Chapter 5 Removing the Prince?

Li Shimin still listened to Li Zhi's words.

Although what he said was a bit harsh, he had to admit that what Li Zhi said was very reasonable.

On the one hand, the successor has been decided, and on the other hand, another prince has been given the hope of becoming the crown prince.

To put it bluntly, isn't this encouraging the two princes to fight for the throne?
In the past, Li Shimin only felt that passing the throne to Li Chengqian had wronged Li Tai, who was more talented.

Looking back now, what I did was actually planting hidden dangers in the Li family.

If this trend continues for a long time, it may cause the entire family to fall apart.

Li Shimin's most important thing now is his family, and he will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

In particular, Li Tai has shown signs of brotherhood, which makes Li Shimin even more unacceptable.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, and his eyes slowly fell on Li Chengqian.

"Xiao Jiu has already spoken out. Prince, you must pay attention to your words and deeds in the future, and you must not overdo it. Otherwise, I will never forgive you easily."

Li Chengqian bit his thin lips tightly and didn't say yes or no.

Thinking about it, he was still angry and refused to give his father a good look.

Seeing this, Li Shimin sighed and turned his attention to the fourth prince.

"What about you, King Wei, don't have any other thoughts."

"I should have told you a long time ago that you are destined to miss the throne."

"The reason why I have a preference for you is that I want to compensate you more."

"Tomorrow, you can go to your fief Bianzhou to take up a post."

Wei Wang Li Tai's face was pale, unable to bear the sudden blow, his body was shaking.

He originally thought that the absurd behavior of the prince had already been rejected by his father.

I never thought that even if the prince was so ridiculous, he would still have a place in his father's heart.

Could it be that he misread the situation?

Could it be that all of this was his delusion?
Li Tai only felt disheartened and began to doubt his life.

If Li Zhi could hear what he was thinking, he might be able to solve his doubts.

Li Tai didn't misread the situation, he just failed to see through his father.

Li Shimin is different from other emperors in that his family values ​​are very heavy.

It is precisely because of this importance that he treats his children with extra tolerance.

"As for Xiao Jiu..."

After Li Shimin decided Li Tai's fate, he finally turned his attention to Li Zhi.

Looking at Li Zhi's clear and wise eyes, Li Shimin hesitated slightly and said slowly: "You stay with me and supervise the prince together. If the prince's personal ethics are lacking..."

At this point, he stopped.

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed.

Not only Prince Li Chengqian, Wei Wang Li Tai.

All the important officials of the imperial court present changed their expressions!

Changsun Wuji was the first to stand up and remonstrate loudly: "Your Majesty, please think twice! Don't speak foolish words again!"

Fang Xuanling followed closely behind, and sternly retorted: "The crown prince is still here, how can Feng Yi take the left? Your Majesty's move, could it be that His Highness the crown prince will be killed?!"

"It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable!" Xiao Yu blew his beard and glared at His Majesty the Emperor angrily: "The position of the crown prince is related to the fate of the country. If His Majesty reined in the precipice and ordered the prince to hang his ass, that's all. Now, it's too late to have a sharp sword behind the prince's back." , it’s too late!!!”

Immediately, other ministers also took a step forward and bowed together: "Your Majesty, please take it back!"

Before Li Shimin finished speaking, he had aroused strong opposition from his confidant ministers.

Even if he didn't hesitate to offend him, his words were so fierce.


Li Shimin was furious instinctively, but after the anger passed, he quickly calmed down.

Indeed, he also felt that his idea was ridiculous.

However, after discovering that Li Zhi's wisdom was far beyond ordinary people, Li Shimin's thoughts became stronger.

"If you say, what I mean is that if Xiao Jiu's ability is indeed much higher than that of the prince, what do you say, what should I do?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhi was the first to stand up and object.

"Father, you are wrong!"

"First, no matter what your ability is, it is an established fact that the eldest brother becomes the crown prince of a country! Until the prince has not lost his virtue, you cannot shake the foundation of the country!"

"Secondly, you asked this in front of the eldest brother, have you ever thought about the feelings of the eldest brother? On the one hand, you want my son to share your worries, and on the other hand, you are destroying the Great Wall yourself."

"Father, what exactly do you want to do?!"

The figure of Li Zhi fighting for reason attracted the attention of everyone.

Even Li Chengqian, who looked pale, was observing his younger brother intently.

At this moment, those who were shaken in their hearts were those who strongly opposed Li Zhi's supervision of the prince just now.

In everyone's mind, an extremely absurd idea emerged at the same time.

Perhaps, letting the Ninth Prince supervise the Prince is indeed a feasible method?

Anyway, the emperor didn't say what he would do if the prince lost his virtue.

If it's just supervision...there doesn't seem to be any problem, right?

At the same time, everyone in the imperial study room shook their heads at the same time, dumbfounded by this ridiculous idea.

There has been a long-standing dispute between establishing the superiors but not the virtuous and establishing the virtuous but not establishing the elders, and each has its own reasons.

But now, the point of controversy is not here.

But Li Chengqian has already taken the position of prince!

After the dust has settled, can there be repetitions?
This is too childish!

Just like what Li Zhi said, it is an established fact that the prince became the heir apparent!
No one can easily change this result until the prince has made no major mistakes.

Not even the emperor!
And now, the emperor wants to send a person who is extremely threatening to the prince to supervise the prince's actions?
What's the difference between this and directly dismissing the Crown Prince's laurels?
But the more I understand this truth, the more I feel how valuable Li Zhi's wisdom is.

Li Zhi was too calm, and his eyes were too vicious.

Every time you look at a problem, you can directly hit the essence of the problem!

His talent amazed everyone, like a brilliant gem that was exposed outside the soil, releasing an unparalleled brilliance.

In contrast, the prince's talent is too mediocre, and at the same time, there are major problems with the prince's virtue.

This can't help but make the courtiers have an urge to make mistakes and pull the prince down.

However, this is not in line with etiquette.

This time, everyone was embarrassed.

"Xiao Jiu, don't you have any idea about the throne?"

In the end, it was Li Shimin who broke the silence and asked this extremely pointed question.

But seeing Li Zhi's relaxed expression, he chuckled and said: "My son actually has some ideas, and they are not small! But... what I want, I will fight for myself, so there is no need to bother my father and do it for my son." Worried.”

(End of this chapter)

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