Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 228 Flying Royal Stone

Chapter 228 Flying Royal Stone

After Jiang Xuan said a word, he suddenly launched the flying tiger and leaped over the ravine, and jumped in front of the brain-dead demon. He used all means and punched the brain-dead demon in the chest with all his strength.The idiot was chatting with him about life and ideals, but he didn't expect that this guy would fight violently as soon as he said it, and was punched right through him.

This is the weakness of non-combat monsters. Although they may have some strange means, their own combat power is really limited. If a combatant like Jiang Xuan Jiang Gang takes a violent attack close to him, he will not be able to escape or stop him. The body of the brain-damaged demon looks weird, but its strength is not as strong as that of the previous Destroyer. The Destroyer is armored like a big lobster, and there is a row of small hands for defense at the vital points. The body of the brain-destroyed demon is not much stronger than humans Go, where can I stop Jiang Xuan's punch.

With a puff, Jiang Xuan withdrew his hand, this time there was a mosaic, a mess of internal organs mixed with a lot of viscous liquid dripping down from the big hole in the brain-dead demon's chest.

"You..." The two faces of the brain-dead demon were full of inconceivable expressions, and just as he was about to say something, there was another puff, a big headshot, Jiang Qian jumped out like Jiang Xuan, and also punched On the head, a big bursting watermelon came, and the two faces and the head became a mosaic.

"Oh, why are you in such a hurry!" Susu yelled, "Let's save a life and ask about the situation in the Demon Realm."

"What kind of life is there for such a thing?" Jiang Xuan tore off a few pieces of paper from advanced mathematics books and wiped his hands, "Listening to him will damage your intelligence! If you don't pay attention and get involved, wouldn't it be us who are unlucky? Well done Ginger!"

Su Yao had a very "rich" life today, and her adrenaline was soaring with the stimulation she had never had before, so that she didn't even care about the scary and disgusting things like "mosaic all over the floor"—it's not the same kind anyway , Just think that your mosaic is plastic foam or something.

On the contrary, she was very surprised: "I'm going to kill him? This monster is not very good. It seems that if I have a stick, I can beat him!"

"The premise is that you have brain-damaged great wisdom like me!"

Just as Jiang Xuan was talking, he saw that among the mosaics all over the floor, a black and white air mass floated out from the cavity of the fallen brain-dead demon, floating unsteadily in the air, and the black air and white air on it rolled erratically, forming a There were two strange faces.

As soon as the two faces appeared, they continued to rotate in the air, and the four eyes were fixed on Jiang Xuan, with indescribable hatred.

"What's this?" Su Yao rushed over to look at it with great interest, and even stretched out her hand, wanting to touch it.

Jiang Xuan slapped her hand away, curled his lips at the air in the air, and said disdainfully: "I said, can you guys have something new, why do souls look at me like this every time I hang up? , and I can’t see a piece of my flesh.”

"Is this the soul?" Su Yao said in surprise.

"Yes, the soul of the devil." With a thought in his mind, Jiang Xuan waved his hand, absorbing the brainless demon's soul into the space.

As usual, in space, there is an extra star in the sky. It seems that no matter how many faces there are, the brain-damaged demon is just a demon after all. At the same time, the brain-damaged demon's real body also appeared: a round, fleshy thing , it turns out that the mass of air that was rolling in the air just now is actually a huge brain, with many and deep brain circuits, densely packed, but there is a deep gully at the position of the left rear brain lobe, as if it was trapped Something was slashed with a knife, and the reason why the almost brain-dead demon is brain-dead is this innate reason.

After absorbing the brain-damaged demon's soul, the soul was firmly imprisoned on the crouching seal, and there was a small pattern of a brain-dead demon on the bottom of the crouching seal, and Jiang Xuan suddenly felt that the power of the entire crouching seal suddenly increased more than doubled.

"Unfortunately, the above mark still exists." Jiang Xuan stretched out his hand and stroked a deep cleavage mark on the crouching demon mark, which was struck by the lightning summoned by the Yin Demon last time. Although the power of the magic seal has increased, it seems that it has not been able to repair this trace. The existence of this thing not only destroys the overall beauty, but the key point is that as a whole, there are cracks in the crouching magic seal. Jiang Xuan is very worried that if it is used to the limit , Will the whole crouching demon mark start to crack from this crack.

Just like a levee, if a section of the embankment is cracked, the flood will not be too big. Once there is a huge wave, the cracked section must be the first to burst.

I asked Susu, Susu had seen the magic weapon, and she affirmed Jiang Xuan's idea. According to her critical eyes, Jiang Xuan found that the crouching seal was actually a 'defective' magic weapon, and it couldn't be repaired well. Before, it couldn't exert [-]% of its power at all.As for how to repair it, the little fox couldn't tell the reason, but said that if it was thrown into the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, it would definitely not be able to repair it.

