A new era of comics

Chapter 174 The first generation of war police (2 in 1 chapter)

Chapter 174 The First Generation of War Police (two chapters in one)

Hell is an extremely closed world.Most of the devils inside have never been in contact with the human world.In fact, except for the existence of a demon king like Mephisto, who can come out for a walk from time to time.Most of the devils have never been in contact with the human world.

Compared with humans, they may have incomparable personal combat power.But they don't know at all, what does the world mean?They always imagine that the world is full of weak human beings, and once they are in the world, they can do whatever they want.As everyone knows, among those devils who came to the world, none of them could stir up any storms.

In a tavern, a handsome man came out of it.The bar, which was originally noisy, has now become a deathly silence.There are countless corpses lying in disorder in the bar.They didn't have a trace of scars all over their bodies, but there was an indescribable horror on their faces.

If there is a forensic doctor to carry out the test at this time, an incredible conclusion will be drawn.All these people were scared to death.The man who walked out had a satisfied expression on his face.

The Mind Witch, son of Mephisto, feeds on fear.In hell, for his father's sake, he was considered a respectable figure.And this kind of treatment made him swell rapidly.He soon became dissatisfied with the dominance of hell, but began to attract the attention of the world.

I have to admit that the witch heart demon still has some real skills.At least those guys who instigated it behind the scenes showed some real strength.They actually used some special method to smuggle the body of a great demon into the world.

In the eyes of Wu Xinmo, this is a kind of flattery.But for his old man Mephisto, this is clearly fooling his stupid son into being a pathfinder.Mephisto clearly knew the existence of the Ancient One Mage.And the suppressive effect of Emperor Weishan.Even if it is in the human world, it cannot be the opponent of Gu Yi.Not to mention that idiot son.

That's why Mephisto woke up the ghost police anxiously.Ironically, the first task of the war policeman is to hunt down his son.

Not far from the tavern, there were dense sirens.But the figure of the Witch Heart Demon has gradually dissipated into the air.

On the other side of the city, Shen Yi has completely suppressed Feng Mo.Or something like a clone of the Fengmo.In Shen Yi's view, if there were a lord-level demon controlling storms in hell, at this level, Mephisto would have ruled the world long ago.

Fengmo originally had no body.In other words, his body cannot be touched.But Shen Yi wrapped Lingli's right hand and still grabbed it firmly.On Shen Yi's right hand, there was an obvious air current.Constantly twisting, changing.But no matter what, they couldn't escape Shen Yi's palm.

"What is it. A demon?"

"Basically, this should be a subordinate of a high-ranking demon. Are you not afraid?"

"Why be afraid. Does he look harmless?"

"...Okay, but you'd better hide to the side. It's not over yet." Shen Yi's eyes have already seen that a heavy truck in the distance is heading here at an extremely high speed rushed over.

Shen Yi raised his left hand and made a standard Magneto car blocking action.A huge amount of thought power surged out, trying to restrain the truck.But the whole body of the truck is wrapped in a kind of magic power, and the power of telekinetics cannot do its full work.The material reorganization in Shen Yi's right hand flickered slightly.The ground of the highway rose suddenly, forming a ramp.

The truck with a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour rushed over without slowing down.But at that speed, it can't avoid bumps in the ground.Let the huge heavy trucks fly straight into the sky.At the same time, the ground has also changed.A huge hand made of concrete came from under Shen Yi's feet, trying to grab him.

But the moment the palm touched Shen Yi, it turned into powder.Material reorganization, for this kind of attack, is simply a cheating existence.

The huge truck flew tens of meters away, and its heavy body hit the ground heavily.Immediately afterwards, a strong figure pierced through the shell of the truck and rushed out of it.As he ran, the whole earth echoed him.It looks like a red tank.

Its right hand continuously absorbs the dirt and gravel on the ground.And converged in his right hand, forming a giant fist.When Shen Yi became interested, the matter recombined and flickered, forming an identical fist.

Two huge fists with a diameter of more than one meter collided at high speed.There was a violent gas explosion.Crazy rocks and mud flew, making the scene chaotic.

And just as the dust was flying.Shen Yi's body went straight through the dust, and another heavy punch landed on Tu Mo's body.Earth Demon, or Earth Demon, and Wind Demon are two completely opposite attributes.The wind demon is invisible and invisible, and only by using spiritual power can he catch the opponent.But the earth demon was different. Shen Yi felt that he had actually hit a solid body.

The fist wrapped in spiritual power directly smashed the humanoid body apart.But in the next second, the opponent regrouped not far away.At the same time, the wind demon in Shen Yi's hand also took the opportunity to break away from Shen Yi's control and escaped from Shen Yi's palm.But how could Shen Yi let it escape so easily.

The mind amplification flickered, and a powerful mental shock was sent out.There was only a shrill scream in the air.Then Feng Mo's figure disappeared directly from Shen Yi's senses.Obviously, the opponent saw that the situation was not good and slipped away.

And this action obviously blinded the earth demon.I came all the way to support, but you slipped away when I came? ?But that's how it is among the devils.Don't expect to have favors, or favorability or anything like that.If there is no order from the witch heart demon, it is estimated that the earth demon will not come back after training.

The earth demon obviously didn't mean to risk his life with Shen Yi here.The body sank slowly, but Shen Yi knew it was just an appearance.The moment Feng Mo left, the aura of Earth Demon had disappeared.The one in front of him is nothing more than a soil puppet.

And at this time, Luo Shanzhong who was on the side came back to his senses.

"So, you made my car on purpose. Because you knew I'd come across these things. But I don't remember you among my suitors, with all due respect. Is it because of Johnny?

"Almost, as I said, Ni is very special. The reason why you encountered these things is also because of him."

"He asked you to protect me?"

