Chapter 235
Xiao Guangtian was also confused and inexplicable.

This world is not as peaceful as it is said in the legend, why are there bad people everywhere, I just squatted by the lake and poured some water, and someone wants to drag me to jail? !
Well, they poured some medicine, but this little medicine is nothing. At most, all the fish in this artificial lake will die within half a year, and people who drink this water will not die, and they may just suffer from insanity.

Is this a thing?It's not a problem at all!The fish in the artificial lake is so unpalatable. They deserve to die. In this society, people with a clear mind struggle to live. It's just right to be confused.

I can be regarded as doing good deeds without leaving a name. How can I meet someone who wants to arrest me? !

In fact, Xiao Guangtian didn't lie to Master Broken Shoes, he was sent to the human world by the devil world, Xiao Guangtian found that this place is really good, everyone has to buy medicine to eat, and there are no particularly powerful characters. There will be a big demon who slaps him to death directly.

The point is that the people here are very weak, and when they are used for drug experiments, the effect is very obvious, and it is easy to find out how to adjust the drugs he researched to make them more effective.Unlike the Demon Realm, the weakest guy has a high resistance, and there is no way to verify whether a dose of medicine will work or not.

What's more, everyone in the devil world practiced, so who the hell took medicine?Now he can't fiddle with the kind of high-grade medicine that can greatly improve the practitioners of the demon world. Even if he fiddles with it, he is a wandering little demon with no family. Who would trust him in a place like the demon world? Him, take his medicine?
The world is different, not only does everyone have to take medicine, but also say "thank you" to him after buying the medicine.

So he made up his mind, what kind of mission in the devil world is none of my business?I'm right here, doing my drug experiments with peace of mind. Anyway, there are so many messy viruses in the world, and the human body is also weak. Even if it breaks down, who knows if he took his medicine or gutter oil?His medicines were all packaged with products from big manufacturers.

Who would have thought that the good times didn't last long before being knocked at the door by that monk, and now this kid appeared again.

"If you want to be fined, you should be fined. This is not enough for me to go to jail. What about your law enforcement certificate, let me see it!" Xiao Guangtian has been in the world for a while, and he still understands some rules.

If the other party can produce a law enforcement certificate, then next, if the other party wants a fine, he will ask for an invoice. In this way, the other party will "retreat".It was on TV.

"Yo, you really know the rules!" Jiang Xuan was taken aback for a moment and laughed.

"Tch, it's okay, I'm leaving." Xiao Guangtian rolled his eyes, turned around and was about to leave.Anyway, his goal is to lurk in the world, to be a pharmaceutical scientist quietly, to avoid trouble, or better not to cause trouble, now quickly find a safe place, give yourself a whole face, take some cosmetic medicine, and change your face , a new life.

Jiang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, and asked with a smile: "You law enforcement in the devil world, do you also need a law enforcement certificate?"

"What?!" Xiao Guangtian turned his head abruptly, his eyes changed, and he stared at Jiang Xuan firmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, fuck him!" Su Yao waved her fist excitedly, looking like a violent woman, and a few little monsters also looked like they should move faster and less wordy.Although this place is remote, it is a scenic spot after all, and someone might come at any time, and it would be a hindrance to fight.

The point is, compared with the previous saboteurs, yin demons, and brain-damaged demons, Xiao Guangtian seems to be easy to bully, and judging by his appearance, he is covered in tatters. It was obviously caused by modern weapons. Maybe this guy fled in embarrassment just after being attacked by the government forces.

However, Liang Yifei kept an eye out. If this guy really escaped from the siege of the government forces, and forced the government forces to use bombs—no matter what it is, the mushroom cloud will appear, at least it is a rocket launcher. And it is not the power that one or two can have.

That may mean that this guy is a residual blood, and in turn, it also means that this guy is a master!Anyway, Jiang Xuan felt that he would definitely not be able to withstand the rocket bombardment.

Then you have to pay attention, and if you add a few more words, you may have unexpected gains.After some dealings with the guys from the demon world, Jiang Xuan found that these people despised the human world, and never had any intention of hiding their strength or keeping secrets. On the contrary, they all seemed like chatterboxes. After that, it was rare to meet the same kind of cultivators. These little devils were still relatively lonely in their hearts and had the desire to confide in them.What's more, superpowers have to fight full-screen strength, and a few more words can't change any results. For example, Yin Demon has never hidden his strength, but he still can't beat him.

The strong are never afraid to confess to the weak. The so-called secret weapon of the trump card is just the struggle of the weak in front of the strong. In most cases, the result is still meaningless.

"You know the devil world?"

Sure enough, Xiao Guangtian's chatterbox opened up, as if he had prepared melon seeds and tea leaves and everyone came together to form a dragon's gate array.

He glanced at Jiang Xuan, and sure enough, after paying attention this time, he really felt the unique aura of a cultivator from the other party.

