A new era of comics

Chapter 134 Chapter 1 Chapter 32 Behind the Scenes (Part 2)

Chapter 134 The First Hand Chapter 32 Behind the Scenes (Second Change)

As soon as the words fell, the helicopter in the sky roared and fell towards the valley.After a violent explosion, the scene returned to a strange calm.The captain at the head actually wanted to shout something like enemy attack, or pay attention to concealment.But helplessly, he just found a figure standing behind him at some point.

In fact, all the mercenaries are now in a strange state of stillness.Because behind the forehead of every mercenary stood a warrior in a black ninja suit.They pressed the sword with their right hands, although they did not draw the sword.But none of the mercenaries dared to act easily.

This ghostly scene made a group of experienced mercenaries feel chills all over.They would rather have a gun pointed to their head than face such ambiguity.

Shen Yi walked up to the child named Jacob.He had woken up in pain, then passed out again.Some thin bodies were drenched with sweat.Obviously, the severe pain had overwhelmed him.

"These children, no matter in that world, can be called the future. I'm really curious, how high the wages Teslak paid you, so that you lost the last trace of humanity."

"Do you know what you are doing? These are the properties of Teslak, and you are fighting against the largest consortium in the world."

"How powerful is the largest consortium in the world?" Shen Yi picked up a pistol on the ground and shot the talking mercenary in the head.With a look of disbelief on his face, the man fell to the ground on his back.

"The biggest consortium in the world doesn't seem to be able to save you before the bullet hits you. So, who wants to argue with me?"


The scene was quiet for a while again, this time no one dared to speak out at will.

"Very well. Ada, wake up all the children."

It is not possible to use perfect blood to repair mutant bodies.But it is still possible to use some special medicine to stop the pain and wake up these fainted children.The children had just woken up and had no idea what was going on.I only saw the mercenaries who were fierce before, but now they all stood in place and dared not move.

"Think carefully about everything you have experienced. From birth to now. There is not a day in your life that is your own. But you have an opportunity. I can give you the opportunity to control your own luck. But the opportunity needs you sure.

Look at your bodies, every single one of you has been crippled.The reason is simple, Teslak has decided to destroy you.All they need to do is take some samples and then send you to the crematorium.But now I'm here.So you guys have a chance.

I'm not going to tell you that I'm a nice guy.How would I take care of you guys and all that.But at least I won't destroy you guys.Instead I will heal your wounds.Give you strength and freedom.However, only those who know how to fight will be favored.Kill these mercenaries in front of you, and you will be rescued. "

"Shen Yi, what are you doing? They are just some children, not your soldiers." Gabriel couldn't stand Shen Yi's cruelty.But Shen Yi was unmoved.

"They are indeed children. It's a pity that their enemies don't see them as children. Look at what they have done. These children, in their eyes, are just some consumables that can be thrown away at any time. They are already in the war, Only by becoming a warrior can we survive."

"No, they can go to the shelter. It's safe there."

"Hehe, imagine what we went through on the road. What you are facing now is just a group of mercenaries. If the previous opponents appear, what do you think will happen?"

"But..." Gabriel wanted to say something else.But then only a click was heard.A mercenary's neck was snapped by an invisible force.Mike stood up staggeringly, his hands were broken.But he quickly learned to suppress his movements and use his mind power without a teacher.

"Cure us, I am willing to be your soldier."

"Mike, what are you doing?"

"Aunt Gabriel, in fact, from the day we left the laboratory, we should have thought about it. There will be no peace. Only fighting can give us a chance. Mr. Shen, some of my younger brothers and sisters are still too young. Not everyone is suitable for fighting. You see..."

"Don't be so careful. I am not Teslak, and I will not send a group of children to the battlefield. What you have to do is to recuperate your wounds, and then receive education and training. Your battle is in the future."

"That's very simple. You know? During this escape, I found that I used my abilities far more than in the laboratory. And I also know a lot of special tricks. For example, how to save effort Kill a person." Mike showed a resentful expression on his distorted face due to pain.With a thought, all the mercenaries clutched their hearts and fell to the ground.In just ten seconds, all the movements were lost.

"It only takes a little thought power to tear a hole in someone's heart. Let the enemy's blood get out of control, and it can kill him in ten seconds."

"Papa papa." This was Shen Yi's applause. "Very good, Mike. You're going to be a great fighter. Get some guys and bring these kids home for treatment. And Mike, I need to read that comic."

Mike entered the role very quickly, without hesitation, he handed the manga directly to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi flipped through it for a few moments, then handed the manga to Ada.

"You send a team to take a look at this shelter. Verify that it is true. Others, go back to the headquarters and start the next phase of the plan."

In fact, this team of children is only a dispensable part of Shen Yi's plan.He doesn't really care about a dozen teenagers with superpowers.What he really cares about is Teslak's genetic sample bank.Since coming to this world, Shen Yi has always regarded the Teslak Group as his biggest opponent.However, the series of events encountered before made Shen Yi realize that he was a little negligent.

This is the world of the X-Men.Even compared to the Marvel Universe, the various super bosses in this universe are not far behind.In this kind of world, a consortium-type company like Teslak will be prominent for a while.But it will never be the final boss.

Anke Biological, all the teenagers were sent to the medical room for treatment.This was brought over by Shen Yi, the special medical room set up by Dr. Helen's box of regeneration.Use cell regeneration technology to repair the body.Expensive and not perfect yet.But it was enough to heal those children's wounds.

At this time, a person in charge of Anke Biology sent in a document.

"Boss, this is the list of Tesla acquisitions you want since its inception. In the process of expansion, they have acquired more than a hundred large, medium and small enterprises, and finally they have today."

Shen Yi took the document and read it carefully.Sure enough, he quickly found the information he wanted, Essex Company.

(End of this chapter)

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