Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 145 Are You A Monster?

Chapter 145 Are You A Monster?

The director's office of the orphanage is a bungalow with two rooms at the front and back plus a separate small bathroom. The front is for office and the back is for living. Qi Yun has never been married in her life, and has been living here since she founded the orphanage.

Although the office room in the front is not luxurious, it is relatively large. There is an Eight Immortals table. The living conditions in the orphanage for Jiang Xuan and the others were not very good. Make them some meat to eat.

For Jiang Xuan, it takes a long time to eat a small stove, but for Qi Yun, it is commonplace to open a small stove for children in the orphanage, because there are too many children in the orphanage and they are very mobile.

On the small table at this time, there were simple three dishes and one soup, all of which were home-cooked dishes, but Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Xuan ate them extremely deliciously.

"Grandma Qi, are you a monster?" Chang Xiaotu asked seriously with a mouth full of fried pork.

Qi Yun chuckled, took a napkin and wiped off the rice sticking to Chang Xiaotu's mouth.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Xuan hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Dean, what she meant was that your cooking is so delicious that it has surpassed the limits of human beings! Isn't it right, little rabbit?"

"Yes! It's really delicious!" Chang Xiaotu nodded seriously.

To be honest, Jiang Xuan also felt very strange.

I used to be young, there was no comparison, and there was no system. I hadn’t touched the food recipes given by the system, so I couldn’t tell the difference. I just thought that Qi Yun’s cooking was very delicious. After entering school, I ate some in restaurants outside. , Looking back on life in the orphanage, I always feel that eating Qi Yun's food was 'delicious' at that time. It's a great blessing for Qi Yun to have a meal here, but it's not to say that Qi Yun's craftsmanship is really amazing.

But today when he revisited the old place, Qi Yun cooked again, but Jiang Xuan unexpectedly discovered that Qi Yun's cooking skills include three aspects of color and aroma, not to mention the color and aroma.

It was slightly better than Chang Xiaotu, and even significantly improved by a notch compared to Lin Qianxiu.Of course, this is also the reason why Jiang Xuan has a tricky mouth, and ordinary people may not be able to eat it.

But this was enough to startle Jiang Xuan. You must know that his cooking skills have only reached this level with the help of the three golden fingers that non-human beings can possess, including the pink apron, recipes, and even the body transformed by the stars. .

Even if Qi Yun has been studying gourmet food all her life, and has a higher talent than Lin Qianxiu, it seems impossible for her to cook as much as her own.

Chang Xiaotu had questions, so did Jiang Xuan.

Could it be that Ms. Qi Yun, a returned overseas Chinese who watched her grow up, is also a monster?
While eating, Jiang Xuan couldn't help but peeked at Qi Yun several times, but the space didn't react at all, and didn't remind him like when he found Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Qiangou Ritian. The Qi Yun in front of him seemed to be a normal person. Humanity.

Looking at Qi Yun a few times, Qi Yun seemed to have noticed that Jiang Xuan was looking at her, and looked at Jiang Xuan with a smile, which made him a little embarrassed.

After eating, the stevedores had already sent all the materials on the car into the warehouse behind the orphanage. The warehouse has a lot of space, but after Jiang Xuan went to see it, he found that without these materials, the warehouse of the orphanage would be almost empty. empty.

"Principal, my conditions are not bad. If there is any need in the orphanage, please tell me." Jiang Xuan said.

Qi Yun was noncommittal, smiled, and said: "This orphanage has government funding and some donations from the society, so it can still operate. When you were a child, the conditions were much worse than now. It's not the same for decades. .Look now..."

Pointing to a three-story teaching building and a dormitory in front of her, she said: "The classrooms and dormitories are all equipped with air conditioners, the stadium has also been repaired, and there are three meals a day, including eggs and meat, which are better than when you were young." I don’t know how good the conditions are. When you start a business, you need to spend money, and you can keep the money you earn.”

"This place... I don't know yet. It's not that you use your own allowance to smash it in." Jiang Xuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. There are too many orphanages in the country, and the conditions of the orphanage in Binhai City can definitely be ranked in the first echelon , In the past two years, it has even surpassed boarding schools in many second- and third-tier cities.

