A new era of comics

Chapter 27 A Sudden Meeting

Chapter 27 A Sudden Meeting

Norman Osborn is naturally very busy.In charge of a large company with a market value of hundreds of billions, he has countless things to do every day.Sitting in a luxury car, going in and out of various high-end areas.Enjoying the friendship of countless great people.Countless little people look up to them.All the attention, the scenery is infinite, and none of them can describe one percent of it.However, the recent Norman Osborn is not happy.

First of all, he already felt that his body was beginning to collapse.Some of his hidden parts have even appeared a kind of miserable green markings.That's a typical symptom of a family hereditary disease.His genes began to show lesions, followed by necrosis.The organs of his whole body will gradually fail.In the end, he died slowly in pain.He knew his time was running out.

But what really hurt him was that he wasn't ready to give up everything he had.Right, wealth, and even relatives, he is infinitely nostalgic.Harry was still a child, and he couldn't bear Osborn's burden.As long as he died, those old guys on the board would definitely kick Harry out immediately.

The point is that if he dies, there will inevitably be flaws in the accounting problem.Harry might not get a good death by then.It's a pity that he poured tens of billions of secret genetic experiments, but he didn't succeed.Although some results have been achieved.But it didn't help her ailment at all.All of this made Norman feel an unavoidable sense of oppression.

In recent days, this depression has even turned into a feeling of horror.There is an undercurrent of sorts stirring in the market.Norman Osborn is a top genius and a great capitalist.He is naturally very keen on market trends.But this time, even though he noticed the movement.But don't really know what happened.

As the top business group in this country, and even in the world, the Osborne Group will be fooled by the market one day.Norman knew it couldn't be some kind of coincidence.Everything points to some kind of storm brewing.And the center of the storm is the Osborne Group.Norman's mood got worse for this.He was full of worries early in the morning, and he drove to the parking lot of the Osborne Building in a dazed state.

In the underground parking lot, the bodyguard opened the car door for Norman Osborn.However, when Norman wanted to get out of the vehicle, a hand gently pushed him back.Immediately afterwards, a young Asian man sat in from the other side.

"Good morning, Mr. Norman. I know that if you don't show up in the lobby of Osborne House within 10 minutes, some kind of warning system will be triggered. So we only have about 7 minutes. I hope everyone Can you keep it simple, okay?"

However, Norman Osborn did not show any emotions such as panic and panic.On the contrary, he took a good look at Shen Yi in his spare time.Faced with this situation, the decadence and negativity just now disappeared in an instant.The exposed appearance quickly transformed into the image of a giant who dominates the shopping mall.

"Shen Yi, the founder of Umbrella. It was later acquired by Han Mo Gong. Not long ago, Umbrella launched a new bio-energy city power supply system, which has obtained the permission of the city government. The source of this technology is actually An unknown person who resigned from Osborne's technical department, Max. Mr. Shen, your vision is surprising.

Once the city's new energy supply comes online.You're instantly the new favorite of the country's business community.And it is born with the label of the government.Any giant that wants to move you must consider the impact.For Mr. Max to let go, it is obviously the biggest mistake of Osborne Enterprises in recent years. "Norman didn't change color at all, but directly revealed Shen Yi's identity. Between words, he gave Shen Yi a hand without a trace. From the perspective of dialogue skills, this can effectively shorten the distance between the two parties. Let the other party Let your guard down.

"It seems that Mr. Norman has paid attention to me, an unknown person."

"Mr. Shen is too self-deprecating. Although the press conference was not made public, it is not a secret in the new energy circle. And I can tell you clearly that the government will pass this resolution in three days. To You're going to be an upstart in the energy industry. It's just that a lot of people are going to be unhappy."

If it was someone else, Norman's revelation just now might have moved the other party.But it was a pity that he was facing Shen Yi.Shen Yi was not affected by the above remarks at all, but directly interrupted Norman and cut to the point.

"That's all for the gossip. I'm glad that Mr. Norman didn't do anything to embarrass everyone. As for my business issues, I can talk about them later. Now, let's talk about the business first."

"Hammer sent you here? I don't think he has that kind of courage. So, you come from another organization. Hanmo was completely kept in the dark by you." Norman ignored Shen Yi's words and just said to himself With his own speculation, he wanted to take the initiative in the next conversation.

"Then let me divert the topic. How long can you live?" Shen Yi said helplessly.

"..." Norman's voice stopped abruptly.

"What do you want?" He asked with some difficulty.The other party's words directly hit the weakest part of his heart.He is going to die.

However, Shen Yi did not let him go, and immediately threw another blockbuster.

"How much is Osborne's account short?"

"...Who the hell are you? A member of the government." All Norman could think of was that the government had this kind of energy.

"I have indeed dealt with the government a lot lately, but I have nothing to do with any government. I need you to answer my questions now, Mr. Norman. First, how long do you have to live, and second, Osborne How much is your account shortfall?"

"What exactly do you want to do? Osborne is a company with a market value of hundreds of billions. But last year our profit reached 110 billion US dollars. We don't have any deficit."

"Hey... Mr. Osborne, since I'm already sitting here, I must already know what happened. What I want to know now is how much you are short. Then I can calculate how to make up for you. .”


In the past 3 minutes, Norman Osborn just felt like he was wandering around in a dream.There is a strong sense of unreality.In fact, a so-called masked boss of a small business hijacked himself.

Immediately afterwards, the other party directly exposed the two most hidden weaknesses in his heart.While I was waiting for the other lion to open his mouth, the other party claimed to find a way to help himself through the difficulties.In just a few minutes and several twists and turns, Norman's heartbeat accelerated several times.Risk of some complications.

"Mr. Shen. I don't think this is a place to talk. We should talk in another place."

"Okay, it's almost time. Tonight at eight o'clock, I will visit you at your house. I hope everyone can make an announcement by then."

 The second update, please recommend and collect.


(End of this chapter)

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