"That's a bit of an overestimation of him. He's not good enough to order me."

"Okay, do all demons look like this? It doesn't look as scary as imagined?"

"It can only be said that your luck is good tonight. These are high-level demons. They know how to transform their bodies so that they can better integrate into modern society. So all you see are some human forms. Believe Me, you wouldn't like to see their true form. Especially these high-ranking demons, you might go crazy just by looking at them."

Roseanne curled her lips, looking a little disapproving.Shen Yi didn't explain too much.Roseanne is a typical heroine in a Hollywood superhero movie. The only meaning of their existence is to keep making troubles.Then wait for the rescue of the hero.

On the other hand, Johnny was wandering through the city with a raging hellfire burning all over his body.Ghostbusters has never been a good side hero.Especially the vengeful spirits in the first and second generations are all that kind of extreme existence.The Eye of Judgment will even magnify all kinds of tiny sins, and then directly burn the soul.

The urban legend in Texas reappeared tonight.The police moved after hearing the news, but they couldn't catch the actions of the ghosts at all.At this time, Johnny was chasing the breath of the witch heart demon, but for the use of magic power, the witch heart demon was too strong for him.Before it got close, he could easily get rid of him.

"Father has released the knights, we need to hurry up. Find the deed of Saint Van Gonzale and gather our troops."


A tall and thin man responded, and then his body suddenly went limp, turning into a puddle of water and flowing into the sewer.

Tonight in Texas is destined to be a night in history.Countless people saw a skeleton knight galloping through the city on a burning motorcycle.Throughout the streets and alleys, there were at least a hundred street gangsters and criminals whose souls were burnt by the eyes of judgment that night.

The empty and dead eyes made the coroner feel uncomfortable.

Shen Yi ignored the chaos caused by Johnny, but drove directly to New Jersey.Only this time, Rosanna followed beside her with a stern face.

"As I said, what happened last night was just to make Johnny owe me a favor. You are safe for the time being."

"I don't know whether it is safe or not. But I know that if there is such news that can change the world view of everyone in the whole world, it is in front of me. If I don't catch it, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. Next , Wherever you go, I will go there? I want to announce all this to the world. At that time, what is the Pulitzer Prize? They must at least set up a separate award for me."

"There will be no awards, you really think you can freely post everything you see online. That's impossible, I bet, as soon as you leave my side, there will be a group of men in black Confiscate everything from you. Then you will be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Or be secretly imprisoned and never see the light of day."

"The people have the right to know the truth. Instead of being kept in the dark by the government like a fool."

"For the existence of the devil, most people would rather not know. Don't let yourself represent the whole world. You can only represent yourself. I can guarantee that 90.00% of the people, if they know the truth, will I won't be grateful to you in the slightest.

For them, life has not been easy.You have to add another layer of burden to them.You feel like you are revealing the truth, you feel great.But you are essentially just for yourself.For their honor and reputation.Like you said before.You just want an exclusive award. "

"But shall we let these things be buried in the dark forever?"

"These things are buried in the darkness, which is the greatest kindness to the world. Do you know how many people are struggling in the dark to bury these darkness? This is not something that can be solved by just one report or a few proposals of yours. Question. This is a major event that determines the fate of the entire world. Who do you think you are? Why do you decide this major event for mankind?"

"But I have seen all this, and my professionalism does not allow me to give up."

"Then restrain yourself. The biggest difference between humans and devils is that we can restrain our desires."

The New Jersey frontier, in front of a dilapidated church.Shen Yi stopped the car and walked to the church.

"This place looks abandoned, why come here?"

"It just looks abandoned. Am I right? Mr. Carter?" Shen Yi looked to the side, the old man who came out with a shovel.

"Very few people call me by that name anymore. Young man, this is not where you came from."

"This is a church. Doesn't the church welcome me?"

"You have no faith, this is not the place to come."

"Well, let's stop pretending here about our mutual religious beliefs. I know who you are, Carter. I know what you have done. What I care about is how much power you still have left. "

Carter's face suddenly changed.

"Who are you? Mephisto's subordinate?"

"Something about me looks like the devil's subordinate. I just regret the power of hellfire and your eyes of judgment. Carter, you are the first soldier in the world. Your power must be very special."

"I can see that you are not an ordinary person, but the power in your body is in conflict with the fire of hell. Therefore, you cannot get the fire of hell. Let alone the eye of judgment."

"I didn't say I was going to use it. The power of hell, too dark for my image. I just found a possible carrier."

"Unless it is a contract with the devil, it is impossible to withstand the fire of hell. That is not human power."

"That's not necessarily the case. I found a child before. How should I put it? It is said that he is a perfect energy carrier, especially for dark forces."

"There can be no such person."

"Carter, how many years have you been hiding here. You don't know what's going on in the outside world. You think that only you have been in touch with the dark side of the world. But I know more than you. That child was born to carry a certain It was discovered by the power of an evil god."

"Even if there is such a person, why should I pass on my power to him?"

"First of all, you are no longer the only war police in this world. In the past ten years, Mephisto has cultivated a new war police. The younger one with more potential. Secondly, Wuxin The devil has come out. And what he is for, you don’t know, right?”

"I don't understand you."

"Hehe, let me make it clear. I know you got the contract of St. Vaganza, but you didn't give it to Mephisto. As his policeman, you have essentially betrayed him. That's why you hide To this remote church, that's why he will cultivate new soldiers.

I also know that the so-called deed of St. Vaganza is in your shovel.But I don't care about these things.All I care about is the hellfire that's about to dissipate in you.I want that spark, and your judging eye.Of course, as a reward, I will solve the Witch Heart Demon for you. "

 Severe cold, headache dying.But luckily it's finished.Without spirit, there will be no chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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