Create myths from pirates

Chapter 182 Future Members

Chapter 182 Future Members
"A win-win move."

Jiang Zhiwei spoke lightly, she still didn't have too many mood swings.

"what about you?"

Jiang Zhiwei looked around at the crowd of evil gods, but saw that they still didn't express much, and knew in her heart that it might not be effective for a while.

Fortunately, she is not in a hurry.

It's just that it's time for these evil gods to worry.

Worry about your own life.

"Little friend Jiang Zhiwei, do you still want to talk to them?"

Winoris spoke, as the god of madness and chaos, she was very curious about Jiang Zhiwei's motives, ordinary people would not be able to do such a thing of going into the nest of evil gods alone and threatening them.

"No, but I want to know their names."

Jiang Zhiwei said that she wanted to write down the names of these evil gods. These guys who dare not cooperate with her work must be properly arranged when her power is strong enough to sweep the subspace.

"Hmph, little girl, listen carefully."

"I am the god of war and blood sacrifice, my name..."

An evil god spoke, and there seemed to be pride in his words, which sounded like an elder showing off.

"Looking forward to seeing you next time and seeing if you have the potential to be one of us."

"Remember, I am the master of the galaxy, the end of spiritual evolution, I am..."

The evil god who used a gamma ray burst to attack Jiang Zhiwei also spoke, his tone was a bit cold, the little girl received his blow without injury, which made him lose face somewhat.

"Little guy, I see something special about you. You are indestructible in subspace, but your own strength is still not enough. I look forward to the day when your strength is enough."

"At that time, I thought we could sit down and talk on an equal footing. Remember, I am the God of Order and Equality."


A new evil god appeared from the void, staring at Jiang Zhiwei expectantly and said.

"Little guy, I admit that you have great potential. Although your own strength is still lacking, I feel that you will eventually become one of us and enjoy eternity."

"Remember, I am the God of Aurora, I am..."

"Remember, I am..."

"I won't say it a second time, I'm..."

The evil gods appeared one after another. Although they couldn't accept Jiang Zhiwei becoming the master of the subspace, they didn't want to turn against each other.

After all, this person's potential is extremely high, so high that they feel that it is outrageous, and it is very likely that he will become one of them in the future.

All the evil gods reported their names, and Jiang Zhiwei memorized them all, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

"This group of guys seems to be a little lower than the group of angels and demons outside."

"Although he looks down on himself, it doesn't seem to be the same thing."

Jiang Zhiwei secretly thought in her heart that when she swept across the subspace in the future, she could consider keeping a trace of their true spirits as appropriate.

After the evil gods introduced themselves one by one, Jiang Zhiwei spoke again.

"Okay, I remember your names."

"Then, please remember my name well."

"I, Jiang Zhiwei, my name is Tianqi."

Jiang Zhiwei opened her mouth lightly, announcing her existence to the evil gods of the subspace.

"Little friend Jiang Zhiwei, no, Your Excellency Tianqi."

"Next, just the two of us talk."

Winoris spoke lightly, and its power surged, opening up a new space in the subspace.

There, there were only her and Jiang Zhiwei.

On the other side, in the material universe.

Angel Nebula, Angel King's Court.

The supreme leader of the angelic civilization, the Heavenly Blade King of the Three Kings Era, the most powerful god in the material universe.

Holy Keisha.

Her brows were deeply furrowed at this moment, and she felt that some changes were happening in her heart, but she couldn't calculate it herself.

It's just that the uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"Queen Keisha, what's wrong with you?"

The angel on the side saw the look of the holy Kaisha, and couldn't help frowning. She had never seen their queen have such an expression, and then she spoke.

"It's nothing, you go and call Yan."

Holy Kaisa waved her hand, and continued to frown in deep thought. She has been invincible for too long, and she has not felt what life and death crisis is for a long time.

The calm heart also set off fluctuations at this moment.

She expects someone to end her, but fears that with her fall, the justice and order that she has built will collapse.

"Okay, Queen."

Holy Kaisa didn't answer, and as a subordinate, the angel didn't ask much, and bowed away to invite Angel Yan.

"Queen Keisha, are you looking for me?"

The coming angel bowed respectfully to the holy Kaisha, and said.

"Hiko, I have a premonition of my own end."

Holy Kaisa spoke lightly, but these words made Angel Yan's heart tremble.

"Impossible, Queen Kaisa."

"In the universe, who is your opponent?"

Angel Yan said, in the eyes of their angels, the Angel King, Holy Kaisa, is an invincible existence, how could it be defeated?still die?

"Everyone is mortal, Yan."

"To the universe, to the world, we are still small, don't always indulge in fairy tales about angels being invincible."

Holy Kaisa said that she has always been cultivating Angel Yan as a successor, but perhaps because of her too strong aura, she, like other angels, has blind self-confidence, which is fatal.

Melo Tianting Hua Ye, Demon Queen Liang Bing, and God of Death Karl, as well as the ultimate fear he pursued, are not so easy to deal with.

With this kind of mentality, sooner or later you will suffer, or even be lost.

"Maybe it's not human, Queen Keisha."

Angel Yan opened the mouth and said, completely not understanding what the queen meant.

Holy Kaisa put her hand on her forehead, she was a little speechless, she couldn't tell for a moment whether Angel Yan was scolding her or praising her?

"What I mean is that everything in the world will perish and perish, even if it is as strong as me."

Holy Keisha explained tirelessly.

"Maybe it's not a sacred body?"

"Even if it is blown to pieces, it can still slowly reorganize its body and be resurrected again."

"And I don't think anyone in this universe can do that."

"Karl, the god of death, can't do it, neither can the demon queen Liang Bing, and that bastard Hua Ye can't do it either."

Angel Yan retorted that she actually understood what the queen meant, but she really couldn't imagine what it would be like if the angel civilization lost Queen Kaisha.

"Yan, you have to grow up."

"Grow up even after I'm gone."

"Angel civilization is still standing."

"The order of justice enacted by the angels is still unshakable."

Holy Kaisa stood up from her throne, she walked to the steps step by step, and put her hand on Angel Yan's shoulder.

"I like you."

Holy Kaisa opened her mouth lightly. Suddenly, she frowned and looked up in one direction.


Holy Kesha whispered to herself.

 Second update~
  Be vegetarian every day...

(End of this chapter)

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