Chapter 18
Prisons are full of talents, there are people from all walks of life, and there are naturally many prisoners who know chemistry.

The people who sit in the research room of the forbidden area and do research are all the best in the chemical industry. Everyone was a talent before being imprisoned. Unfortunately, they were sent to the Kokubun Prison, and they were forced by the warden, Yi, to work as a minion and assist in crimes.

These people have stayed in the research room all year round, have seen too much darkness, and have completely lost hope of leaving the Kokubun Prison alive.

However, if someone gives them hope, it should not be difficult to instigate them to become prosecution witnesses.

But before that, evidence must be collected.

Only by having enough evidence can you make yourself invincible and instigate oppressed researchers, so there is no need to rush for a while.

"Uncle Tong, are there any taboos in underground factories?"

Zhao Nanshan was observing the laboratory to see if there was any surveillance around, and he approached Uncle Tong and asked.

"It depends on the person. You and I have no taboos. You can go anywhere in the forbidden area. Others can't wander around. They come in together when they are at work, and go out together when they are off work. They eat, drink and sleep here when they are busy."

Although Uncle Tong has lost hope of leaving, he still has a small amount of authority in the restricted area of ​​the Kokubun Prison.

Tired from work, he can leave on his own and go back to the small cell in Xicang to rest. There is also a TV set in the room, and occasionally when he has nothing to do, he can stay in the small cell to watch TV, and his life is more comfortable.

It's definitely not as good outside, but in Kokubun Prison, it can be called high-end VIP treatment.

After all, even Zhao Nanshan, the team leader on the floor, did not have a TV set in the cell. Although Huang Quan might have a plan to install it for himself, he should not be able to wait until that day, because he has already sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​Xicang, and it is easy to find him. Opportunity to take a video to testify.

The Xicang forbidden area is actually difficult to enter, and the management inside is not strict.

Only the entrance and exit were guarded, the work hall and research room were empty, and almost all the security personnel were in the test area, guarding the mice inside.

That is, the prisoner who was dragged into the basement to test the drug.

Some of these prisoners are addicts themselves, and some are unlucky ones who were forced to test drugs in underground factories because of lack of manpower, or because they needed healthy prisoners to test drugs.

"Oh, then you are busy, I will go around..."

Zhao Nanshan patted Uncle Tong on the shoulder, turned around and walked out of the laboratory, and began to secretly film the prisoners making washing powder. The process went smoothly without any obstacles. The only person who could be called an obstacle was the prison guard Achang who was guarding the door of the laboratory.

However, there is a ten-meter corridor between the work hall and the research room. Achang's line of sight is very narrow. Avoiding his gaze is not challenging at all. What's more, the induction itself is very strong for the innate master. Notice it for a while.

The video of the prisoner making washing powder, together with the poppy fields captured before, can be said to be solid evidence for the crime of washing powder.

Next, you only need to photograph the people in the research room and force the prisoners to test the medicine, and then you can close the net as appropriate.

Of course, it’s fine if you don’t shoot them, as long as you get rid of the warden and the king of heaven, you can easily interrogate anyone who has evidence of these crimes...

North warehouse building.

Because there were five bullets in his body, King He Li, who was rated as a dangerous person, had nothing to do all day long, either staying in the small cell, Si Yi's little girlfriend who had passed away, or playing music with leaves.

At nine o'clock in the morning, as usual, King He Li walked out of the small cell with one hand in his pocket, wandering around and aimlessly.

"Huh, huh..."

When King Heli went downstairs, he happened to meet Asha, godson of Beicang Tianwang 'Ahai', holding a leaf in both hands, sitting at the entrance of the corridor and blowing vigorously.

It's a pity that I don't know the tricks, and I can't blow it no matter how I blow it.

Seeing this scene, King He Li took out a leaf from his bosom, blew a short tune, then sat beside Asha, and said, "You are too hard, blowing gently, your tongue curls up, like this... "

As he spoke, King Li blew on the leaves again.

Seeing this, Asha on the side immediately burst into tears and was very sad.

According to the original plot of the movie, King Heli at this time would ask Asha if he was sad because his godfather Ahai died.

However, reality is not a movie!

Although, on the first day Li Wang entered Beicang, he mutilated the Shanmao with gang background, and on the second day he punched to death the big elephant who was bribed by rice, but the progress of the matter was not the same as in the movie.

Neither A Hai, the king of Beicang, nor Cyclops, the deputy director of the prison, bothered about these things with King Li.

Because King Li is also a congenital master, only Ah Hai, who is the ninth level of acquired heaven, is not his opponent at all, and the deputy director, Cyclops, is also a bullying and fearful counselor. Only when the four heavenly kings are by his side can he dare to bully dangerous prisoners. With people around, I dare not fart.

Therefore, Ah Hai was not used as a gunman by the deputy director as in the movie, using the corpse of the prisoner Ah Guang to force Wang to take action.

Now that Ah Hai is safe and sound, the plot is naturally deviated.

Looking at the tearful Asha, King Li's expression was a little confused, and he said in astonishment: "Asha, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, ah~~"

Hearing this, Asha opened his mouth, revealing the reason for his sadness, then got up and went downstairs.

"What? Your tongue was cut off!"

Seeing that half of Asha's tongue was missing, while King Li was shocked, boundless anger gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

Although he has seen many unknown dark sides in the past few days in Kokubun Prison, he still can't let go of such evil deeds of cutting people's tongues.

What kind of hatred and resentment, why should he be so vicious?

Li Wang was very puzzled by this, and his gaze towards Asha became very complicated, with sympathy and doubt.

After a short silence.

King Li took out the bamboo clarinet that he carried with him, and played pleasant notes to attract Asha who walked away.

Then he threw the flute to Asha, and Asha caught the bamboo clarinet, played it a few times, and found that he could play the notes. His sad face suddenly showed a pure smile, and he was as happy as a child, running around while playing the flute.

Seeing this, King Li showed a comforting smile like an old father.

Afterwards, he went downstairs to play with Asha.

This scene is very touching and innocent, adding a bit of lightness and joy to this oppressive, dark, bloody prison where everyone is very irritable.

Helpless, happy time is always very short.

When the excited Asha took out a handful of poppy leaves from his body, Li Wang's face changed suddenly.

"Where did you get the poppy leaves?"

King Li took a poppy leaf, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and asked with a serious face.


Realizing that something was wrong, Ah Sha's brows were full of panic.

After repeated hesitation.

Out of gratitude, Asha told King Li the answer, and pointed to the forbidden area of ​​Xicang.

"Where is Xicang?"

King Li frowned, and subconsciously glanced at Xicang, with a bit of thought in his sharp eyes.

Little did they know that their actions were all seen by Ah Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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