The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 254 The Enemy Comes Again

Chapter 254 The Enemy Comes Again

There was a crackling sound.

Just after nightfall, Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu repeated their monotonous life for a while. A bonfire was lit in front of them as always, and a fish was being grilled on the fire.Looking at the grilled fish skewered with a branch, both Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu showed salivating expressions at the same time.

This can't be blamed on the two of them being greedy, it's just that their life has been really hard these days.

Every day, I either run around here and there, or I deal with it by chewing hard flatbread and steamed buns with cold water that has been left for several days.Therefore, this time, after finally finding a few fish in a small stream, the two of them really couldn't resist the protest of their stomachs anymore.

Then the biggest fish in the creek became their evening meal.

"Brother Gu, do you think we still have a few more days of stability?" Long Xingyu said to Gu Xiao while rolling the grilled fish on the fire.

In the past few days, since they got their hands on Wang Qingquan, they have been in a hurry, and now they are only three or four days away from the forest in Xijiang.Therefore, Long Xingyu naturally wanted to consult, this friend of his was not like a young man at all.

To be honest, during this period of time, Long Xingyu was really convinced by Gu Xiao.

This person can be regarded as the kind of peerless military strategist who is considered exhaustive in the legend. Almost nothing can be hidden from his eyes, and even if there is something temporarily out of his control, he will definitely be able to Think of a remedy in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, during this period of time, Long Xingyu was convinced of Gu Xiao.

At the beginning, he was of course worried that Gu Xiao would plot against him, because although the two of them are friends now, the friendship between them is not solid after all, and if the other party finds out that he has already If it is useless, maybe I will be given up too.It's just that, after such a long time of contact, he has discovered that Gu Xiao can't do this kind of thing of repaying kindness with revenge. That despicable and shameless villain!

Therefore, when Long Xingyu encounters things that use his brain, he always leaves it to Gu Xiao to consider.

No way, is there a specialization in the art industry?

Holding a branch in his hand, Gu Xiao stirred the fire in front of him, and there was a beggar chicken in the fire.Of course one fish was not enough for the two of them, so after finally catching a chicken, Gu Xiao buried the chicken in the fire.

"It's been a few days." Gu Xiao said lightly.

Long Xingyu was surprised when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Didn't you say that we can live a stable life for at least seven or eight days? Why are you saying that we don't have many stable days now? gone?"

Gu Xiao raised the branch in his hand, pointed to the sky, and said, "What do you see in the sky?"

"Hey!" At the same time that Gu Xiao made this gesture, an eagle hovering above the sky let out a crisp cry.

"Isn't it just an eagle? What's so strange?" Long Xingyu said indifferently. Apart from the stars that are gradually appearing, the only thing left in the sky is this eagle. .He couldn't figure it out, what's the point of Gu Xiao pointing out this eagle?
Seeing that Long Xingyu hadn't reacted yet, Gu Xiao couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This guy's temper is really straight enough, it's been a whole day, and he still hasn't noticed, this eagle is so strange, it's really careless!

"Didn't you realize that this eagle has been hovering above our heads for a whole day?" Gu Xiao didn't continue to play tricks, and said bluntly.

"What?" Hearing this, Long Xingyu's face was shocked at first, and then turned into naked fear.

He was born in the military, so he knew very well that in this world, if you want to monitor a person, you don't necessarily have to rely on him. Some things are more reliable and more hidden than people.Among them, the eagle is the most frequently used one!
"Is this a spy sent by the enemy?" Long Xingyu exclaimed.

Gu Xiao nodded silently.

As early as when the eagle first appeared, he felt a little strange. Logically speaking, there was nothing strange about the appearance of an eagle in such a wilderness.But the problem is, this eagle has been circling above their heads all the time, so it is really worth making people wonder.

Therefore, he dared to assert that this eagle must be the tool that Long Xingyu said that the big man in the capital who is very good at playing with birds and beasts sent out to search for their whereabouts!
"What should we do now?" Long Xingyu pulled out the spear beside him and said resolutely.

Now that their whereabouts are likely to have been exposed, for Long Xingyu, it seems that the only way left is to fight.

Moreover, he also wants to work hard!During this period of time, he kept running away, and he could feel that his spear was protesting, and his battle blood was about to rebel!
Gu Xiao held up the golden grilled fish and said, "There are two things we need to do now."

"One is to eat!" Before Gu Xiao said anything, Long Xingyu said first, after staying with Gu Xiao for such a long time, he knew a little about Gu Xiao's behavior.Therefore, this time, before Gu Xiao had time to speak, he spoke first.

Gu Xiao smiled and said, "That's right, the other one is..."

"Let's go!" Long Xingyu deliberately wanted to regain some of the confidence he had blown in front of Gu Xiao.There is no way, since IQ is not as good as the other party, so let's take advantage of it verbally.

Gu Xiao asked with a smile, "Go? Where are you going?"

Of course he could see that Long Xingyu was deliberately trying to get back some advantages in front of him, but he still didn't understand what he meant.

Long Xingyu shook his head blankly, he really couldn't figure out where Gu Xiao would go next.

Gu Xiao lifted the fish and handed it to Long Xingyu, then used a branch to pull out the beggar chicken from the campfire, and said, "Let's go back."

"Go back? Where are you going?"

"Remember the third gift we gave out? Now that we have given our gift to the guest, wouldn't it be rude if we didn't ask the guest if he was satisfied with the gift we gave Is it?" At the end, Gu Xiao's face was full of killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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