Create myths from pirates

Chapter 183 Fertilizer <2 in 1>

Chapter 183 Fertilizer <2 in 1>

"Queen Keisha, what did you say?"

Holy Keisha's voice was not loud, but the angel's ears were so keen that the angel could clearly hear her whispering.

"Gaotie, you go to the location of the Taotie civilization."

"Go and check to see if anything unusual happened there."

Holy Keisha spoke, she had a faint feeling that the source of the accident was there.

"Queen Keisha, I'm going now."

Angel Yan saluted and bid farewell, and then flew away with fluttering wings.

On the other side of the distant starry sky, on the planet where the gluttonous civilization is located.

In an underground base, the bodies of the Taotie guards were torn apart, and their consciousness was also stagnant, because something was eating their core of consciousness.

"Damn it, move me quickly."

A guard who could barely maintain his consciousness was bowed and twitched on the ground like a cooked shrimp, and he was constantly trying to move.

However, this is all in vain.

A hideous and ugly moth was hugging his core of consciousness, and the needle in its mouth pierced it directly, which was injecting some kind of toxin and absorbing nutritional energy.


The core of consciousness split open, and his consciousness was completely dimmed.

On the side, the man in black just watched coldly without saying a word.

The satiated moth flapped its wings comfortably, and then began to spin cocoons to wrap itself completely.

Having absorbed enough new energy, they are about to start a new evolution.

Ignoring little guys like moths, the man in black walked towards the lower level of the base, and a group of dense black flies flew out from under his black robe.

"Gold eaters, eat them for me."

The black-robed man spoke coldly, conveying instructions to the swarm, and the gold-eating insects swarmed after receiving the instruction, pounced on the bodies of the Taotie guards all over the ground, spit out acid from their mouthparts, and quickly dissolved them dry Two clean.

Seeing that the ground was much cleaner, the man in black flew towards the next floor of the base, while the gold-eating worm opened the way for him, dissolving the metal door lock blocking the way.


The man in black kicked the door down, and the swarm behind him rushed down like a gust of wind, blocking the attack for him and killing everyone at the same time.

"Damn, who the hell are you?"

A Taotie researcher was subdued by moths, and before his consciousness completely dimmed, he looked at the man in black and said.


"It's merciful to tell you that it's all right."

"I am one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

"Famine, Swarm."

The man in black opened his mouth lightly, and kindly answered his doubts before he died, so that he could die clearly.

After speaking, the researcher died completely.

"Yeah, I found it..."

"Gluttony Planet Biological Gene Bank."

Famine Knight smiled faintly, looked at the many bottles and cans in front of him, and slowly raised his hand.

"Go! Eat them."

"My swarms."

He opened his mouth sharply, his arms turned into colorful, and all kinds of flying insects flew towards those bottles and cans.

"Intruder, please stop."

A cold mechanical electronic synthesis sound came from the speaker on the wall. As the general consciousness guarding the base, he can't do anything now.

All the guards at the base were killed, and his message could not be transmitted at all, and there was basically nothing he could do except watch.

"Oh! By the way, I forgot about you if you didn't make a sound."

Famine Knight spoke lightly, the core of this guy's consciousness must be more nutritious.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

That icy mechanical voice came out again, it is now powerless to stop, and it is very likely that it will perish, and wants to ask the other party's purpose.

It will record it secretly, and when it is noticed by the Gluttonous King, it will allow him to be on guard.

"It's simple."

"Eat, eat, evolve."

"That's all."

Famine Knight spoke calmly, and then ignored the electronically synthesized voice's inquiry.

On the other side of the city, a town on the outskirts.

This town is called Mo Town, and there are nearly 30 Taotie people living there. Although it is a town, it is just like a human city on Blue Star, and there are people hurrying on the street.

"Huh? Why are you rusty?"

A commoner of the Taotie tribe looked at his companion beside him and said in surprise.

On the other party's body, some places are actually rusty, and they are still green and red.

"Impossible, how can our body alloy rust easily."

