American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 19 The King of Power Burns Poppy Fields in Anger

Chapter 19 The King of Power Burns Poppy Fields in Anger

Xicang Building.

Huang Quan, who was dealing with affairs at his residence, looked at A Hai who hurried over from Beicang, and asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Third Sister, the matter of growing poppies in the forbidden land has been exposed."

Ah Hai said in a hurry.

"Damn, if you have to tell me about such a trivial matter, who knows who will be killed?"

Huang Quan glared at A Hai angrily. There is a large area of ​​poppies planted in the forbidden area of ​​Xicang, and it is impossible to hide it from everyone. It is inevitable that there will be mistakes, and it is not like this has never happened before.

Many old prisoners in each warehouse in the prison know that the forbidden area is a poppy field, but these people are very clever, pretending to know nothing, never saying a word to outsiders, and even forcing themselves to forget these things they should not know.

For the prisoners who have self-knowledge, the Four Heavenly Kings will not kill them all.

Because there are as many kills as there are, the loss will be great.

After all, in addition to making washing powder, prisons also sell human organs. Too many people are killed at once, and it is difficult to find suitable sellers. Picking up organs and putting them in ice storage will also increase costs.

Accidental power failure can also cause organ necrosis.

It is better to let the prisoners live and work every day to generate income.

"Third sister, this person is a bit special, I am no match for him."

Ah Hai's expression was a little embarrassed. If the king of strength who practiced hard qigong was so easy to kill, he would have killed him two days ago. Why would he need to wait until today?


"King He Li."

Ah Hai explained: "He is also a grand master, he practices high-quality hard qigong, and his strength is stronger than Mount Tai. Yesterday, the big stupid elephant was bought by someone with a meal, and he was going to kill Li Wang in the bathroom, but he was punched through the belly by Li Wang instead. , die with peace in mind."

"It turned out to be the master of Henglian, this person is indeed very tricky!"

Huang Quanxiu frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "The master is coming back tomorrow, and there must be no accident tonight, otherwise we will have no good fruit to eat, but don't worry too much, the righteous brother I recognized a few days ago has already been used by me The poison is under control, and if King Li wants to go to the forbidden area to make troubles, it depends on whether Anan agrees or not."

"After all, Anan is also a cutting-edge master. He can kill a first-class fighter with one punch, which is no worse than a king of strength."

"However, to be on the safe side, our Four Heavenly Kings cannot be absent tonight."

"You go to inform the boss and the second child and let them prepare."

Hearing this, Ah Hai nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Watching Ah Hai walk out of the room, Huang Quan put down the pen in his hand, rested his cheek with one hand, and fell into deep thought.

"What happened in the past few years?"

"Young masters are like leeks, constantly daring out, first there is Cheng Xiaodong, a female genius, then Liu Jiehui, who is born with a unicorn arm, Chen Haonan, who is famous for his Fengshen legs, and the three heroes of the East named by the media, plus Anan , Li Wang and others can play a few tables of mahjong together. In the past decades, young grandmasters were not necessarily born in the martial arts world of Hong Kong Island. Is this world swollen?"

Huang Quan, who was nearly thirty years old, was stuck in the Jiutian Jiuchong, unable to make any progress. When he met a young master who was younger than her and extremely powerful, he felt a little unbalanced in his heart, and always felt that the world had changed.

When was it so easy to break through the Xiantian Realm?
But why can't she break through?
Not only her, but also Taishan from Dongcang, Baishen from Nancang and Ahai from Beicang.

They are all top-notch fighters of the Houtian Jiuzhong, but they have reached this stage in their cultivation, and they can no longer make an inch of progress.

Although, Huang Quan also knew that it was difficult for her to practice the evil skill "Seven Injury Ghost Claws" to rebel against her innate nature and become a martial arts master, but no matter how difficult it was, there was a bottom line!

You must know that many of the exercises practiced by martial artists today were created by the ancients.

Ancient warriors were able to create their own magical skills, become a master admired by everyone, even a great master, and even condense golden pills to obtain a long lifespan.

But why can't they even break through an innate talent.

"Could it be that I'm too picky?"

Huang Quan couldn't help thinking.

This woman is relatively strong, and her talent is not too low, but she practiced evil skills, went astray, and became a poisonous woman.

It is estimated that there will be no chance to step into the innate in this life!

That night, 10:30.

There are no recreational activities in the prison, the most is to play a deck of cards and play a few hands of poker.

However, due to the heavy daily work, the prisoners in the general store usually go to bed before ten o'clock. At this point, the prison is completely silent, except for a few places that are brightly lit, and other places are completely dark.

In the morning, King He Li, who learned that poppies were grown in the forbidden area of ​​Xicang, suddenly bounced off the bed, picked up the prison clothes beside the bed, and quickly walked out of the small cell.

"There are actually poppies growing in the Xicang Forbidden Area, and Yingying was killed by washing powder. This kind of harmful thing must not be allowed to exist!"

Ever since his girlfriend Yingying met the Qinglong Gang selling washing powder, and was raped by the Qinglong Gang to commit suicide, Li Wang has an obsession in his heart, wishing to burn the poppies all over the world and eliminate washing powder from the source.

Of course, he also knew that this goal was impossible to achieve, but the poppy field in the forbidden area of ​​Xicang must not be left alone, it must be burned.

Never let poppies grow under your nose.

Otherwise, after death in the future, she will have no face to face Yingying.

Between windmills and electric engines...

King Li came to the entrance of the Xicang Forbidden Area.


When he kicked open the gate of the forbidden subway, he saw the colorful poppies inside, and the upright poppy fruit stretched inward continuously, with no end in sight at a glance, boundless anger burst out of his heart instantly.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a large poppy field. This is not a prison, it's clearly a den of drugs!"

Li Wang, who was full of indignation, cried out in grief on his face, and became more and more annoyed in his heart.

Then, King Li took off his shirt, took out a lighter from his trouser pocket, and lit the prison clothes in his hand.

"Damn it, this kid actually wants to burn the poppy fields. He wants to destroy our lifeblood!"

"I'm going out to kill him!"

"Don't talk nonsense, turn on the sprinkler gate quickly, or it will be too late."


Huang Quan and others, who had already heard the news, were in the glass room in the center of the forbidden area, monitoring every move of King Li. When they saw King Li igniting his prison clothes and trying to burn down the poppy fields, they all cursed.

There is only one exception.

He is Zhao Nanshan next to Huang Quan.

"As expected, King Li is still here!"

Long before entering the prison, Zhao Nanshan had expected that such a day would come, but he did not expect it to come so soon.

Fortunately, he has successfully entered the forbidden area and recorded substantial video evidence. It is not a big problem to burn the poppy field. If it is really burned like in the movie, he may be more annoyed than Huang Quan and the others.


The poppies lit by King Li were quickly extinguished by spraying water.

The flaming prison clothes in King Li's hands were also sprayed with water and more than half of them were wiped out.

His heart also became half cold.

However, it was soon re-ignited by boundless anger.

He threw away his firecoat abruptly, and shouted towards the depths of the poppy field: "Come out, I know you are all inside, I will kill you before burning the poppy field, no one can stop me tonight."

"Hey, then let me meet you."

The war-loving Dongcang Heavenly King Taishan said as he walked out of the glass room.

(End of this chapter)

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