A new era of comics

Chapter 26 The rain is coming

Chapter 26 The rain is coming
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s visit came earlier than Shen Yi expected.But this is also a matter of course.Although Umbrella has not revealed any top technology so far.But for a top intelligence service, it should be able to tell something.

In the conference room, the conversation between Shen Yi and Coulson is continuing.

"I probably understand that it is a worldwide intelligence organization. It secretly protects the safety of the human world. However, if an organization is too large, it will naturally have a bloated structure. And it lacks sufficient supervision. It also means the proliferation of power. And this is fatal for an intelligence service."

"Mr. Shen seems to be very familiar with the operation of intelligence agencies. Could it be possible that he has worked in this area?" Coulson said pointedly.

"Of course not. I'm just expressing my opinion with the help of the management of the company. And since it's needed by the intelligence department, it's also to maintain the security of the world. Of course I have to do my duty." Shen Yi interrupted Coulson In the next words, he directly agreed to his request.

This surprised Coulson a little.Because for most businessmen, it is impossible to agree to such a request that violates business rules.This involuntarily made Coulson look at Shen Yi a few more times.

Inside Umbrella's laboratory.Shen Yi showed Coulson a technology that was 'in research'.

"Look at this laboratory. A special laboratory for nanotechnology. It has been a while since the concept of nanotechnology was proposed. This field has had a huge impact on materials science, medicine and precision technology. Our Umbrella also has a special nano-lab. And we have achieved a few good small results. However, due to cost issues, it cannot be put on the market in a short time. But if it is used as special agent equipment, I think it can help A little busy. Check this out."

Shen Yi picked up a transparent sheet-like object that looked like some kind of colloidal material, and introduced it.

"This is a special mask we developed for patients with facial defects. Inside this transparent colloidal material, we filled a large number of nanoworms. The most amazing thing is that these nanoworms can be programmed to form various masks. A different form." Shen Yi said while gesturing to the technicians on the side to show it.

A programmer then tapped a few times on the keyboard.said:
"I fed it a scan of a person's face. Press the switch to use it."

Shen Yi covered the entire sheet on his face.The colloidal material filled Shen Yi's face perfectly along the contours of the face.Then Shen Yi pressed on the temple, and the whole face changed rapidly.

"This is……"

Amid Coulson's stunned expression, Shen Yi's face quickly changed into a white face.And it looks like a famous Hollywood star.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research institutes are also working on this face-changing technology.For spies, this technology is like an artifact.It's a pity that, as far as Coulson knows, the research and development department of S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet made a breakthrough.And now, he actually saw the finished product in a private company.

"Currently, the cost of this kind of mask is still a bit high, and there is no market. This piece costs millions of dollars. But if it is for special departments, it is already quite practical. It can store two facial portraits at the same time. ...and can be switched in less than five seconds. It is also waterproof. But it is not without weaknesses.

Nanoworms are filled inside the gelatinous layer.So, this mask cannot withstand heavy blows.Because that would temporarily disrupt its program.The performance is that your face will appear garbled.very obvious. "

"This is not a problem at all, I just want to know, can you achieve mass production?"

"As I said, the cost is a bit high. So I don't plan to put it on the market in a short time. But the technology has basically been perfected. Is your department interested?"

"Of course, I can customize a batch of these masks on behalf of our department." Coulson didn't even report to the top, and placed the order directly.He clearly knows how important this technology is to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"However, I need to make sure that this technology has not spread, right? Does Hanmer Industry understand this? They are Umbrella's major shareholders."

"Lucky for you, this is the latest product from the lab. You're the first to see it outside of the experiment."

"If we buy your technology, what price do we need?" Coulson said meaningfully.

"Haha, Coulson. Your tone doesn't sound like a businessman. But it doesn't matter, since I have shown you this technology. I have already envisioned it in my heart. But the nanotechnology contained in this mask involves A complex technical system. So in principle, we will not sell this technology. But I can give you a promise, I can make you the only buyer. What kind of organization is that. Homeland strategic defense attack and logistics support Bureau, is that the name?"

"We are rectifying the issue of the name. But I will report what you mean to the superior. So, can we watch the next surprise. To be honest, I can't wait."

"Unfortunately, today's visit is over. Agent Coulson, for a businessman, I am generous enough today. I believe that any high-tech enterprise will not open a laboratory of this level to you. of."

"That's really a pity, Shen. I have a hunch that behind those doors, there are even bigger surprises hidden." Coulson said with some regret.

"I will neither admit it nor deny it. Unless we have a more concrete, secure business partnership."

"I have a hunch that day won't be too long."

Coulson's arrival did not bring much change to Umbrella.The moment Shen Yi entered New York, he knew that there would be such a day.In order to show a little respect for the character he likes, Shen Yi even gave him a little favor.Of course, this is also to pave the way for contact with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Because as long as the original accumulation is carried out in the Marvel world.It is impossible to bypass S.H.I.E.L.D.For Shen Yi, SHIELD is an extremely important link.In other words, what SHIELD has mastered is what Shen Yi urgently needs.

While Shen Yi was thinking about it alone, Ada came in to report to him.

"We have received news that Hanmo may be going to do something. But it's not just the Hanmo Group. Stark Industries, Pioneer Technology, Malik Group and more than a dozen large companies have secretly reached a certain consensus. Will Use this incident to carve up Osborn."

"It looks like we weren't invited."

"Obviously we are not qualified enough. However, the news we got should be revealed by Hanmo. It seems that we have given a little affection."

"Hehe, since they don't take us to play. Let's change the game. Help me contact Norman Osborn."

 The first update, please collect, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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