The reason is simple. Qi Yun has a government expert allowance and a university professor allowance. Relying on her personal investment and word of mouth, she has won a lot for the orphanage.

"I'm so old, why do I need money?" Qi Yun chuckled and said, "By the way, your Star Kindergarten opened not long ago, but it's very famous. It's a food competition and a martial arts challenge. It made even me, an old lady who doesn't care about world affairs, know about it, and several teachers in our orphanage often discuss it."

This was a compliment, but Jiang Xuan felt that Qi Yun seemed to be out of line when he heard it.

"You, your mind is the same as when you were a child, very sensitive." Qi Yun looked into Jiang Xuan's eyes, and said with deep meaning: "I remember, when you were in the orphanage, nine out of ten times you would burn the dishes, so you got into a fight. , There is a kind of ruthlessness, but when you meet an older child, you can't beat it."

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Jiang Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

It's almost like the scalp is going to explode.

What does she mean by that?
Like many people, he was puzzled by his apparently supernatural ability and asked casually?
Or, is Qi Yun secretly reminding herself of something?
As for outsiders, if someone asks, they are usually just talking nonsense, or they learned it in an orphanage when they were young, or they use the fake identities of Jiang Gang and Chang Xiaotu to cover up.

Anyway, as an orphan, he has taken care of himself since he was a child, is more versatile, and has a stronger living ability, which can be said.However, the Binhai City Orphanage is located in a remote place, and it is not easy to enter the mainstream attention. Few people have a deep understanding of this place.

To be honest, even the leaders and staff of the orphanage's direct management department have very limited understanding and contact with the orphanage, and basically stay on what kind of reports and forms the orphanage submits.

However, fooling others can do these things, but Qi Yun can't fool her. Qi Yun knows her background clearly.

I can only tell her that I learned it after entering the society.

Then the problem came again. Telling classmates and friends in the society that I learned it in an orphanage, and telling Qi Yun that I learned it in school sociology.

What's even more frightening is that if Qi Yun was secretly reminding herself of something, then what was she aware of?Still know what?How much do you know?How do you know?
Since the establishment of the system, Jiang Xuan's face can be said to be getting thicker day by day, and he has gradually become able to hide his emotions and anger, but in front of Qi Yun, her simple sentence made Jiang Xuan at a loss, and his face turned slightly pale .

"You child has been clever and thoughtful since you were a child, but no matter how smart and experienced you are, you can't do everything [-]% well."

Seeing Jiang Xuan's expression suddenly changed, Qi Yun stared at him for a few seconds, smiled lightly, looked in the direction of the warehouse, and said softly: "The orphanage is your home, you are an orphan, of course the family will give you a lot of money. Survival skills. For example, cooking skills, self-defense martial arts, or some other specialties, in fact, I was very good at them when I was young. If someone comes to ask, I will tell them so.”

"Dean? You..." Jiang Xuan was about to say something when he suddenly realized what she said, and asked in a low voice, "Is someone here to inquire about me?"

"That's not true." Qi Yun shook her head and said, "However, your reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and you will be in the public eye more and more. In the future, many people will naturally pay attention to you and even investigate you. I know You are a good boy, don't worry too much, just do what you want, as I said, the orphanage is your home, and whenever your child encounters difficulties outside, home is your last safe haven Give you support."

Jiang Xuan completely understood what he said. Although Qi Yun didn't answer any questions he had just now, she told him clearly: He can push all abnormal abilities to the orphanage. Qi Yun It will help him cover his lies.

In this way, the bottom line will not be missed, but Jiang Xuan has more questions.

Qi Yun, this old dean who is like a father, mother, and teacher, what is the background, what is it...

N to the end, M why, popped out of Jiang Xuan's head.

"Everyone has their own little secret, you kid, you still want to ask my old lady's secret." Qi Yun smiled and patted Jiang Xuan on the head lightly.

PS: I went on a long business trip a few years ago, and I can’t come back until the 10th of the new year. There were too many things in those few days, and I definitely couldn’t write the manuscript. I barely saved some before, about one chapter a day, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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