Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 146 I Have a False Ideal

Chapter 146 I Have a False Ideal
On the way back from the orphanage, Jiang Xuan kept thinking about what Qi Yun said to him.

Obviously, Qi Yun has seen that she has undergone some very abnormal "major changes" during this period, and she is very clear that such changes cannot be explained by common sense.

The strange thing is that Qi Yun is not curious about the reasons for her changes, instead of asking, she is willing to help herself cover it up.As long as she said that these were all learned in the orphanage, there was nothing wrong with it.

What is her motivation for doing this?
Jiang Xuan had no doubts about protecting himself, but why wasn't he curious?
According to Qi Yun's last words, "I am already an old man, and I am not as curious as you young people. I hope that a good boy like you can live a better and happier life in this world. If you still have The extra ability can make some other people happier and more sunny, which has exceeded my expectations. '

When she said this, Qi Yun couldn't find anything wrong with her expression, tone of voice, or even the setbacks in her words, she was very sincere.

Jiang Xuan smiled, this old lady still treats herself like a child, she has never figured out who she learned her ability to fool people from, and why she fooled people so ruthlessly. Instructed by Qi Yun's precepts and deeds, she learned serious nonsense in a subtle way!
Even a 'no-scheming' guy like Chang Xiaotu can see that Jiang Xuan is absent-minded along the way. She has no scheming, which doesn't mean she is stupid, but has a very sensitive sixth sense. She asked Jiang Xuan, "Jiang Xuan, Grandma Qi Is it a monster?"

"I don't know either. What do you think?" Jiang Xuan asked Chang Xiaotu.

"I think..." Chang Xiaotu licked her fingers, "Why don't we come back tomorrow! Take a closer look and try her cooking..."

The second half of the sentence betrayed the real thinking of this big rabbit, Jiang Xuan laughed, "Why are you so greedy."

"Hehehe." Chang Xiaotu grinned, "But I really think she is very kind."

"Well, that's true. Dean Qi seems to have an aura of kindness." Jiang Xuan thought for a while, "Forget it, let's take a step and see."



After returning to the kindergarten, the next few days passed smoothly. Lianhua Town was his territory, and Fatty Zhu still came to report on time. Sometimes Ding Baldzi would come over to have a drink with him, but every time he drank too much. Jiang Xuan finally got a license to drink beer once. Jiang Xuan got up in the middle of the night and found that the two old gangsters were lying on the ground after being drunk.

"How much do you drink?" Jiang Xuan looked at the beer and liquor bottles all over the floor, and could smell the strong smell of alcohol even ten meters away.

"I'm a little dizzy...hehehe..." Chang Xiaotu looked stupid, showing an idiot smile whose head was burned by alcohol, stood up unsteadily, fell to the ground with a thud, and snorted Lu fell asleep.

After getting drunk, she was dead and heavy, and she was carried back to the room and covered with a quilt to sleep. After sleeping until noon the next day, Chang Xiaotu woke up with a haggard face, shouting why the head hurts, it hurts, it hurts, in the future No more drinking or anything.

What Ding Tuzi said is not completely unreasonable. It is not necessary to strictly guard against things like drinking. If she wants to try, let her try it. It is not a big problem. According to Chang Xiaotu's "have it, you can eat as much as you want." The habit of eating until full is probably the same with drinking.

Summer is almost over. Li Tiezhu opened a field outside the yard for autumn sowing, and planted some pure natural and pollution-free vegetables for the kindergarten to eat. He prepared carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and red peppers. His arms were digging the ground, and when Gou Ritian was free, he sat on the edge of the ground, rarely watching him work honestly.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Jiang Xuan sat down and asked Gou Ritian. Behind the land was a deep forest, and further back was the deep mountain.

"The ancestor of the dog should be the wolf?" Gou Ritian said.

"Well, it should be." Jiang Xuan nodded, as if he had learned that the earliest dogs came from wolves after several generations of artificial breeding, and Teddy, a kind of ornamental dog, was stabilized after multiple generations of crossbreeding A new type of creature that comes down.

In other words, life like Teddy is not born, but man-made. In this regard, human beings play the role of God's creation.It's just that after many years of inheritance, Teddy, a pure ornamental pet dog, has nothing to do with their ancestors.

