Chapter 80 Copy Super Power
Mystique has two abilities, one is to age slowly, and the other is to become anyone.

The childhood sweetheart, Professor X, has become a bad old man, but she is still as beautiful as a flower, like a beauty in her early 30s, precisely because of the slow aging.

It's the blue-striped real body, with a little spicy eyes!

Fortunately, during the battle just now, Mystique looked like Fang Jiexia.

And her shape-shifting ability is not easy to disguise, but includes irises, fingerprints, skin texture, voice, and even gender. She can turn into anyone who is fake, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

Rather than saying that Zhao Nanshan fought Mystique, it would be better to say that he had a friendly match with Fang Jiexia.

"Mystique, I did take advantage of you, but it's not all my fault. After all, you took the initiative to deliver it to your door. Men have never been able to resist the delicious food delivered to their door. You can only blame yourself. Things are too simple."

Zhao Nanshan has already figured out the ultimate goal of Mysterious Girl. Ninety-nine percent of them want to use the beauty trick to kill him, and then transform into him to approach Yang Qian'er, and complete the task without anyone noticing.

Mystique's plan is beautiful and has certain operability.

It's a pity that there is a big difference between the East and the West in the Marvel world. Mystique becomes anyone in the West, and no one will find any clues and doubt her identity. However, in the East of the Marvel world, it is possible to make full preparations. Assassinate the Grandmaster.

If you don't prepare enough, it's easy to give away.

She didn't even figure out Fang Jiexia's personality, so she turned into the other party's appearance to seduce herself, she didn't call herself at all!

"Hmph, cunning boy from the East!"

Mystique snorted softly, and her figure suddenly rose four inches, turning into a 1.8-meter tall muscular man with a beard all over his face. Between the fingers of his clenched fists, three sharp bone spurs grew out.

Zhao Nanshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and joked: "Ruiwen, you turned into Wolverine, have you asked Uncle Wolf?"

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

Mystique becomes someone else, not only can copy the appearance, but also copy the ability.

Of course, this ability is limited.

The original Wolverine has extraordinary self-healing power and is almost immortal, but she can only copy bone claws and a little bit of self-healing power, and the maintenance time is very short, so it must be done quickly.

Mystique, who transformed into Wolverine, had a very wild aura, and her eyes were extremely fierce.

Unfortunately, a fake is a fake.

In the eyes of the grandmaster, her attack speed is full of loopholes, and her combat power is only first-rate, even inferior to Ah Hai in a head-on battle.

However, this cannot be blamed on Mystique.

After all, she was not a mutant known for her combat prowess.

"Ruiwen, fighting and killing is very boring, why don't you and I sit down and have a chat?"

Zhao Nanshan knocked Mystique back with a palm, and stared at her brightly.

"Sorry, I don't know you well, so I have nothing to talk about..."

"If I say I can make you return to a normal person, I wonder if there is anything to talk about?"

Hearing this, Mystique's attack came to an abrupt end, aiming at the bone spur on Zhao Nanshan's forehead, she shrank subconsciously and stared at him blankly.

Mystique can't see people with her real body, she is a thorn buried in her heart, and she wants to get rid of it all the time.

When she was young, she was abducted by Magneto, also because of Magneto, who said that she looked beautiful covered with blue skin armor.

Although Mystique knew very well that Magneto was fooling herself, she still felt very happy.

Because, her childhood playmate, Professor X, never let himself show his real body, and a man who didn't mind her suddenly appeared, and it was normal for him to be abducted.

However, these can't change her heart, hating the lingering blue lines on her skin.

Her greatest wish in this life is to be able to communicate with others without transforming herself, and to live freely and unrestrainedly.

"You, can you really help me?"

From the bottom of her heart, Mystique doesn't believe that an oriental boy has the ability to restore herself to normal, but she has already developed a demonic obstacle about this matter and will not let go of any chance.

For this, she can pay any price!

"of course."

Zhao Nanshan smiled confidently.

Mystique also returned to her original appearance and asked, "What do I need to do?"

"Don't worry, just try it first."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Nanshan pointed a little, and it was printed on Mystique's forehead.

His hands seemed to have magical powers.

The spot that was touched actually faded rapidly, spreading to the whole body with the forehead as the center.

The Mystique with blue-striped skin instantly turned into a blonde beauty.

A naked sexy beauty with baby fat on her face.


"I'm back to normal!"

"Haha, hahaha... I'm back, I'm back to normal!"

Looking at the skin that had returned to normal and could be broken by blows, Mystique touched her face subconsciously. There were no blue lines, no ugly pimples, smooth skin, clean and flawless.

Mystique, who is full of sorrow and joy, is crying and laughing excitedly, like a child.

Marvel World.

Mystique's shape-shifting abilities are unparalleled in the world.

She is an expert in this area and knows her own state very well.

She can be 100% sure that she has not been deformed, nor has she been deformed, but has truly recovered.

From a blue-skinned monster to a beautiful woman.

What surprised her the most was that her own deformation ability was still there, and the slow aging mutant ability also did not disappear.

She really recovered!
Unfortunately, it was only a short experience.

Mystique was happy for less than a minute, and there was a wave of waves on her body, and her smooth and flawless skin turned into ugly blue-striped skin again.

Seeing the transformed skin, Mystique was so anxious that she almost cried.

She couldn't wait to say: "Sir, what price do I need to pay to make me completely return to normal?"

"Give up the assassination of Yang Qian'er, and give me another hug, well, it takes a few minutes..."

"No problem, you can hold it for as long as you want."

Before Zhao Nanshan could reply, the excited Mystique threw herself into his arms.

Zhao Nanshan didn't have any ink marks either, so he stretched out his finger again and tapped Mystique's forehead.

Mystique, whose body was covered with blue-patterned skin, returned to normal again, with extremely smooth skin.

"System, copy Mystique's ability and optimize it at the same time."

"Host, copying Mystique's transformation ability requires 150 points of merit and 3 minutes of contact with the target; optimization requires 300 merits, please confirm whether to copy and optimize?"


Zhao Nanshan didn't hesitate at all.

Mystique's ability to change shape is almost exactly the same as the supernatural power "transformation and change of shape" in the fairy art "Tiangang 36 Changes". It takes a total of five thousand merits to redeem this magical power of change of shape.

However, it only takes 150 merit points to copy Mystique's ability, and it only takes 300 merit points to optimize it into the supernatural power of "transformation into shape".

It's just like picking it up!
This is a sure-fire deal.

Even with the addition of one hundred merits for making up for Mystique's shortcomings, it only cost 550 merits.

Is there anything more beautiful in the world than this?

 ps: Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins from "One Piece with the Fate", and the rewards of the book friends who read on qq!I can't see the name here, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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