A new era of comics

Chapter 175 Passing the Fire (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 175 Passing the Fire (Please Subscribe)

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A helicopter scrambled from Norman Tech and arrived at the door of the New Jersey church a few hours later.Carter saw the boy code-named Black Sky with his own eyes.Now, of course, Dr. Helen named him Mike.

Luo Shan, who was on the side, felt incredible that Shen Yi could call a helicopter with just one phone call.In her senses, shouldn't this kind of demon hunter be the kind who walks the world alone with one gun and one sword?Why is this person's logistics force so fierce.And at this time, she finally saw that Shen Yi's face looked familiar.

Although Shen Yi is now in a high position.On the biological side, the arms manufacturing industry and the new energy industry are all bigwigs.But he rarely appears in the public media.So Rosanne has never thought of it.Now, after feeling familiar, Luo Shan finally picked up her phone and started searching.

"This child? It's a strange feeling. It does have a certain effect with the fire of hell. Where did you find him?" Carter turned back and asked.

"To be precise, a cult discovered him and tried to make him a container for some kind of evil god. So I think, if his body can hold the power of an evil god, then the devil's is similar."

"It is indeed possible. We can have a good talk now. You said before that the Witch Heart Demon has come out? What's going on?"

"How could I know about hell. All I know is that he came to the world. The whole of Texas was in panic before, because of the new generation of soldiers, and he fought against him again. Not only did he come out. He also brought a few men. A few elements Demons are quite powerful."

"Then he must have come for the contract of St. Van Gonzale. We must not let this contract fall into his hands. But how can I believe that you can fight against him?"

"I can. You really don't know. I don't know. But you must be dead. The hell fire on you is about to go out. At most, you can support one battle. Are you going to fight four? Look at me."

Shen Yi's spiritual power surged.Golden dragon-shaped phantoms appeared around him.The spiritual power tempered by the Huaxia dragon veins is extremely attractive in terms of shape alone.And the golden tone doesn't make people feel evil.

"At least I won't be on the devil's side. My strength determines that I am the opposite of the devil. So..."

"It's very credible, but I don't think you can fight against the Witch Heart Demon."

"It's really not sure. To be honest, I don't have much experience fighting demons. But you have no other choice. I can give you an accurate information. At most midnight, the witch heart demon will find here. By then you Who can you count on? A new generation of soldiers? Don't you know what the newborn soldiers mean? Berserk, devouring. Even the most determined person can only maintain a little bit of sanity. Maybe one night, he I just forgot where I left the contract. No matter from that angle, you have no time. I am your last choice."

"I can pass the last fire of hell to this child. But the process will be very painful. Moreover, the eye of judgment is not given. It is developed by myself. When his hell fire burns to the limit At that time, there is a chance to open the Eye of Judgment. This is a talent."

"I see. Don't worry. Mike has received special training. He can endure pain that ordinary people can't bear."

........................... ..
At noon, Johnny woke up in a small hotel.All he felt was a splitting headache.There is a huge sense of fatigue all over the body.He looked around, wondering how he got here.A roadside motel?I should be on my way to the hotel after breaking up with Luo Shan.No, no, it should be on the way to the hotel to find her the next day.

It doesn't matter what Johnny thinks.Johnny could only feel countless chaotic and incredible memories flooding his mind.Just like a nightmare, it became clear and terrifying.In the dream, he turned into a skeleton knight covered in fire.Even his motorcycle turned into a flame chariot.

Wielding the burning chains by himself, he shuttled through the city.Hunt down a demon that has escaped from hell.At the same time, it also cleans up all the evil people.This is the scariest place.Whether it was a robber or a gangster, as long as it fell into his hands, they would all be burned to death by the flames in his eyes.Even a child who robbed a dozen dollars was not immune.

Johnny smiled wryly, he probably drank too much.How can you have such a strange dream?But in the next second, his head suddenly felt a sharp pain.Seemingly dissatisfied he denied everything about last night.

The painful Johnny rolled on the bed for a while, and finally woke up.That didn't seem like a dream.but the truth.Last night, I turned into a skeleton flame knight and killed all directions in the city.

Johnny, who understood, was stunned.He turned himself into a monster, and then killed all directions in the city.This kind of unbelievable thing is obviously not acceptable to ordinary people.Fortunately, Johnny is now out of the category of ordinary people.After thinking about it for a while, he probably understood that the contract he made with the devil was at work.

After a while, Johnny picked up the phone and wanted to call Roseanne.When everyone is in a state of extreme pain, there will be a desire to talk.In most cases, I will confide to my relatives, friends, and other people.Johnny had no other relatives, the only one he could think of was Roseanne.But now, Roseanne's phone can't get through.

Johnny held his head in pain, and slowly squatted down on the ground.A huge change in life happened overnight.Although Johnny has decades of mental preparation.But he still couldn't accept it.

And in a church on the other side of America.The fire passing ceremony of the first band of soldiers has already begun.

"Listen, kid. I don't know who you are. I don't know what qualities you have. But I can't hold on any longer. So I pass hellfire to you now, in this During the process, you will suffer great pain. Unimaginable kind.