"Why are you asking this so well? Your father is here to find relatives?" Jiang Xuan patted his dog's head and asked jokingly.

"I have an urge to search for the nature of my ancestors!" Gou Ritian said seriously.

"Huh?" Jiang Xuan sized him up a few times, and Gou Ritian's attitude didn't look like a joke, "You mean, you want to return to nature?"

"I don't know either. But I feel that an ordinary life is not suitable for a dog like mine!"


Jiang Xuan glanced at Gou Ritian. Among the little monsters, Gou Ritian has lived in human society for a long time and has retained the memory of being a dog. Therefore, although he is the most rascal, he is actually the most mature one.

How do you say that sentence, your smile is just your protective color, under the rogue appearance, there is actually a deep heart?

Little Rabbit Chang and Jiang Gang gradually have their own thoughts and some confusions in life, and Gou Ritian, who has the blood of wolf freedom in his bones, is no exception.

"If you really have this idea, you can go out and travel for a while. Domestic cities are more dangerous. How about I take you to the deep mountains and old forests such as Daxing'anling and Qinling? Or go to the prairie, um, how about the desert? Actually, the desert Very good, if you can survive in the desert, you will definitely make a good big dog..."

Jiang Xuan really helped Gou Ritian plan the future out of love, protection and concern, but he didn't notice that Gou Ritian beside him swallowed unnaturally.

"Hmm... well... do you have to bring a lot of luggage?" Gou Ritian was not confident thinking: "I have to eat a lot of food every day, a large bag of food is only enough for a few days, and the computer must not be able to carry it. Bring an ipad, but where do I charge it? Do you think I should bring a mobile phone or something? By the way, there are also electric batons. I heard that there are many dangerous animals in the mountains..."

Hearing Gou Ritian's rambling here, Jiang Xuan suddenly understood that this guy was just idle and talking nonsense.

She was also stupid, and listened to him talking about a false ideal seriously.

He rolled his eyes, patted his buttocks, got up and left.

Go back to the room to draw a lottery.

With the three little monsters providing a stable supply of obedient points, the accumulation of obedient values ​​is no longer so difficult. Even the most expensive kindergarten quota of 6000 points can be filled up in more than half a month. After more than half a year of embarrassment, Jiang Xuan now has the feeling of a nouveau riche with money and no land to spend.

Still in accordance with the previous division ratio, most of them are saved for emergencies, and a small part is used to draw prizes to improve life.

Now in the yard of the kindergarten, there are already two seesaws and three swings, all of which were drawn by lottery.

But the most important ones are still Xingmang and thank you for your patronage, so that Jiang Xuan's physical fitness has soared, and he doesn't feel much distress when using the special teaching effects that need to be stimulated by astral light.

The lucky draw today was pretty good, and the first one got a new special effect: Enlightenment.

Like the previous special effects, this also needs starlight to activate, but it seems that the effect is stronger.

The slap in the face is based on the fact that the other party realizes that he is wrong deep in his heart. The other party must have indeed done something wrong and realize this to be useful.Although Li Shuang was not as good as a beast at the beginning, he didn't think it was wrong at all, so that Jiang Xuan had to increase his star power, which resulted in schizophrenia.

There are no such strict requirements for enlightenment, and you can directly instill your own values ​​​​into the other party.

However, there is a paragraph behind this special effect: the effect of instillation varies according to the depth of values ​​and the expressive ability of the user, and increasing starlight investment can improve the effect of instillation.

If there is no limitation of this paragraph, the special effects of enlightenment would be very scary, which is equivalent to direct brainwashing.

When you run out of money, go to the bank to activate the ability and ask the counter staff to transfer all the money to your account; if you don’t have a girlfriend, you can see a pretty girl on the street, activate the ability, and take it home; if you want to be an official, go directly to Government units enable the ability to...

Even if there are restrictions on explanations, this ability is still terrible, because no matter how incorrect the three views are, no matter how weak the ability to express, as long as you are willing to throw starlight in, the effect can be improved.If you reserve enough stars, you can completely brainwash them in batches.