The companion spoke, he only thought it was a joke, until he saw his left arm.

"really have."

The companion was a little surprised, he wiped it with his hands, and rust foam flew into his mouth, nose and eyes.


"It hurts~"

The companion was startled, and exclaimed, and a painful feeling came from the core of consciousness.

"what happened to you?"

The Taotie civilians hurriedly asked.

"It hurts."

"My eyes, my nose."

The companion opened his mouth with horror in his eyes. The Taotie clan is a mechanical body, and there is no such thing as pain-sensing nerves at all. He is actually feeling pain now, which really makes him a little scared.

"Are you kidding me?"

"How do we feel pain?"

The Taotie commoner opened his mouth and said, not believing it.

"Wait, on your body."

"You have it too."

The companion also stared at the other's body with wide eyes, and the other's body was actually rusted.

"Hey, how come?"

The Taotie commoner looked at his abdomen, which was already covered with rust.

At the same time, in the body parts replacement shop in the town.

"Doctor, my leg is rusty, remove the rust quickly."

"Doctor, my arm is also rusted, please help me replace it."

"Doctor, my brain is rusty, please help me."

"Doctor, my chest is full of rust, please help me change it first."


In the body parts replacement hall, the Taotie people who came to ask for replacement parts because their bodies were rusted had already lined up in a long line.

"No, it's not rust."

The body parts replacement master of the Taotie clan, who is respected by everyone as a doctor, is amazed and puzzled by the Taotie clan members.

He carefully looked at the rusty places of the Taotie people who came to ask for replacement parts, and used a high-magnification electron microscope to observe, and came to a conclusion.

"They are not rust."

"It's more like a plaque."

"But that only grows on flesh and blood creatures."

The doctor said to himself, this is beyond common sense, which makes him very puzzled.

"Doctor, there are more and more people outside."

"It's far beyond our capacity to accommodate."

"Even without conscious dormancy, we can't finish changing after several weeks of continuous work."

"What's more, it seems like it's just the beginning."

The assistant spoke and asked the doctor for advice, but he didn't know how to deal with it now.

"That's not right."

The doctor took a deep breath, looked at the assistant and said.

"Yes doctor, this is unprecedented."

The assistant answered immediately, and he also realized that the problem was serious.

"Go, you go and report to the above first."

"I'll replace the parts for them."

The doctor opened his mouth, although he was puzzled a lot, but he still dealt with the matter first.

"Ah, it hurts."

A painful wail sounded, followed by another painful wail.

"what happened?"

Hearing the sound, the doctor hurried over to check.

"No, that's impossible."

Looking at the viscous and turbid dark liquid in the place where the other party was originally rusted, the doctor seemed to have received a heavy hammer on his head.

"How could this be?"

The doctor's world view is collapsing. Those rusty Taotie people, their rusty places are not only slowly expanding, but what's more frightening is that they are actually transforming into flesh and blood.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary transformation, it is a malignant transformation, and among carbon-based life forms, this is called pathological transformation or cancerization.

"Doctor, what happened to him?"

A member of the Taotie tribe whose body was also corroded by rust said that he was very concerned, after all he was the same.

"He is sick."

The doctor shook his head and said helplessly. The gluttonous clan was originally a carbon-based creature, until they all chose to upload their consciousness to the core of consciousness and became a mechanical life form.

So far, the diseases that plagued them have completely disappeared, and the outdated facilities like hospitals have been completely abandoned and turned into body parts replacement halls.

"I didn't expect it."


The doctor sighed, unexpectedly, even mechanical life cannot escape the torment called illness.

"Get ill?"

The gluttonous civilians were a little puzzled, as mechanical life forms, they had already forgotten this concept.

"By the way, when did you find yourself rusted?"

The doctor spoke, he wanted to know where the origin of this terrible disease was.

"As I walked, someone told me that my body was rusted."

A commoner of the Taotie tribe replied, and then more Taotie tribe members spoke out, and most of them realized that their bodies were rusted only after being reminded.

