A new era of comics

Chapter 47 Nick Fury

Chapter 47 Nick Fury
"Five years ago, I posted some remarks on dark web forums. There were remarks about those big companies exploiting the people, allied with the government, and concealing the people. At that time, I actually thought so.

Hackers like us always have some radical thoughts.But I didn't expect that after the speech was published, it attracted the attention of many colleagues.We communicate together, and the rhetoric is getting more and more over the top.Finally we put it into practice.We, attacked a pharmaceutical company.

We got the research cost of the new drug, and exposed the shady story that they bought the drug for tens of dollars for thousands of dollars.But in that operation, I did a little private work.I took the opportunity to get the formula of the new drug, a special drug for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

I'm just doing it without thinking what it's going to be used for?Until later, someone posted a message on the dark web, wanting that equation.They knew that company was attacked, so they judged that someone got the equation.I waited for a long time, but no one made a move.do you know?That means I was the only one doing it at the time.Only I have the equation in my hand. "

The other party offered millions of dollars, and I couldn't hold back.secretly contacted them.And ask them to keep it confidential and not to revoke that buying message.Then I got the money, $100 million.I have never seen that much money.I bought a new computer, moved to a new house, and bought tons and tons of equipment that I could only look at before.

Maybe a profession like a hacker can only be kept pure by hiding in those messy rental houses.With money, my thinking began to change.Simply put, I want more money.I contacted several colleagues I worked with before, formed Rising Tide, and continued to absorb newcomers, forming a huge network hacker group.

We attack various high-tech companies and disclose some of their dark secrets.As for me, I used the moment of cyber attack to steal all kinds of confidential technical information.In fact, I am not the only one here, and more than one of the first group of people did the same thing as me.It's just that everyone understands each other. "

"You put us on the front line just to steal their technology and sell it? How many fools like me are there?"

"Probably, hundreds of them. Your attacks provide us with perfect cover. Even if they find out about the loss of technical data, they will think that you did it."

"God, I've been working for a criminal all this time. And I thought I was saving the world." Skye felt like his values ​​had collapsed.

"Don't be so disheartened, Skye. You're young and you'll make mistakes. And you're luckier than the rest in that you can put an end to your own mistakes."

"No, no, listen to me. I have a lot of money, and I can give it all to you. I still have a lot of confidential information, which is in the safe, and I haven't had time to sell it yet. Everything belongs to you, and I can give it to you from now on. Never touch the computer again. Don't kill me. Trust me, Skye."

Hearing the word "end", Daniel immediately panicked.He had no doubt that these people would shoot him in the head before leaving.

"Skye, now you can decide his fate. Just say it, and I'll kill him now."

"...Who are you guys? You have done so much just to let me see all of this?" Skye finally came to his senses and asked the crux of the problem.

"Looks like you've finally figured it out." The reason is simple, Skye.I want to recruit you to work for us.


"No, it's the organization behind Umbrella. You may not believe it, but the work we do is truly saving the world."

"You have such a huge power, and you still want to recruit me, a second-rate hacker? Isn't it a bit exaggerated."

"First of all, in terms of technical level, you can definitely be called top-notch. Otherwise, this fat man would not have noticed you. Secondly, just now, when I sent your news back to the headquarters, over there gave me The latest order has been issued. Regardless of whether the recruitment is successful or not, I must take you back. It seems that your identity is not as simple as an orphan."

"You know my identity, you know who I am, and where are my parents?" Skye became excited all of a sudden, her life experience was an inescapable hurdle in her heart.

"The headquarters should know something. After all, you are one of our potential targets. But I don't know the specifics. My operation this time is only to destroy the rising tide and recruit you."

"I'll go back with you, I want to see your boss." Skye said firmly.With the goal of years in sight, Skye is desperate.

"Very well, prepare to retreat."

"What about him? You don't really want to kill him, do you?" Skye pointed to Daniel.

"If you weren't there, I would. But now, I have uploaded all his criminal evidence to the police network. In 10 minutes, the place will be surrounded by the police. We need to leave."

........................ ..
On Shen Yi's side, he was having lunch in a restaurant when he met an unexpected visitor.

"Although this restaurant supports sharing tables, there are still many seats around. Why do you choose my table?" Shen Yi looked at the one-eyed dragon in front of him helplessly, with a painful expression on his face.To be honest, he didn't really want to face Nick Fury so early.This old fox has no face, no skin, great power, and amazing resources in his hands. In a direct confrontation, it is easy to expose something.

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, my intuition tells me that you know who I am. So, I will cut to the chase. Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"I'm Shen Yi. I opened a company in New York to make money. Is there any problem? Are you from the tax department or something? I'm the person in charge of a new energy project supported by the government. We enjoy tax incentives."

"Justin Hanmer is completely at your command now. But as far as I know, he should be your boss. You are also the supporter behind Norman Technology. So, although it is unbelievable, Norman Aus Ben is actually yours? Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"...Well, your intelligence capabilities are stronger than I thought. But let's talk, the situation has not reached the time for the two of us to meet. Are you sure we want to have this conversation now?"

"You don't look like you want to meet me. So you know who I am."

"I do know, and I'm sure that no one in this world knows who you are, and no one is willing to meet you. Nick Fury, the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. To be honest, the world will not be destroyed in the near future .So, why don't we talk about it another day."

 The S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Nick Fury is the real S.H.I.E.L.D.Look at the good old man Coulson, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Zhenbo.It's just that men will be silent when they see it, and women will cry when they see it.The thing that bugged me the most was that in the end Daisy gave way to the person I hated the most, Mike.I'm still thinking about whether to catch up with the next season or not.

(End of this chapter)

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