Chapter 79

Sensing Cheng Xiaonan's gaze, Zhao Nanshan was in a dilemma. If he agreed to Fang Jiexia, he would anger his second sister, but if he didn't agree, his friendship would be ruined.

Fortunately, the new sister, Yang Qian'er, was very winking and smoothed things over with a smile.

"A'nan, from your friend's tone, it seems that something is really urgent. You might as well go and have a look. If you can help, you can help. If you can't help, come back quickly. As long as you don't stay too long, Miss Xiaonan will not blame you."

When Cheng Xiaonan heard this, he didn't want to lose his temper, so he could only reply depressedly: "As long as you don't want to make trouble, you can help!"

Got the consent of the second sister.

Zhao Nanshan let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said, "Axia, where are you?"

"Wan Chai, Blue River Center."

Fang Jiexia works in the Wanchai Police Station, an inspector in the Special Crime Investigation Division, and the word "probationary" was removed a few days ago.

Because, Fang Jiexia used psychology and hypnotism to pry open the mouth of a black policeman who was pretending to be stupid, disintegrated a corruption case involving the Chief Inspector, and easily removed the word trainee.

Much more relaxed than Zhao Nanshan and Cheng Xiaodong.

People who can pass the screening of 'inspector potential', even Fang Jiexia who has a family background, must have two brushes, and the family will help her enter the police force.

Otherwise, why would you be able to make jokes all day long by being a dandy for nothing and going directly to the police station as an inspector?
The well-known family on Hong Kong Island is not a fool, how could they make such a mistake?
They would rather let the dudes stop doing things and hang around outside all day, than send them to the police force to lose face. The famous family is not short of money, and they don't care about the clansmen spending money lavishly. They are afraid that they will do stupid things and embarrass the family.


Leave Cheng's house.

Zhao Nanshan drove to Wan Chai alone.

Blue River Center is a 216-meter-high, 66-storey building located on Queen's Road East, where Zhou Xingxing works as a traffic policeman. It is easy to find.Of course, Zhou Xingxing in the Marvel world may not be so sad to be demoted by the female police superintendent to become a traffic policeman.

After all, Ah Xing comes from the Institute of Superpowers and possesses various abilities. He enters the police academy for training and will soon get high-level attention. Even if he is not selected by the Flying Tigers, he will be transferred to the serious crime team as an undercover agent.

There are restaurants, restaurants, office buildings, and shops in the Blue River Center. It is a comprehensive building that gathers a variety of businesses. Except for the 32nd, 42nd, and 58th floors, which are fire-proof floors, the other floors are very lively.

The place where Fang Jiexia made an appointment was on the 42nd floor that was separated from the fire.

This is very surprising.

However, thinking of Fang Jiexia's love of cleanliness and dislike of noisy personality, Zhao Nanshan didn't think much about it. When he arrived at the center of Blue River, he took the elevator and went straight to the 42nd floor...

"Axia, I'm here, where are you?"

Get out of the elevator.

The first thing Zhao Nanshan saw was the goods. Facing the full of goods, it is reasonable to say that the fire insulation layer cannot be stacked, especially flammable items.

Because when the building catches fire, there are flammable materials in the fire insulation layer, and it will catch fire like other floors, so the fire insulation layer will lose its function, causing people in the building to have nowhere to escape.

"Anan, you are here!"

Just as he was thinking inwardly, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared around the corner in front of him.

She was dressed in a white dress to win the snow, her skin was white and tender, and the unfettered three thousand black hairs scattered behind her back like a waterfall, glamorous and moving.

She has beautiful facial features, big eyes, small mouth, tall nose, slender and stylish body, and very capable temperament.

"Axia, why did you ask me to come to this kind of place?"

Zhao Nanshan was puzzled.

"There's no one around here, so we'll meet on the fire-separated floor. You can do whatever you want without being seen. Isn't that what you want?"

Fang Jiexia blinked her beautiful eyes, her playfulness was full of charm, and she exuded a seductive aura.

"I like it?"

A strange look flashed across Zhao Nanshan's eyes, but a hungry wolf-like smirk appeared on his face: "Axia, are you interested in me?"


Fang Jiexia smiled sweetly.

Then, turn around and go deep, away from the elevator entrance.

Her indifferent and specious attitude clearly shows that she wants to seduce a man.

Looking at the graceful back of the other party, Zhao Nanshan showed a smirk, and thought to himself: "Seduce me, but you have to pay the price!"

Follow the beauty into the depths of the fire barrier.

Zhao Nanshan turned passive into active, hugged Fang Jiexia from behind, and hugged Fang Jiexia into a corner full of goods amidst the other party's exclamation.


Like a rough man, he tore off Fang Jiexia's clothes.

Fang Jiexia, who was treated like this, not only did not scream, but hooked Zhao Nanshan's neck with both hands, and offered a deep kiss with winking eyes

This is how the battle started!

The fierce battle lasted for three hours from 07:30 am to 10:30 am.

after the end.

Fang Jiexia lay softly on Zhao Nanshan's body, drawing circles on his chest with one hand, speaking touching words of love in her mouth, reaching over his head with the other hand, and pulled out a dagger from the stacked cardboard boxes.

However, just when she was about to strike, someone grabbed her wrist suddenly, as if being pinched by pliers. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fight for the restraint, and all struggles were in vain.

"Tell me, who are you?"

Zhao Nanshan held the wrist of the beauty in his arms with one hand, and put his arms around her small waist with the other, and asked with a playful face.

From the moment Fang Jiexia showed up, he knew that Fang Jiexia was not Fang Jiexia, but a counterfeit disguised by her.

Especially when Fang Jiexia spoke for the second time, saying that there was no one around here, and that both inside and outside the words revealed seduction, he was even more certain of this fact.

Because Fang Jiexia really knows that he likes Cheng Xiaodong, even if she has a secret love, she will not seduce her, at most she will keep it in her heart.What's more, Fang Jiexia is a high-achieving student, a Ph.D. in psychology, and a master hypnotist, so she has a cold temper.

How could this kind of woman seduce herself?
Although Zhao Nanshan thinks he is very handsome, has a special temperament, and is the youngest guru on Hong Kong Island, he still has someone he likes, and it is impossible for Fang Jiexia, a domineering and arrogant girl like Fang Jiexia, to win her love.


The counterfeit Fang Jiexia who was firmly restrained by him did not speak.

"Actually, I can guess it even if you don't tell me. It can be fake and change into anyone's appearance. Except for the famous Mystique, I can't think of another person."

Zhao Nanshan let go of Mystique, and under her stunned eyes, he boasted, "You can become anyone. It's really strong. Unfortunately, you can change your appearance and imitate your temperament, but you can't cover up your body. Murderous aura, even if you try your best to conceal these auras, you still cannot escape the eyes of the Grandmaster."

"And the most deadly point is that Fang Jiexia won't seduce men. She and I are just good friends. Your calculation was wrong from the beginning."

"So, are you deliberately taking advantage of me?"

There was a wave of waves on Mystique, and she recovered her blue real body in an instant, and said angrily.

 ps: I have an immature idea, that is to accept Mystique as a mortal, let her do things for the pig's feet, trick mutants to come over, harvest their abilities, and those who commit serious crimes can also harvest merit...

  What do you think?

  If you think it's poisonous, then forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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