The doctor was lost in thought while helping the common people of the Taotie tribe to replace with brand new body parts.

From the descriptions of everyone, he couldn't find anything worth noting in common.

"Doctor, his body is so hot."

Another voice sounded, interrupting the doctor's thinking. He turned his head and saw that it was a commoner of the Glutton tribe who seemed a little weak at first glance. He needed the support of others to stand up.

The doctor walked over and put his hands on the civilian's body.


The scalding temperature made him a little frightened. Even mechanical life might burn out the core of consciousness, not to mention that the rusty place of the other party was slowly turning into flesh and blood.

"Go, you put him in the freezer first."

The doctor said, it is best to deal with the problem of fever, just cool him down.

"Good doctor."

The commoners of the Taotie tribe also had no opinion, after all, this was the best way they could think of.

"Doctor, here."

Another voice sounded, calling the doctor over.

"What's the matter with him?"

The doctor was speechless. This gluttonous civilian was coughing and vomiting continuously, spitting out a cloudy black viscous liquid with an unpleasant smell.

"I don't know, just now he was..."

He got stuck in the middle of speaking to the civilians summoned by the doctor.

"Doctor, you..."

Seeing the other party's appearance, the doctor's heart skipped a beat, and the other party's words continued to pass on.

"You're rusty too."

Outside the body parts replacement hall, in a shadow, the Plague Knight in a black robe watched everything calmly.

The disaster in Mo Town was naturally his experiment.

"Even a machine can't resist my power."

"No, it should be said."

"I cannot resist the power of my lord's apocalypse."

The corners of the plague knight's mouth curled up, revealing a sneer. The gluttonous legion was staring at the earth and wanted to eat it all the time.

Then don't blame them for being preemptive.

On the other side of the main city of Taotie Star, there was a foul smell in a garbage disposal base. Even the death knight with the power of death couldn't help but frowned and covered his nose with a finger.

"What a disgusting place."

The death knight complained, looking at the garbage dump full of discarded body parts and old cores of consciousness, a smile appeared on his face.

"who are you?"

In the darkness, a voice sounded, questioning the strange visitor.

"I am death."

"Come to bring death into this world."

Hearing the voice, the death knight also turned to look at the other party.

"Your consciousness has not been wiped out, why was it discarded here?"

The death knight opened his mouth, looking at a majestic but severely damaged metal head.

"What does it matter to you?"

The metal head said, even though only one head barely survived, its arrogance remained undiminished.

However, arrogance was just a compliment given to him by the death knight, in fact, it was self-defeating and stupid.

"Of course I do, because I'm stronger than you."

The death knight spoke coldly, and he walked towards the metal head step by step.

"Damn it, you brat."

The metal head was furious, and his face was a little distorted, but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't even choose the form of death, he was just incompetent and furious.

"I can tell that you are different from ordinary Taotie civilians."

"But so what, in the face of death."

"You should all be equal."

After finishing speaking, the death knight stepped on the arrogant cricket, and the core of consciousness was completely shattered.

He died, but death was only the beginning.

In an unknown space, a failed king slowly woke up.

"Am I dead?"

"The core of consciousness was crushed by that kid."

He was a little dazed, his consciousness was still unclear, and he didn't understand the situation.

until a long time later.

He finally felt endless pain.

He is neither truly alive nor truly dead. He has become the nourishment of life, supplying the vitality of that strange forest on the ground.


The defeated king roared wildly in his heart, but he couldn't make a sound no matter what.

He can neither move nor speak, and cannot send messages to the outside world autonomously.

No one knew of its existence, even the strange big tree above his head that he raised.

He was used as fertilizer and buried here to plant trees.

"Be happy."

"You can provide nourishment for my forest of death."

"It's better than being a completely useless waste in a garbage disposal plant."

The death knight's voice sounded, echoing in this mysterious space.

There is mercy in the words.

 One update today~
  Thanks to Ah Hua for voting for the monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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