Landlord System

Chapter 107 Goodbye Tie Bi

Chapter 107 Goodbye Tie Bi
"Man'er, what's going on here?"

Seeing that Zhan Yang was no longer afraid, Mo Yu was puzzled and asked Li Man in a low voice.

"You, just now you asked Zhan Yang to come over and sit on an equal footing with you, which meant killing Zhan Yang. Do you know that the ancients paid great attention to etiquette, and the officials could not sit at the same table."

Hearing Mo Yu's question, Li Man answered Mo Yu's question.

"This, well! I don't know, it's my fault!"

It was my fault, Mo Yu admitted.After all, he doesn't know this.

"Lord, you asked me to come, right?"

Just when Mo Yu and Li Man admitted their mistakes, Zheng Xin left the box.

"Well~ yes, I asked you to come to eat, go there and sit with Zhan Yang!"

Seeing Zheng Xin coming, Mo Yu stopped making mistakes and asked Zheng Xin to sit with Zhan Yang.

"Yes, my lord!"

In response to Mo Yu, Zheng Xin went to sit with Zhan Yang.

"Everyone is here, and the dishes are ready, let's all eat! Come on, Zhan Yang, Zheng Xin, let me toast you, thank you for helping me."

When everyone was here, Mo Yu raised his glass to Zhan Yang and the others.

"No way, young master, this wine should be our toast to you, it is you who saved us, come, young master, drink this glass of wine!"

In wine, only low-level people respect high-level people, no high-level people respect low-level people, so when Mo Yu respected Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin wine, they both raised their wine glasses in fear to return to Mo Yu.

"Uh, okay! No matter, let's drink!"

This toast made Mo Yu confused, but no matter who is toasting whom, just drink.

After drinking, Mo Yu asked Zhan Yang and Zheng Xin to sit down, and then let them eat food.

After drinking and enjoying the food, Mo Yu and Li Man left the restaurant first, but they paid the bill before leaving.

Back at the residence, Li Man helped Mo Yu take a bath, of course it was the kind of bath that men can understand, after the bath, both of them embraced and fell asleep.

On the second day, it was just dawn, and Mo Yu woke up early because he slept very comfortably last night.

After waking up, in order not to disturb Li Man's sleep, Mo Yu quietly slipped out of the bedroom and went for a stroll on the street.

"Master, you are so early!"

While Mo Yu was wandering around, Zhan Yang would get up at this time because he had to get up early to lead the team for training.

"Zhan Yang, you are too early!"

Seeing Zhan Yang, Mo Yu knew that Zhan Yang was going to lead the team for training, so he said to Zhan Yang, "Are you going to lead the team for training? Come on, I'll go and see with you!"

"Uh, all right! Master, please!"

Leading the team for training in the morning, Zhan Yang didn't want to take Mo Yu there, but he had no choice but to agree. Mo Yu was the master, so Zhan Yang could only agree.

Walking with Mo Yu, Zhan Yang didn't know why he felt a little stressed. This was a feeling he didn't have when walking with Mo Yu before.

Walking, the two soon arrived at the meeting point in the city. The meeting point in the city is the huge central square of Dinglu City, which can accommodate a gathering of 6 to [-] people.

"My lord, you are here!"

Just after Zhan Yang and Mo Yu arrived at the meeting point, a young man ran over to greet Zhan Yang.

"Hey, why do you look so familiar? What's your name?"

When the guy greeted Zhan Yang, Mo Yu stared at the guy, feeling that this guy looked familiar.

"My lord, you have identified the wrong person!"

The guy recognized Mo Yu and knew that Mo Yu was the city lord, so he desperately tried to cover up his identity.

"I remember, you are the young man who said that if I were the city lord, you would be the city lord's father, Tie Bi! Isn't that right?"

Although the young man wanted to conceal his identity, Mo Yu still guessed it.

"Fuck, Lord, I've put on makeup, and you still recognize me! Lord, uh, no, my lord, I'm convinced, my lord, you let me go. I didn't recognize you before, and I was talking nonsense."

The young man is Tie Bi. He thought that Mo Yu would stay in Mo Haicheng, and he would not see Mo Yu when he came to Nail Lu City, but he did not expect Mo Yu to be here in Nail Lu City, and the embarrassing thing is that he has already put on makeup, and Mo Yu still recognizes him. out of him.

"Don't be nervous, I don't blame you, don't delay here if you're done, Zhan Yang will lead the team to practice early! As for you Tie Bi, show me the team."

Mo Yu didn't blame Tie Bi for what happened last time. He just acted according to the rules and did the right thing. At most, he was a bit mean-spirited.

"Yes, master, then I will go!"

After hearing that Mo Yu asked him to lead the team for morning practice, Zhan Yang was eager to leave quickly, because he felt uncomfortable with Mo Yu around him.After responding to Mo Yu, Zhan Yang ran to the front of the team and started morning practice.

"My lord, my lord, you..."

Tiebi, who was left behind, was very nervous at this time. This was the city lord, and he might also be the future emperor. As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. If you don't pay attention, your head will fall to the ground!

"Don't be nervous, relax! I'm easy to get along with. By the way, you will call me Young Master just like Zhan Yang. Let's go for a walk!"

Mo Yu knew that Tie Bi was nervous, so he asked Tie Bi to relax. After Tie Bi relaxed, he took Tie Bi for a walk.

What kind of scene is the morning training for 5 people? Mo Yu summed it up in two words: spectacular, very spectacular. The entire huge central square was filled with square formations, neat movements and neat shouts. It makes people's blood boil.

"Tie Bi, how do you divide the 5 people, and how do you arrange the positions?"

Looking at the soldiers who were training, Mo Yu was thinking about how Zhan Yang divided so many soldiers, so he asked Tie Bi who was following him.

"It's like this, young master, General Zhan divided the 5 troops into three barracks. The first barracks is the infantry battalion, and the infantry battalion has a total of 3 people. The second barracks is the archer battalion. The barracks is a heavy-armored battalion, and this barracks has 1 people. And our occupations are divided into centurions, thousand commanders, ten thousand commanders, left consul, right consul, and finally the general, which is Master Zhanyang." Tie Bi replied. asked Mo Yu’s question.

"Isn't this division a bit unreasonable!"

After listening to Tie Bi's answer, Mo Yu felt that such a division was unreasonable. If it was okay in normal times, this division was very reasonable, but the problem is that it is the end of the day, and the enemies they have to face are zombies, and there are many infantry. It's useless, it's useless to have more archers, let alone heavy armor, it's useless.What are zombies? Zombies are invincible in a certain way. If Mo Yu does not appear, no one in this game world can deal with zombies.Therefore, Mo Yu felt that the division of arms should be changed, so Mo Yu didn't say anything to Tie Bi, and took Tie Bi to find Zhan Yang.

It was difficult to find one person among tens of thousands of people. Fortunately, Zhan Yang was a general and usually stood in a prominent position. Therefore, Mo Yu quickly found Zhan Yang on a high platform who was directing the soldiers to practice early.

(End of this chapter)

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