The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 253 Prepare the next gift!

Chapter 253 Prepare for the next gift!
The next day, dawn dawned.

Early in the morning, Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu came to a clear spring.

After a night of rest and adjustment, Gu Xiao's condition is finally much better now.At least from his face, there is no abnormal color anymore, it seems that there is no difference from usual.However, from Long Xingyu's point of view, the cold aura of his companion was three points colder than before!
If, before yesterday, in Long Xingyu's eyes, Gu Xiao was the kind of iceberg that people could tell that he was an iceberg at a glance, but as long as he didn't get close to him, he would be fine.Now, in Long Xingyu's view, Gu Xiao is the kind of extra-large iceberg that can make his whole body shiver with cold just by looking at him!
"Brother Long, let's take a rest here, and then continue on our way." Gu Xiao and Long Xingyu came to the clear spring together, and said coldly.

Hearing Gu Xiao's colder voice, Long Xingyu instinctively felt his bones trembling from the cold.

hiss!What happened to this guy last night to become so cold?Long Xingyu slandered in his heart.

He really didn't understand, what happened to this man last night?It turned out to be like this in one night!Moreover, for the whole day yesterday, I was with him, there is no reason why he knows something, I don't know it!
Could it be that yesterday was his anniversary?

This was Long Xingyu's guess in his heart, but he felt that his guess was reasonable.

Because apart from this explanation, he really couldn't think of any other explanation.

I thought so in my heart, but Long Xingyu went forward and started to wash up by the clear spring together with Gu Xiao. The two of them hadn't washed well for several days, and the water for drinking was prepared in advance. water storage.Therefore, after seeing this Wang Qingquan, both of them were somewhat excited.

At that moment, the two of them first took a shower in this clear spring, and then drank to their heart's content.

"Shu Tan!" Long Xingyu said contentedly after drinking a full stomach of the clear spring.

On the one hand, although Gu Xiao still had that cold look, his complexion couldn't help but eased up a lot.Along the way, they really suffered enough, so this kind of time is indeed a great enjoyment for the two of them who are fleeing.

"Brother Gu, tell me, those people will chase us again in a few days at most?" Long Xingyu said boredly as he lay comfortably on the ground.

Since the two of them got rid of the enemy's pursuit yesterday evening, they have not been spotted by the enemy along the way.Therefore, at this time, Long Xingyu suddenly began to wonder, this time, how long will it take for those damned enemies to catch up with the two of them?

Gu Xiao thought for a while, if he didn't guess wrong, now, those damned enemies should have found out that they have escaped!
Without knowing exactly when they escaped and how they escaped, these damned guys would definitely think they were hiding.In addition, there is still time to search around and find the whereabouts of the two of them again, so this time must be indispensable.

"I think it will take at least seven or eight days!" Gu Xiao estimated conservatively.

After all, this is the wilderness, even if those damned guys want to use the power of the government to find the whereabouts of the two of them, it is not an easy task.Therefore, Gu Xiao felt that if he said that it would take seven or eight days, that would be an understatement.

Hearing this, Long Xingyu nodded in agreement.

This time, the two of them ran away from the sky, which is different from running from the ground.If you run from the sky, it is not that simple to find the whereabouts of the two of them again.Therefore, Long Xingyu agreed with Gu Xiao's opinion very much. In this way, they finally had a few days of quiet time to work.

Thinking of this, Long Xingyu felt all the bones in his body go limp, and he simply lay down on the ground, and his whole body just lay on the grass.

"What are you doing?" Gu Xiao asked.

Seeing Long Xingyu's lazy face, he also knew that this guy was really tired during this period, and now he wanted to take advantage of this rare rest time to take a good rest for a few days.

However, it is a pity that now is definitely not the time to rest, at least now, the two of them have more important things to do now!
Long Xingyu replied lazily: "Of course I have had a good rest for two days!"

"No!" Gu Xiao shattered Long Xingyu's dream very simply.

"Impossible?" Long Xingyu was not angry when Gu Xiao shattered his dream, and asked instead, "Why?"

Gu Xiao said: "We still have more important things to do now!"

"What's more important? What is it?" Long Xingyu asked in confusion.

A icy smile appeared on the corner of Gu Xiao's mouth, and said: "Of course it is to prepare gifts for those bastards who have been following us all the time! I said that I would give them three gifts, but now I only gave two Wouldn't it be rude to go out?"

Speaking of this, Gu Xiao's eyes had already fallen on the clear spring in front of them, and his eyes were full of indescribable meaning.

"What? Nothing?" Princess Yufeng cried out.

Beside her, Jiang Jun and Zhen Guogong also had unswerving expressions, and the three of them stared at a subordinate in front of them together.

"Grandpa, princess, prince!" The poor guy first addressed the three people in front of him once, and then replied in a cold sweat, "Brothers, the mountain has been searched several times, and every animal on the mountain has been searched. The charred bodies of the birds were all found, but the bodies of those two little beasts were not found!"

"Bastard!" Jiang Jun scolded angrily, "Could it be that they really have wings and fly?"

"Keep looking for me!" Duke Zhen ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Hearing this, the man immediately withdrew as if he had been pardoned.

"Huh! Your Highness doesn't believe that the two of them can really run away! You must find them!" Jiang Jun said angrily. He was expressing dissatisfaction with Duke Zhen's insistence yesterday.

Princess Yufeng pondered: "In my opinion, the two of them must not be dead yet. When the fire started yesterday, they should have escaped."

Lord Zhen nodded in agreement, and he also did not believe that even if the two living people were burned to death, it is impossible for them to leave no traces.What's more, even if they didn't want to be burned to death and chose to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, their bodies were not found around the mountain!

"Hush!" At this time, Jiang Jun stretched out two fingers, put them to his lips, and whistled a very loud whistle.

"Cheep!" Following Jiang Jun's whistle, an eagle with unusual steed flew down from the sky. The eagle flapped its wings and flew straight towards Jiang Jun.

Seeing this, Lord Zhen Guo and Princess Yufeng both showed a familiar expression.

This is not the first time that they have seen Jiang Jun's ability to control birds and beasts, and it has long been commonplace.

After gesturing to the eagle for a while, Jiang Jun let the eagle fly out again.

"Hmph! My Highness still doesn't believe it. Long Xingyu and that Gu Xiao can really fly into the sky and escape from the earth? Otherwise, don't try to hide it, my eagle!" Jiang Jun said viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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