Chapter 260

The rise of a civilization inevitably needs the support of various resources.For example, in the current regional earth civilization, the vast majority of energy systems are supported by oil.Suppose one day there is suddenly no oil on the earth.Human civilization can be imagined.

What elements does the destroyed Kamigawa civilization use as a support for its own civilization.The major races in the current universe are no longer known.But Shen Yi absolutely did not believe that such a powerful race would perish in the universe inexplicably.Even if their civilization has developed to the limit, it is rejected by the will of the universe.But with their technical level at the time, they should be able to respond.

It now appears that they have responded.They use a certain method to 'reincarnate' themselves.Hard as it is to believe, it is true.Using biotechnology, they have reincarnated their own species.Every corner of the universe, every living body.All of them may contain the genetic seeds of the Shenhe civilization.

That means, at a certain moment.They will suddenly awaken as members of the Kamigawa civilization.And after the resurrection of this powerful civilization, it is conceivable that it will not be for the peace of the universe.

"I'm curious. How did you turn this guy into this? You know, even us demons can't erase the imprint of consciousness left by the Kamigawa civilization." Morgana was obviously curious about Shen Yi's methods .

"I used power outside the universe. And it is not replicable. At least so far, among all potential awakeners. Except for the power of the galaxy, only this guy can bear it. Other students of the Super Seminary, life force Not strong enough. In the process, it may die directly."

"Interesting, you directly destroyed all the will in his brain. Turned it into a pure tool. This is something I have always wanted to do but can't do it. This is the last dark blood warrior in the universe. It is also the only One, a super soldier who can rival the power of the galaxy. You took something so precious from me. Shouldn't you give something?"

"First of all, this thing is just a dispensable experimental product for you. My Lady Queen, you know it very well. It is completely impossible to deal with the next situation by relying on a certain super soldier. It is just a It's just playing chess."

"So what. It's mine after all."

"Okay then. I can use some information in exchange. Hua Ye is back."

"I already knew this."

"Then do you know why he came back? With his personality, how could he come back at such a critical moment?"

"what do you know?"

"The reason is very simple. The reason why Hua Ye came back is because she has someone to rely on."

"As an angel who has been wandering for tens of thousands of years without making any progress. How many things can be called relying on?"

"There are not many people who can help him at this time."


"His Void Engine plan has succeeded. At least partially. Hua Ye is now the most dangerous guy in the entire universe. Imagine what that guy will do the first time he gets power?"

"What else does that trash do besides looking for women?"

"But ordinary women, he doesn't like them now. But Ms. Liangbing, you are about the same level."

"I will be afraid of him. But the essence of the void engine is to steal the power outside the universe. This has violated the basic balance theorem of this universe. And that dimension is in a state of contradiction with the earth. The more he uses , the balance of the universe will be more threatened. What is Karthus thinking?"

"The answer is nothing more than a few. The first is combat power. Karthus is building a strong enough legion. He is obviously preventing something. Reminiscent of our previous inferences about the Kamigawa civilization. He may know It is more detailed than ours. Form a super soldier based on void force. Use this to fight against the legion of the Kamigawa civilization that may appear in the future."

"If their black-armored army really appears, it is absolutely impossible for the Void Warriors to win. And we don't even know if our deduction is correct."

"Yes or no is not important. The important thing is that we need to improve ourselves. I know that there is a force enough to participate in the war that has already begun to be active. If you can find them and reach an agreement, the combat effectiveness of the existing cosmic races will quickly increase." enhancement."

"All the races in the existing universe, our demon race has records. There is no such thing as a climate."

"No, there is another one that you haven't recorded, the triangle."

"The triangular body has been driven to extinction by the Kamigawa civilization."

"Obviously not. They did it too hastily. And the Triangle was able to confront the Kamigawa civilization for thousands of years. How could such a powerful civilization just disappear like that?"

"Do you want to gather the power of the entire universe to fight against the Kamigawa civilization?"

"It's not me, it's you. Strictly speaking, all of this has nothing to do with me. I came to this world just to find some opportunities to become stronger. And I have completed most of the planned goals. Everything I do now , only in the spirit of humanitarianism."

"Ha ha."


No matter how much Morgana despises Shen Yi's reason for being indifferent.But the pressure of the Kamigawa civilization on them is still too great.

After Morgana left, Shen Yi returned to the analysis of the seeds of the gods.After the uninterrupted calculations of Ryze and supercomputers.Shen Yi has basically completed most of the analysis.The mystery of the gods was right in front of him.

"I still can't believe it. What kind of biological tissue is this? These cells are inherently capable of interfering with the surrounding matter. Interfering from the level of elementary particles. Once this kind of thing grows up, it is a real god Ah. They are born to manipulate everything in the world."

"As I said before, this is a seed of a god. We are not here to sigh. The most important thing is how to steal its power."

"There is the simplest way. Transplant these cells directly. In a few days, you will be able to gain this kind of power. It's just that you need to consider whether it will be completely eroded by it. Of course, this should not be a problem for you .”

"No, it can't be like this. I will inevitably face its body in the future. If it is transplanted intact, this will become my fatal weakness. What I want is to analyze the principle of its ability to manipulate elementary particles, and then from essentially get that capability."

(End of this chapter)

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