Datang: I am the prince of salted fish, I impeach Li Er at the beginning

Chapter 6 I will make you feel ashamed and voluntarily give up the crown prince!

Chapter 6 I will make you feel ashamed and voluntarily give up the crown prince!
What I want, will I fight for myself...?

These words made Li Shimin think of his former self.

In the past, what did he do when he faced Gao Zu's preference for Li Jiancheng?

Be patient, build up your energy, and stage a coup d'état!
Relying on his own strength, he paved a broad road for himself, forcing Gao Zu to abdicate to the virtuous.

This is undoubtedly a very extreme method!

Although he finally got his wish and got the position of the Ninth Five Lord.

But it also left an indelible stain on his life story.

But it is impossible to say that you regret launching a coup!
After all, he is the most suitable person to inherit the throne!

Facts have also proved this.

Under his rule, Datang is constantly developing in a good direction.

If he was given another chance to choose again, Li Shimin would still seize the throne without hesitation.


This does not mean that Li Shimin is willing to see the tragedy that happened to him repeat itself on Li Zhi.

Although Li Shimin was very pleased that Li Zhi had inherited his determination and self-confidence, he still could not accept the result of brotherhood.

"Can I interpret your words to mean that you want to imitate your father, kill your brother, and force your father to abdicate?"

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes and said.

His eyes are very complicated, in which there are gratification, consternation, and at the same time doubts that cannot be concealed.

Obviously, Li Shimin was frightened by Li Zhi's words.

However, Li Zhi's reaction was far more relaxed than he imagined.

Li Zhi replied with a light smile: "No! My son will never do anything to the emperor, never!"

"I will let the emperor voluntarily give up the position of prince, or be forced to give up."

"It does not matter!"

"It's important that I don't let sibling killing happen to me!"

"Family, power, fame, I want them all!"

"This is Erchen's answer!"


In fact, the relationship between Li Zhi's original body and Li Chengqian is quite good.

Just like the brothers in a happy family, there is not so warm, but strong enough brotherhood.

To put it bluntly, Li Zhi was often beaten by Li Chengqian when he was a child, but he didn't hate Li Chengqian.

Or, to be more precise.

Li Zhi's original body had an inexplicable admiration for Li Chengqian.

These are enough to prove the affection between the two.

As the heir to this body, Li Zhi doesn't mind inheriting these emotions.

Because he has absolute confidence and can manage his life well!
"Hahahaha... you want them all?"

Li Shimin was amused by Li Zhi's "innocent" words: "How can you afford it? Just rely on your unfounded ambition?"

Not only Li Shimin, but also many important court officials, including Li Chengqian, were amused by Li Zhi's words.

On the premise of not hurting the feelings of the brothers, but also to snatch the throne?
In their view, this is no different from a joke!
However, Li Zhi showed a calmness far beyond everyone's imagination.

"I will make my elder brother feel ashamed, and I will make him think from the bottom of his heart that his sitting on the crown prince is a kind of blasphemy against the throne!"

"Even if the eldest brother wants to keep his face and stay on the crown prince."

"I can also gain the approval of all the ministers through my performance, and grab the throne without any bloodshed!"

"It even makes the eldest brother feel that losing to me, the younger brother, is a matter of course."

"Let him hate even if he wants to!"

"Perhaps, in your opinion, Father, this is ridiculous and an impossible task."

"But for me, there is nothing impossible in this world!"

"You'll see a show like never before!"

"You in a few years will be proud of me!"

"It's like I am proud of you at this moment!"

Faced with the well-intentioned ridicule and doubts from everyone present, Li Zhi calmed down and spoke sonorously!

It was as if all of this was an easy thing for him to achieve, giving people an indescribable level of conviction.

Subconsciously, he felt that Li Zhi could definitely do what he said.

Li Shimin's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Li Zhi, who was looking calm and confused.

"are you serious?"

Li Zhi grinned: "It's more real than real gold!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin sized him up and down several times, and then looked at Li Chengqian.

"Prince, what do you think about this?"

At this moment, Li Chengqian opened his mouth wide and was staring at Li Zhi dumbfounded.

Li Zhi was too frank.

He was so frank that he dared to talk about the sensitive topic of inheriting the throne in front of all the pillars of the Tang Dynasty.


more importantly!
No one present, including Li Chengqian, felt that there was something wrong with Li Zhi's words!
Whether it's Li Zhi's demeanor, tone, or even what he said, they are all too sunny!
He was so upright that for a moment, Li Chengqian thought he was looking up at the sun high in the sky, but he really felt ashamed.

Li Zhi's body is shining, and his body is exuding a divine light that is shining brightly.

This is Li Chengqian's truest feeling at the moment.

Hearing Li Shimin's inquiry, Li Chengqian reluctantly recovered from that absurd state and nodded calmly.

"Son... son... wait and see."

Although Li Chengqian quickly calmed down with the cultivation of Qi he had cultivated over the years.

But this still couldn't cover up Li Chengqian's state of distraught.

Seeing this, Li Shimin was completely shocked.

Really let this kid do it?

Li Chengqian, who has always been rebellious, actually approved Li Zhi's rhetoric from the bottom of his heart?

Moreover, did not show the slightest jealousy?

This... how is this possible? !
Li Shimin was startled. He looked at Li Zhi in disbelief, feeling that everything in front of him subverted his perception of the world.

How powerful is the allure of power, no one knows better than him.

However, Li Zhi relied on his upright speech to make Li Chengqian even jealous?
What's wrong with this world?
Is there such an operation?

At this moment, Li Shimin was completely convinced.

Li Zhi did what even he failed to do.

At least, when Li Zhi said those words, he was honest in the true sense.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the temporary task and receiving a super god-level reward: Li Yuanba's martial soul inheritance."

"Ding! The system perceives that the host's remarks have been convinced and approved by the emperor Li Shimin from the bottom of his heart!"

"Congratulations to the host for overfulfilling the task and getting an extra reward: proficiency in poetry!"


(End of this chapter)

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