A new era of comics

Chapter 48 Crisis (Part 1)

Chapter 48 Crisis (Part [-])
Eastern Europe, in the wilderness, in an abandoned factory.A woman in a black windbreaker is running hard.She covered her abdomen with one hand, but the blood still remained all over the place.

There is no time to deal with abdominal wounds.Because behind her, there is a lingering killer who is following her.In her career, she has never encountered such a strong opponent.The opponent's field skills are almost all full marks.Whether it's marksmanship, tracking, or fighting, all consciousness is above her.

If she wasn't experienced, the previous shot would have killed her.She is Natasha Norman, and she has a frightening title in the industry, Black Widow.But now, she is running for her life in desperation.

During the short fight, Natasha noticed some amazing information.For example, the opponent's physical fitness is amazing.Most likely an enhanced soldier.What is even more astonishing is that one of the opponent's arms is mechanical.

In the case of complete suppression of speed and strength, Natasha can only use complex terrain to deal with her opponent.She wanted to call for help, but she was in Eastern Europe.The closest one is a S.H.I.E.L.D. safehouse.But in the current situation, all four colleagues from the safe house are dispatched, and they may not be opponents of the other party.

At this time, outside the factory building.A special forces team is monitoring everything inside.

"Both sides are on our list. Please tell me what to do?"

When Shen Yi received the news, he was confronting Nick Fury.He thought for a moment and gave the order.Then put the phone in front of Nick Fury.What was displayed on the phone was the perspective of Shen Yi's special forces in Eastern Europe.

"An overseas operation, the architectural style is from Europe. Are you demonstrating to me?"

"No, I'm trying to repay you. You'll understand after reading it."

Nick Fury continued to watch with a puzzled look, when the figure of the Black Widow appeared in the camera.His face finally changed.Hmm, not sure about that.After all, the racial characteristics, yes, the face-changing characteristics are not very obvious.However, Shen Yi still clearly felt his mood swings.

Natasha, as his most proud subordinate, seems to have suffered a serious injury at the moment.But fortunately, the team on the live broadcast was obviously going to rescue them.

There was a fierce exchange of fire on the screen.A six-member squad used heavy firepower to suppress the pursuers behind Natasha.In the flashing picture, Nick Fury saw a tall masked figure.And under the clothes that were damaged in the battle, there was an arm that shone with metallic luster.

"Where will Natasha be taken?"

"I have a safe house over there where she will be treated. You can see her when her injuries are better. Now, let me say that I do not intend to endanger this country, or even the world, and you should be able to get a little Believe it a little bit."

"You spy on my best agent and tell me you're not going to endanger the world?"

"No no, you misunderstood. We're not spying on Natasha. We're just tracking her opponent."

"Who is he and what force does he belong to?"

"Your tone sounds like an interrogation? Have I been arrested?"

"I can arrest you at any time."

"Are you really planning to do this?" Shen Yi's tone was already a little dangerous.Although he knows that Nick Fury is impossible to turn his face with him now.But facing people like Nick Fury, one cannot regress.If you take one step back, he dares to take two steps forward.

"We will meet again, Mr. Shen." Nick Fury turned and left.With his departure, Shen Yi sensed that there were more than four special agent teams around, and they also withdrew immediately.Perhaps Nick Fury just now really had the idea of ​​arresting Shen Yi.

After finishing the conversation with Nick Fury, Shen Yi immediately contacted the security personnel in Europe.

"Evacuate all personnel immediately and destroy all data. Immediately."

Shen Yi didn't want to infiltrate the land in Eastern Europe in a short period of time.That's Baron Teslak's territory.This guy is the true Hydra lineage who inherited most of the legacy of the Red Skull.

There are countless black technologies in hand.The key is that he is very likely to keep those energy weapons from the era of the Red Skull in his hands.

Those things are powered by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, even now they have become disposable weapons.But Shen Yi didn't intend to face the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube right now.

Like Red Skull, Teslak is a typical warlord.Occupy the mountain as the king, a large number of regular troops have been formed, and there are a lot of aircraft and tanks under their hands.Continuing the concept of the Red Skull armed to conquer the world.

The opposite is the line of Alexander Pierce.This is the style of a conspirator.Infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. in an attempt to steal.In terms of structure, Alexander Pierce's structure is much higher.After all, in modern society, conquering the world by force is pure nonsense.But look at it from Shen Yi's point of view.Baron Teslak is undoubtedly far more dangerous than Alexander Pierce.

As a time traveler, what Shen Yi is most afraid of are the conspirators in the original novel.No matter how deep the hiding is, it cannot hide from the God's perspective of the traverser.

But Baron Teslak is different.He huddled in a base, talking about planes and tanks at every turn.As long as Shen Yi wanted to, he could kill Alexander Pierce at any time.But he couldn't just destroy a military base with a group army stationed there.

Inside the safe, a soldier broke into Natasha's room directly.

"I know you're awake. Follow if you can. You're not necessary in our retreat."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"Thanks to you, we are locked." The soldier turned and left without giving Natasha the space to reply.

"Hurry up and destroy all messages. Evacuate in 5 minutes. Notify field personnel out there. Remain silent until we contact them."

Seeing the picture in front of her, Natasha knew they were in trouble.Enduring the severe pain in the abdomen, he joined the retreat sequence.

But it's too late.After they went out, they clearly felt that all the residents around them were watching them vaguely.Baron Teslak has more control over this land than they imagined.Overnight, all the surrounding masses became enemies.

"Ask the headquarters for help, we are in big trouble."

When Shen Yi received the request for help, he knew that there was trouble.The safe house in Eastern Europe was just a regular intelligence point.And just built, not perfect.It can be imagined how dangerous it is to alarm a local snake like Baron Teslak.

"I really shouldn't have stepped in to save Natasha." Shen Yi felt a little annoyed at the previous decision.

"No one is completely infallible. And this order of yours is not a failure at all. At least it temporarily solves the troubles of SHIELD for us. The reason why you feel uncomfortable is because you don't want to see yourself You sacrificed your subordinates. You are too kind to your own people, Shen." Ada excused Shen Yi from the side.

"We don't have any more armed forces in northern Europe. They can't stop Teslak armor."

"Takeshi Kitano's assassin group is training in Eastern Europe."

"The Assassins are not ready yet."

"But Takeshi Kitano can, he brought a venom suit."

"... Let Takeshi Kitano go. All the surrounding residents are enemies. Therefore, there is no need to have the slightest scruples, let him move thoroughly."

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(End of this chapter)

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