A new era of comics

Chapter 135 Unknown Comrades (Part 3)

Chapter 135 Unknown comrades-in-arms (third update)
"Takeshi Kitano, you said it before. Get Roderick's head for me within twelve hours. Now, you can do it. Go tonight and kill Roderick."

Takeshi Kitano froze for a moment, but did not hesitate.He turned around and disappeared into the night.Ada was puzzled by this.

"There must be more than one powerful mutant guarding Roderick. Takeshi Kitano needs to lead a small team. He may be in danger alone."

"No, let's make a bet. I bet that Takeshi Kitano can easily complete the task."

"what have you found?"

"Look for yourself. We should have noticed it a long time ago." Shen Yi handed the document to Ada with some headaches.

Ada took the document and quickly discovered the problem.

"Essex. Is that him?" Ada thought for a while and understood the meaning of the name.

"I never believed in such a coincidence, so it must be him."

"Then what we encountered before... God, if this is the case, we will be in big trouble. Our current strength may be insufficient."

"It's going to be troublesome. We need to be more prepared. It's going to be a war-level contest."

It was still that old apartment, and it was still that old figure.Only this time, that person got up from the sofa.He moved his body a bit.Feeling that the body is not as strong as it used to be.But he didn't hesitate at all.Instead, he put on the tights with a slightly higher degree of shame, and then turned around and took off the double knives that were on him.

"Old man, did you miss me?"

And on the other side of America.Caliban is wandering around with Wolverine.

"We have traveled across the entire United States, who are you looking for again?" The impatient Logan had already begun to get impatient.

"I said I'm looking for some old folks. Don't worry. Logan, think about the situation now. This is not a time when you can save the world by yourself. You are not who you used to be. We lost X The Cop, and all the allies. Luckily, I remember some potential allies. Don't thank me, we've arrived."

As far as the eye can see, this is a huge manor.There are a large number of guards with guns patrolling back and forth at the door.In the distance, there are some people who look like extremist organizations, wandering around the periphery.They held some anti-mutant slogans and occasionally shouted some slogans.But no one dared to approach the manor.And all around, there are some policemen chasing away those wanderers.

"where is this place?"

"An old friend's place. He's originally Brazilian. But immigrated to America."

"If he is the mutant you're looking for, how dare he go to the United States now? This is the harshest country in the world for mutants, okay?"

"Hehe, Brazil is actually similar. And Brazil has a place that makes people speechless. The government's control is too weak. After the anti-mutant movement broke out, his manor was attacked nine times in a week, and the government's There is no way. No matter how much money he gives to the government, it will be useless. Because the frequent riots in various places have exhausted the power of the government. They can't spare the power to protect him.

Robert had to organize mercenaries to protect his estate.But soon he could not stand the war years.So he came to America. "

"Is there any difference between the United States and those places? Residents here dare to hunt down mutants on the street with guns."

"No, the United States still has some advantages that Brazil does not have. For example, the government's control is still sufficient. At least it still has absolute suppression of those mobs."

"But the government isn't going to bother to protect a mutant. You know where the political winds go."

"Logan, is your body rusted, and your brain rusted? Look around, don't you understand what his superpower is?"

"What? Does this depend on his super power?"

"...Obviously, Robert's greatest superpower is money. Especially when his family monopolizes more than 5000% of Brazil's oil transactions. His pocket money is enough to kill all those wandering extremists He donates more than $[-] million to the state government of California every year. There are additional subsidies for the police system.

Look around, for your own mortgage, your child's tuition, and your wife's cosmetics.The policemen in all nearby neighborhoods are willing to come here to perform their duties, because the tips here earn more than their wages.

In this day and age, having money doesn't necessarily mean you can do whatever you want.But if you have money and are willing to play by the rules, there are always a lot of privileges.Bizo said that Robert gathered and rescued a large number of mutants, but no extremist organization has ever dared to target him.Because his legal team can always sue the other party for bankruptcy. "

"Robert da Costa?" Logan seemed to remember something.

"You know him? Impossible? He hasn't been in the United States for a few years, and you've been with me this year. It's impossible to see him."

"No, we know each other, and we are very familiar. Because we used to fight side by side, but now he should not remember."


"Let's go and meet this old friend."

Wolverine got out of the car directly and showed his steel claws, signaling to the guard at the door.When the guard saw his mutant identity, he didn't express much.Just use the walkie-talkie to report internally with a blank face.

And in fact, the first time Wolverine got off.More than a dozen cameras have already sent his information to the manor.After seeing his appearance, Robert immediately became excited.

"Bring them in, they are my honored guests."

Logan pushed the professor and walked into the manor with Caliban.Oncoming is an electric car waiting for them.

"It's a bit far away, let's go by car."

Hearing this, Logan's face twitched.I saw a corridor with hundreds of meters in front of me.At the end of the corridor is the residential area of ​​the manor.At this moment, he realized more deeply what kind of concept rich superpowers are.

Robert had brought a group of people waiting for him at the door early.

"Welcome, my idol, the great X-Men, Wolverine."

"Nice to see you again, Robert."

"Um, I'm very happy that the idol greeted me, but do we know each other?"

"Of course we know each other, and Clarice (Blink), Bishop, James (Zhengtu) hello, my friends." Wolverine swept across the welcoming crowd, and accurately called out the names of several of them.

"So, the X-Men have noticed us. And tried to recruit us, right?" Robert thought he understood what happened.

"No, I know you because we once fought side by side. It's just that you don't remember."

(End of this chapter)

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