Not strong, stronger than when he didn't take the medicine, but not as good as after he took the medicine.

Then look at the group of guys behind him, one by one, except for the young woman, it seems that the rest are not ordinary people.

"Are you a person from the heavens, or a cultivator on earth?" Xiao Guangtian asked.

"Is there a difference?" Liang Yifei said with a sincere face: "Anyway, we are all cultivators. Now that we have met, it is better to communicate with each other. You also know that there are very few cultivators in this place in the world, and their level is also low. There are few fellows. I have a lot of experience in cultivation that no one shares, and some doubts that no one answers.”

"That's none of my business." Xiao Guangtian shook his head, and said with a straight face, "I naturally have my own way of cultivation, and it's meaningless to communicate with you." After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey man, why are you in a hurry?" Jiang Xuan chased after him, pointed to the river, and said, "I see you poured something into it just now, what is it, medicine?"

"It's none of your business!" Xiao Guangtian rolled his eyes, but he still said proudly, "It's a medicine. I invented it myself. It's very powerful!"

"Can panacea improve cultivation?" Jiang Xuan looked at the lake and asked curiously.

Xiao Guangtian said with a half-smile, "Then you will know if you take a sip yourself. Don't worry, you won't die if you drink it. If you feel uncomfortable after drinking it, don't worry. I will research some new medicine and treat it for free."

Speaking of discomfort, Jiang Xuan seemed to be feeling a little uncomfortable!
I'm so lazy, I can't lift my strength!

"Boss, that's not right!" Gou Ritian suddenly called out.

Gou Ritian was fine just now, but just a few minutes after Jiang Xuan chatted with this guy, he felt dizzy, dizzy and weak, as if he was sick.

Subconsciously, he wanted to use the aura in his body to stimulate him, mentally, but he didn't know that the aura in his body became extremely stagnant. It used to be like a flowing water, but now it's like solidified cement, completely unusable.

When he yelled like this, Jiang Xuan himself realized something was wrong, dizzy, dizzy, and his legs throbbed, as if he had a sudden heatstroke in summer, his whole body was weak, and he couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, what's the matter?" A group of people ran over and surrounded Jiang Xuan, and Gou Ritian was lying on the side alone, calling weakly: "Hey, I'm sick too, okay, why is there no one to care about me?" ?”

"You...I'm so are you guys?" Jiang Xuan shook his head, with a bad feeling in his heart, and asked the others.

"Everything is normal." Chang Xiaotu took out a piece of leftover steak just now, "Is it because I was too hungry just now because I didn't eat enough, do you want to eat something?"

"Uh...take it away, now I see the meat and suddenly feel like vomiting." Jiang Xuan shook his head weakly, then looked up at Xiao Guangtian.

Sure enough, Xiao Guangtian's expression remained unchanged. He didn't feel surprised that a dog could talk and he suddenly fell down. Instead, he looked at him with a half-smile.

"Is it your fault?" Jiang Xuan asked.

"Didn't you pat me just now?" Xiao Guangtian said unhurriedly: "I just took a lot of medicine, but now it's a medicine jar, covered with medicine, you touch me, and the medicine will be transmitted to you. You can rest."

"No wonder..." Gou Ritian wept bitterly. He and Jiang Xuan were connected by force. The good thing was that he didn't need to practice at all. The bad thing was that Jiang Xuan's spiritual energy couldn't be used, so he was in bad luck.

"So powerful? I'll go!" Jiang Xuan was so depressed that he was in a mess. Why are all the people in the Demon Realm weird and capable?If that's the case, isn't he the most awesome one, no matter who touches him, he will be crippled immediately, and he will be spanked?

"You don't have to look at me like this." Xiao Guangtian was still as Jiang Xuan guessed, he was talkative and couldn't help but want to communicate with others. After putting Jiang Xuan down, he continued to blatantly expose his old self, showing off, saying: "I'm not as powerful as you imagined. If you are stronger than me, it will be useless. I met a monk before, and my medicine jar body is useless to him, so young people, you still have to work hard! "

"Don't pretend, I'll kick you to death!" Chang Xiaotu suddenly lashed out, and in mid-air she had recovered her demon body and turned into a big red-eyed rabbit, with her mouth wide open, pointing at Xiao Guangtian's head. Just bite!
"Don't, don't, don't!" Before Jiang Xuan could yell out, he heard a click.

Xiao Guangtian was also caught off guard. He didn't expect this girl to be a monster, and she would do it as soon as she said she wanted to. In his busy schedule, he turned his head, tilted his head, and was bitten off by Chang Xiaotu.

"Ah bah! Uh uh uh..." Chang Xiaotu didn't continue to attack after she succeeded. On the contrary, she only felt as if she had eaten something foul-smelling.

It's worse than shit!
"Bah, bah, bah... Er... I'm about to vomit... Human flesh is so unpalatable..." Little Rabbit Chang was about to spit out acidic water as she supported the big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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