Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 244 What a big game of chess

Chapter 244 What a big game of chess
When the water wave swayed like this, the spirit of the whole car immediately became tense and excited again, and they all sat up straight, staring closely at the front.

Jiang Xuan also shifted to second gear, and slowed down again so as not to disturb anything.

"What is that!" Su Yao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed.

At the end of the light beam of the car in front, two huge and fuzzy shadows appeared faintly. Because the distance was too far and the underwater lighting was very limited, it was impossible to see what they were.

But the size is astonishingly large. From the outline, it may be five or six meters high and three to forty meters long!

The giant sharks and whales in the sea probably only have this size, but the characteristics of the waters of the Taihu Lake make it impossible to breed creatures of this size.

And there are two of them!
"Damn, it is said that the giant crocodile has a huge body, much bigger than the average crocodile on the earth, and the stronger the monster, the bigger the body." Susu's voice trembled a little, and she glanced at Gou Ritian, Said: "It is said that Erlang God's Roaring Dog has a monster body like a mountain. It can break the river with one claw and swallow ten thousand people with one mouthful. Jiang Xuan, we... We must not have encountered two big crocodile monsters!"

"Eldest sister, just say what you say, it depends on me. I'm not a roaring dog." Gou Ritian rolled his eyes.

The corner of Jiang Xuan’s mouth twitched, and he thought to himself, Director Zhu, Director Zhu, the book your old man gave is too unreliable, the information in it is either incomplete or inaccurate, every time I try to do something according to your book Things will end up with all sorts of messes.

If it's really two big crocodile monsters, then it's a big deal. If you encounter a monster of this type of fighting, you have to cheer up 12 points.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan was not prepared to take the risk of finding out what was in front of him. This kind of risk was too terrible to take.

Just as he was about to turn around, the two black figures in front suddenly moved quickly, revealing part of their figures in the light.

It turned out that it was not a giant beast at all, but two big schools of fish!
It is not entirely accurate to say that it is a school of fish, but a large number of dense aquatic creatures. There are all kinds of fish, as well as lobsters and crabs.

"My mother, there are so many fish, so the fish have all come here!"

This was the first time they encountered a large school of fish after coming to Taihu Lake. Jiang Xuan and the others were very curious, and carefully drove towards the front.

"That's not right." Su Yao said, "Isn't the fish school composed of the same kind of fish?" She squinted her eyes and saw that there were all kinds of fish in the fish school in front of her.

In fact, fish shoals may not all be the same kind of fish, and some organisms that play a parasitic and auxiliary role will also form a group, but the problem is that I have never heard of a 'swarm' composed of dozens of aquatic organisms.

Moreover, among these creatures, there are obviously natural enemies of each other, such as lobsters and crabs, which are natural enemies of various small fish, and carnivorous and omnivorous fish such as big black fish and big herring, are also natural enemies of shrimps and crabs. They will fight together, how can they form a school of fish safely?

It was too late and then it was too late, two big schools of fish collided with each other suddenly!
The fish school suddenly became chaotic. After the two large groups that were orderly just now collided, there was me in you, and you in me. The aquatic creatures that could keep order a moment ago seemed to suddenly become incomparable. Get irritable and attack each other.

A black fish more than half a meter long bit the belly of a crucian carp hard, biting a big hole in the belly of the crucian carp. Immediately afterwards, the whole body was covered with lobsters, and was pinched in the water by the big pincers and rolled painfully with;

A few jumping red-tailed carp slammed a crab into a mosaic with its tail, but immediately after, a huge squid about one meter long rushed in unreasonably and bit off the carp's tail;
A few herring and grass carp about the size of a person, like small fishes, bumped into each other fiercely, how could the impact be enough?The head of the fish was smashed.

All kinds of aquatic creatures, like crazy, whether they are usually vegetarian, carnivorous, or docile and fierce, are now attacking each other bravely, and a fierce fight is launched under the water.

"Oh I see!"

Looking at this weird scene, Jiang Xuan suddenly realized that it was not two groups of aquatic creatures at all, but two underwater 'armies', fighting here!In the beginning, in our team, all kinds of natural enemies naturally maintained a certain balance. After colliding with each other, they attacked the opponent's enemies.

There was a school of fish fighting ahead, and the car couldn't go straight through. Jiang Xuan also wanted to know what happened, so he turned off the engine, pulled the handbrake, and stopped in place to wait. The car was like a big rock in the water , quietly watching the battle ahead.

The two schools of fish fought for nearly half an hour, each leaving a place of corpses, and then returned to the team, which was quite orderly, forming two large fish schools again, but compared to the beginning , the two fish schools are obviously smaller by a large circle.

In the water between the two schools of fish, countless dead fish and shrimps were floating in the water, and many carnivorous and omnivorous fish came out to eat all these corpses and had a full meal.

Then the two groups of fish that were obviously smaller left each other again, as if nothing had happened.

"What's going on here?" Several people in the car were at a loss. It is certain that under normal circumstances, fish schools would not attack each other like this. They must have been affected by some special force. It is related to the crocodile demon.

But why let the aquarium kill each other?
"Could it be military training?" Jiang Qiang said: "The elimination will be carried out, the strong will survive and the weak will die, leaving only fierce aquariums to form a future army of aquariums?"

There is such a possibility.

But the question is why form an army of aquariums?The aquarium can't go ashore again, and they are kings and hegemons in the water?That doesn't require an army of aquariums. The crocodile alone is enough. A crocodile, or a crocodile that has already become a monster, will definitely be the overlord even in the sea, let alone Taihu Lake.

"Not being able to go ashore now doesn't mean that he won't be able to get involved in the case in the future!" Susu said suddenly; "He is only a devil now, if he becomes a big devil in the future, it is entirely possible for his subordinates to get rid of the shackles of water and go to land; The devil king can even transform his subordinates into human form."

This sounds terrible!

There are only so many human beings, but only a few billion, and the hearts of the billions are complicated, and billions of people have their own thoughts.

As for the various biological clocks on the earth, the number of human races is not too large, and there are more races than humans. Not to mention ants and cockroaches, even the number of aquariums and humans is not an order of magnitude.

Just one place in Taihu Lake, how many aquariums are there?

Probably more than there are humans on the entire planet.

"Damn it, what a big game of chess!"

(End of this chapter)

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