A new era of comics

Chapter 261 The Power of Creation

Chapter 261 The Power of Creation

in the laboratory.Shen Yi is testing his own abilities.After fully analyzing the Celestial Seed.Shen Yi used the super-dimensional perspective to see through all the principles contained in it.

It has to be said that the abilities of the gods are not complicated, but they are extremely high-end.This is a rule-level power.Moreover, it is a biological tissue structure with regular attributes.The appearance of this phenomenon on creatures can only show that this creature is the real Son of Destiny.Son of the universe.

There are so many things contained in such a miraculous organizational structure.At the same time, this also gave Shen Yi a certain chance to imitate.Using the super-dimensional perspective, Shen Yi has a complete insight into the organizational structure of the gods.Then try to simulate it in your own body.

Of course it's not easy.But it's not entirely impossible.The system of Shen Yi's Eternal Clan has a great relationship with the Celestial Clan.And the potential is not small.So it can fully bear this kind of biological tissue structure with regular attributes.

And with the continuous improvement of Shen Yi's mental strength.And the physical body of the eternal family is constantly perfected.Shen Yi has already been able to freely adjust his body's genetic structure to a certain extent.Of course, this is an extremely delicate and dangerous process.So from the beginning to the end, Shen Yi never used it once.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, after obtaining the body of the Eternal Clan, there is basically no genetic template worth imitating for Shen Yi.But now, the power of the gods is at hand.Shen Yi had to try it himself.

For the sake of safety, Shen Yi used a lot of means as a backup.Ryze made a guarantee using various high-level magic.But he is not really one of his own, and it is impossible for Shen Yi to fully trust him.So the real protection measure is the comprehensive monitoring of the Flame Queen.And the auxiliary work of Shen Yi's team.

They prepare large quantities of ultra-high-purity concentrated recovery serum.Although this serum has little effect on Shen Yi.But after high concentration, add a large number of supplements.Still has quite the effect.The outside world uses this repair solution as an injection.But for Shen Yi, it is used as a culture medium.Later, there was a set of nano repair system specially developed for Shen Yi.

Yes, it is a dedicated nano repair system.This is a super medical system that has not yet been circulated, and it is impossible to circulate it in the future.Simply put, this machine will first record all the body structure data of a person.It is all, including every cell, every drop of body fluid, and even every gene chain.

How huge is all the biological information of a person added up.Ordinary people can't imagine it at all.Ordinary computers, at least, are completely incapable of processing it.Even the Flame Queen needs four top supercomputers as the 'body'.This can only be achieved by exerting a complete 100% computing power.

Based on this, we can understand why this technology cannot be popularized.Because few people can afford this expensive technology.Even if it works.Expropriation of four supercomputers will also lead to various huge disputes.Those with a little less power will not be able to pass the government's barriers at all.

You know, if the four supercomputers suddenly carry out cyber terrorism.It is enough to instantly paralyze the entire network system of a developed country.And then directly destroy the financial, transportation, communication and other infrastructure systems.Cause an irreparable and devastating blow.Therefore, Shen Yi never thought of promoting this technology.He doesn't need to make money, he just prepares this system for himself and his more important subordinates.

Shen Yi's plan is that once something goes out of control during the adjustment process.Then just give up part of your body.Then use the super nano machine to completely repair itself.

The plan is neither a success nor a failure.Just like Shen Yi's current state.He is trying to use the ability to manipulate the creation of elementary particles.He is standing in an ordinary room now.Consciousness is surrounded by endless, varied elements.

Although most elements exist in composite form.But under Shen Yi's mind, no matter how complicated and solid the molecular structure is, it seems as if it does not exist.In just one thought, Shen Yi took away the elements he needed.And lead to the collapse of a large number of molecular chains.Some material structures also collapsed one after another.

The manifestation of this ability is somewhat similar to the invincible phoenix.The difference is that this is a relatively gentle way.For example, if you compare matter to a large fortress of building blocks.Each building block is an atom, and the overall structure is the molecular chain.

The power of the gods is to continuously extract building blocks from it.Until the collapse of the molecular chain.And so the fort fell to pieces.The Phoenix Force is equivalent to a super mixer, directly tearing the fort to pieces.Even a considerable part of the atoms are destroyed in the basic structure.

In terms of destructive power, the power of the phoenix is ​​more than a notch higher than the power of the gods.However, in general-level combat, it's really no different.Against a creature-side enemy.You took away one of his elements, causing the opponent's molecular chain to become unbalanced, and eventually his body collapsed.It is no different from using the power of the phoenix to directly stir the opponent into a ball of elementary particles.

Only in battles at a more advanced rule level will there be essential differences.However, the real effect of the Phoenix Force is far more than the attribute of 'annihilation'.The increase in mental power it brought alone has benefited Shen Yi endlessly.Otherwise, he would not have the ability to carry out such subtle genetic adjustments.Secondly, as a multiverse, a collection of the spirits of all beings, the power of the phoenix has a lot of uses that Shen Yi has not yet developed at the spiritual level.

Similarly, the power of the gods is not only used for fighting.The essence of its ability is to combine various elements to create the substance you want, and even life.

In the original book, Egg creates a planet.Although there are no higher life forms above.But still full of different kinds of flora and fauna.Perhaps most of them were transplanted by him from all over the universe.But it doesn't rule out the possibility that he can create some simple creatures.

Of course, Shen Yi now doesn't have the idea of ​​creating creatures.That is too high-end, and far away.What Shen Yi wanted was the creation of the simplest basic substances.

A little black in the air slowly appeared.The black dot continued to grow larger, and finally became an irregular lumpy object.That's a piece of carbon.

Carbon is one of the most common and most abundant elements on earth.It is also the basic composition of carbon-based life forms.Everything we come into contact with in life basically cannot avoid the existence of carbon.The pure carbon element created by Shen Yi also represents the initial manifestation of his creative ability.

 In short, get engaged this month.All kinds of trivial matters delayed writing.But this is something that can't be helped, it's a lifelong event.Also, a new book will be uploaded next month.At the same time, this book will be updated at a rate of one chapter per day.

(End of this chapter)

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