Jiang Xuan pondered for a while looking at this ability, but he was not too excited. There must be a limit to the ability that can be displayed now. It is okay to slightly exceed the try, but if it is too exaggerated, or used to do evil, then it must be done. Get yourself into big trouble.

Temporarily stored in the space does not need.

There was a sudden noise outside the yard, as if a lot of people were gathering at the door, and someone could still hear swearing across the yard.

"What's going on?" Jiang Xuan frowned.

Opening the courtyard door, Jiang Xuan was stunned by the scene outside.

There were about a dozen people in the two groups, divided into two distinct groups, standing one or two meters apart, each with a leader, and glaring at each other with dissatisfied faces, and it seemed that they might fight at any time.

Baldy Ding was standing in the middle, talking to both sides of them, "The big enmity between me and Lao Zhu can be resolved, you two are a fart! If you continue to make trouble, everyone will have no peace, and all friends will be dragged along. Are you willing to come to the fire pit?"

"Brother Ding, this is..." Jiang Xuan said inexplicably.

"Brother Jiang, come here, let me introduce you." Baldy Ding took Jiang Xuan by his arms very enthusiastically, and said to the two leaders: "This is Jiang Xuan, Mr. Jiang, my little brother, from Wuhan University. The savior of Boss Chengwu's daughter, a master-level figure! Is there any deep hatred between Fatty Zhu and I? He can explain me completely in a few words..."

Jiang Xuan understood a little bit. The two parties in front of him also looked like they were on the road, at least they were definitely not ordinary people who ran a canteen or drove a taxi. They were all sturdy and looked fierce.

Listening to what Ding Baldzi meant, it seemed that there was some conflict between the two parties. Like him and Fatty Zhu, they were enemies, and they came to Jiang Xuan to mediate...


Before Jiang Xuan could speak, the two parties quit.

A dwarf glanced at the gate of the kindergarten: there was a sign of 'Star Kindergarten' on the gate, and he snorted with obvious disdain: "Brother Ding, your kindness, brother appreciates it. But we are not three-year-old children, so what is going on in the kindergarten ?”

Another gentleman-looking elder brother with glasses said: "Don't worry, Mr. Ding, we will never cause you any trouble. He and I will definitely not be able to solve the problem in a few words. If negotiations can solve the problem , this matter has been settled long ago, and it will not be such a big trouble today, do you think this is the truth."

In contrast, the tone was more polite than that dwarf, but it could be heard that his attitude was more determined.

"Shut up both of you!" Baldy Ding glared.

These two people seemed to have a lower status than Ding Tuzi, so they paid him off. Ding Tuzi waved his hand and dragged Jiang Xuan into the kindergarten to talk privately.

"I said Brother Ding, what are you doing here? I am a kindergarten here, not a Peace Hotel or a big teahouse in Jianghu. Why do you take everything to my side?" Not fast.

"Brother, if it's someone else, I won't bother you anymore." Baldy Ding lowered his voice and said, "Listen to me, these two people..."

The person wearing glasses is called Li Wenming, and the dwarf is called He Qiang. They are both the owners of restaurants near the water factory market. They have worked near the fish market for many years. Just like the supply of goods in the fish market, they are controlled by Fatty Zhu and Baldy Ding. In the seafood restaurant business on the periphery of the aquatic product market, the two of them are overlord-level figures, and each has a number of food stalls, small restaurants, and small restaurants under his command.

All in all, these two people are the 'downstream' of Fatty Zhu and Baldy Ding, and the source of goods depends on Fatty Zhu and Baldy Ding, and their power is slightly inferior, so they are very good at Baldy Ding's account.In recent years, the two parties have not had any business conflicts, but have benefited from each other, and they can be regarded as some friendly friends.

The origin of the conflict is very funny, similar to the plot in the movie God of Cookery, but what the two sides are fighting for is not the exclusive production rights of peeing shrimp and beef balls, but the right to solicit business in the aquatic products market.The seafood in the aquatic product market is high quality and cheap, and many locals and tourists from other places come to eat it. Li Wenming and He Qiang have their own solicitors, and there have been small conflicts for many years. After a few fights, the conflict escalated, and they planned to fight in private.

Of course, it may not be that the two sides bring the younger brother to attack each other at the agreed place, but use all their respective strengths to attack the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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