I want you to remember that pain.No matter what kind of person you become in the future, it doesn't matter even if you become a bad person.You just have to be persistent.The devil is your enemy. "

"What will I get?"

"...power, unrivaled power."

"Come on then."

........................ ..
My name is Cai Dong.The name has no special meaning.It is because my family lives in the east of the village.I don't know which country I am from.At least not at first.All I know is that I was born by a small river.Mom and Dad grow rice by the river.There are many kinds of rice.But for some reason, our family is always hungry.

I've noticed this since I was very young.Why is there always not enough food at home.Obviously there are a lot of meters in the favorable terrain outside.But my parents will always tell me with a sigh, I will understand when I grow up.

Then, I grew up a little bit.I don't know how to count. It is said that in a place far away, there is a place called a school, where I can teach others how to count.I just heard my dad tell me that I was ten years old.

at that time.I've seen something with my own eyes.A group of adults rushed into my house.I took away most of the rice at home.And the chickens that I worked so hard to feed.I want to rush up and grab my chicken.But my parents held me tightly.They told me they had guns and they couldn't grab them.

I still don't understand what a gun is.However, I know that this word represents strength.More powerful than my parents.And this kind of power can make others take what belongs to me.

From then on, I began to look forward to growing up.Looking forward to having a gun.Because my dad told me that you will have guns when you grow up.But after a while, something else changed my mind.I was 12 years old that year.

On that day, I experienced another transformation in my life.It was an upheaval engraved in the soul.I witnessed the death of my parents.At the same time, it also witnessed a more powerful force.

That night, a group of men with guns reappeared.But they are not the same as before.At that time, I could only tell that some of them were very dark.I've never seen anyone that black before.

They're powerful, much stronger than anyone with guns I've seen before.Because they easily killed a few people with guns who were in the village at that time and who used to come here frequently.This includes my parents.Then they took all the children in the village.Later I learned the exact number, eleven.

Then came the climax of the nightmare of my life.I was taken to a boat.There are more kids on board.About my age, but there are black and white ones.

They take many children every day, and then those children will disappear forever.Although don't know what happened.But I can still feel the fear.An indescribable fear.Like the unspoken horror that arose in my heart when my parents died.I don't want to disappear myself.

But no matter how much I fear, the situation has not changed in the slightest.Because one day, it was my turn.

I don't know who to thank.They did some checks on me, but I didn't disappear.Instead, he was locked in an iron box alone.It was dark inside and I was terrified.I can only sleep in it, I don't know how long it has been.

The sound of fighting woke me up.I don't know what exactly happened.But I can feel that the life on board is constantly dying.It was a strange feeling.I don't know how to describe it.Anyway, just know.When the iron box was opened again.Once again I saw something different.

They appear more 'powerful'.I can't use other words to describe it at that time.All I know is that all the original people on board died.Then they took me.And placed me with sister Helen.

She's a nice person, a very nice person.Give me clothes, food.Teach me to read and tell me all kinds of knowledge that can only be learned in school.I have a new name, Mike.Because I don't want the old name anymore.Knowing that my hometown should be a country called Laos, or Vietnam.

At the same time, I also know that all this is supported by another person.Sister Helen asked me to listen to that man.And tell me that everything I have today is given by that person.

I believed her and became a member of the boss organization.I know that the boss has a method that can make people very powerful.I know that the people who killed my parents are still alive.

I once told the boss through Sister Helen.I want power, I want to be as strong as those around him. Boss told me, not yet.After a while, he will endow me with unrivaled power.I believed it, and waited quietly.

until today. Boss told me it's time.I'm going to prepare for another turning point in my life.I'm not worried because I'm ready for the day.I had a lot of training, and a lot of it was uncomfortable.But it's nothing to me.

Because in my heart, there is no pain more painful than the night my parents died in front of me.Yes, it is pain.At that time, I still couldn't accurately describe the feeling.But now it does.I want to find those people and inflict this pain on them.But to do this, I must first have the strength.

Mike opened his eyes.The heart-piercing pain was gone.He, too, recovered from that dying flashback.He stood up and moved a bit, but he didn't feel any abnormality in his body.

"What happened? I don't feel anything else."

"No, Mike. The seed has been planted. I can feel it burning inside of you. You just have to feel it, nurture it, wait for it to become a raging fire. Then you'll have the pain The ability to impose on anyone."

The sun had already set, and Carter sat tiredly on the chaise longue outside the church.Watching the last ray of sunshine disappear.

"Sunset, the beauty is breathtaking. But I still like to watch the sunrise."

"I haven't noticed this kind of scenery for a long time. When I was a child, I often stared at the sunset in a daze. Because at that time, it was the only time you could look directly at the sun."

"Why not at sunrise?"

"Because I'm sleeping late at sunrise."

"Hahahaha, cough cough..." Carter took a mouthful of vodka.But in the next second, it all vomited out again.

"It's really old. I used to be able to drink a bottle in one breath."

"Sorry, we can't save you. Your body cannot be extended by conventional biological means."

"You don't need to say, I know this very well. But don't worry, I won't just die like this. I will hold on until another war policeman shows up."

"As far as I know, that is almost the most painful death in the world."

"So what. I won't let the devil touch my soul a second time."

(End of this chapter)

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