."

At the scene, Zheng Xin looked over and found no trace of zombies, not even a single footprint, as if these zombies appeared out of thin air.

"If there is no discovery, it will be difficult. In this way, Zheng Xin, let your men disperse, and we will expand the scope to search."

This group of people piled up together, and there was nothing they could do, so Mo Yu asked Zheng Xin to disperse all his subordinates and search for clues separately.

"Master, it's okay to search separately, but none of them have weapons. If they encounter zombies, how can they fight them?"

It's easy for his subordinates to search separately, but Zheng Xin is worried about his subordinates. All his subordinates have no weapons, so they search separately. If they encounter zombies, what will they use to fight? That's why Zheng Xin said to Mo Yu.

"This is my negligence, Zheng Xin, you let them all come to line up to get the weapons, I will take them out right away!"

Zheng Xin didn't say anything, Mo Yu forgot about this, and hurriedly spent 5000 million to buy 10000 laser guns and 4000 batteries for laser guns from the mall, and released all these weapons. Afterwards, Mo Yu directly Let the system teach Zheng Xin and others about the use and maintenance of laser guns.Each time the system instills memories, it requires gold coins. This time, the number of people to be instilled with memories has reached more than [-]. The system charges [-] million, which is higher than the cost of buying guns.But it is helpless that none of Zheng Xin's men have ever used this laser gun. If Mo Yu wants them to become combat effective immediately, he must let the system instill this knowledge. However, this is only to let them learn to shoot and maintain. Accuracy is a problem. , it depends on the individual’s talent.

"Everyone has a gun and two batteries, come up and get them!"

After Mo Yu released all the laser guns, he said to the subordinates in line, step aside after speaking, and watch them receive the laser guns.

There were more than 4000 people, and the speed of receiving the laser gun was not very fast. After two hours, everyone received the laser gun.There were still some left, and Mo Yu didn't put them away, but asked Zheng Xin to put them away. These dozens of remaining laser guns will be Zheng Xin's spare guns in the future.

"Zheng Xin, tell them that the laser gun cannot shoot indiscriminately. If shooting indiscriminately causes serious consequences, then military law will be dealt with! Okay, just like that, let them disperse and look for zombies!"

After Mo Yu warned Zheng Xin, he asked Zheng Xin to disperse his men and look for zombies.

"It's Young Master, I'll do it right away!"

After Zheng Xin responded to Mo Yu, he ran to the front of the team, conveyed Mo Yu's words, and then disbanded the team and let them form teams to fight zombies.

Mo Yu, who had been standing by the side all the time, saw the soldiers who formed their own teams to fight the zombies. He was thoughtful and decided to kill the zombies here, and then went back to tell Li Man what he thought.

Spread out to search, and soon someone found a cellar, and found a few zombies inside, so they reported the discovery, and soon Mo Yu knew, so Mo Yu and Zheng Xin hurried Came to the cellar.

"My lord, I don't know how many zombies are in this cellar. When I came here just now, I heard a few zombies roaring inside."

As soon as Mo Yu came here, the soldier who first discovered the cellar immediately ran to Mo Yu and reported the situation he had so far.

"Very good, you did a good job, Zheng Xin, hurry up and bring a barrel of diesel oil, I will burn all these zombies to death in the cellar."

(End of this chapter)

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