Isn’t this nonsense, where can I find the Alchemy Furnace of Taishang Laojun?

By the way, in the Death Squadron of the Heaven Realm, among the top masters who died in battle, the Taishang Laojun was also one, ranking high.It was really brutal.

"Okay, let's go, let's go!" Jiang Xuan returned to reality from his thoughts, and vaguely heard a lot of hurried footsteps coming from outside the reading room. I don't want to deal with this kind of situation.

"How do you go here? Go back to the gate and go out from the same way, you will definitely be hit." Su Yao said.

Jiang Xuan looked around, pushed open a window, and looked down. Fortunately, it wasn't particularly high, and behind it was a small forest, quite remote, and there were no people there.


Jiang Gang was the first to jump down, making a big hole in the ground, got up and shook his head.

Whoosh, whoosh... The little rabbit, Susu and Gou Ritian, were very nimble. They used a movement that violated the common sense of physics, jumped a few times on the outer wall like a spiderman, and landed smoothly.

"What should we do?" Su Yao looked confused. She was not a monster. A normal human being would fall to his death from such a height?
"I'll go first." Jiang Xuan climbed up the window with one leg, turned around and said, "You are a normal person anyway, they won't embarrass you, and your father is powerful, and I will leave the next mundane things to you Already!"

"Ah?" Su Yao was taken aback. Jiang Xuan actually wanted to abandon herself and leave such a mess to herself...

Damn, it can't be that he is really a brain-dead!

"What are you doing stupidly? I'm teasing you!" Jiang Xuan laughed, grabbed Su Yao, put her on her back, and then jumped out.

Su Yao only felt that the whole person was in a fog, and then her whole body was shaken, and she had already reached the ground.

Strictly speaking, it’s not the ground, it’s more than one meter above the ground. After Jiang Xuan jumped out, he summoned the crouching magic seal—the magic weapon. think.With his current strength, it is a bit difficult for him to jump such a high building by himself, not to mention carrying a person on his back, but it is not a big problem to "carry" two people to land after manipulating the crouching demon seal, which means that he does not need to bear the burden. Gravity and the acceleration of two people's weight, it is only necessary to bear the weight of two more people when manipulating the crouching seal, then it is completely ok, the former two people jumping from such a height, I am afraid there will be more than ten tons of impact force, The latter is only two hundred catties.

"Oh my god, sister, you really want to lose weight!" Jiang Xuan put down Su Yao and said out of breath, "If you keep getting fat like this, I won't be able to take you flying!"

"Go to hell and scare me again!" Su Yao finally came to her senses and kicked Jiang Xuan off the crouching mark.

"Stop talking nonsense and run!"



A group of people slipped out of the campus and drove home in a small car. Along the way, the car was very lively. Su Yao recalled today's experience, excited and incoherent, chattering non-stop, no one paid attention to her and returned speaking.

Su Su sat in the front row and was very interested in the way Jiang Xuan used the crouching seal.

"If you follow your method, wouldn't it be possible to fly?" Susu said.

"Flying probably won't work, at most it's a low-altitude flight." Jiang Xuan shook his head, the height and distance he can control the crouching seal are still limited, and after standing on it, the speed and flexibility will be greatly reduced, it is impossible to fly like an airplane The same, but short distance, low altitude movement, there is really no problem.

"Yes, yes, this is the principle of Yujian's flight. When the strength is very weak at the beginning, you can barely climb up the flying sword, and fly half a mile wobbly against the ground. As your strength increases, the speed will increase. Faster and faster, the height and distance are getting higher and farther, the guy at the level of the demon king and demon king can fly thousands of miles!" Susu said.

"How can I be like this?!" Jiang Xuan suddenly felt a little depressed. It turns out that this is flying with a sword, but everyone is flying with a sword, which looks very cool, and he is flying a big black stone... Fuck it , I’m not a pangolin, isn’t it cool to fly while standing on a big rock?It looks like a poor and sour turtle like a king of the mountain.

The point is, there is a big crack on this big rock. Jiang Xuan feels that he may be a bit obsessive-compulsive. Although this crack will affect his performance in theory, he has not seen any major problems so far, but he just feels unhappy in his heart. .

How can it be repaired?

After Director Zhu told the truth last time, the style of the lottery in the space has changed, and all kinds of small things in life have decreased, and there have been a lot of cultivation ones. stuff, so you can try to fix it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan couldn't help but move his mind, to see if there was any good value left in the space, draw a prize, maybe he could get something valuable.

With a thought, a group of darlings flew up to the blessing table, and the lottery was drawn five times in a row.

"Huh? Why is this thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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