A new era of comics

Chapter 127 Debate and... (Please subscribe to Chapter 3)

Chapter 127 Debate and (The third update please subscribe)

"This is the human world after all, Shen." The professor's voice was full of exhaustion and helplessness.

"Human world? You yourself have excluded yourself from human beings. Isn't this your world? Yes, it is not. Humans have driven you to extinction. Professor, I saw it many years ago, you There is something wrong with my mind. What are you thinking? Your compatriots, those mutants, don't they belong to this world?

I know you are a pacifist.But what I want to say is that peace is never brought about by compromise.You've been backing down from the start.You want to trade your concessions for peace.To be honest, this kind of thinking makes me wonder how did you get your professor degree?

It is impossible for a person with normal intelligence and college experience to have such thoughts.Have you ever thought that if you join forces with Eric, the two of you alone will be enough to deter the world.There is no need for war at all, like the deterrence of nuclear weapons.As long as you exist, no one will dare to start a war.

As long as you can maintain the balance, you can even gather mutants and establish your own country. In the past 50 years, human beings may have been used to your existence.This is the most basic and simplest line of resistance.A third-rate web writer in the red country can think of it.You two professor-level senior intellectuals are acting like mentally handicapped people. "

"You don't understand, Eric did a lot of things. He hurt a lot of innocent people. I have to stop him."

"God, this is war. Have you ever seen a war where no one died?"

"But we have a better solution."

"Why didn't I see a better solution. Have you seen it? Where is it? Have you succeeded? Have mutants and humans coexisted peacefully? Maybe you have succeeded, and now there is no direct war between mutants and humans. Then It’s because this generation of mutants is about to be wiped out. No one has the strength to resist.”

Shen Yi said that there is already some hysteria here.He returned to this world, but the most valuable resource in this world has been exhausted by his own people.If you are not facing a professor.Shen Yi had already combined fists and kicks.

"Eric is crazy. He even wants to kill all humans and build a world of mutants. Our survival should not be based on human sacrifices."

"Does the survival of human beings have to be based on the sacrifice of mutants? Professor, Eric may be crazy, but you are also not very sober. The two of you have gone to different extremes. I remember you wrote when you were young A paper. It expounds the view that mutants are the evolutionary trend of human beings. Up to now, I am very convinced of that paper. Because I think that is the future of this world.

But what you did later completely violated your own original philosophy.And Eric went straight to the abyss.You two have the power and the prestige to be leaders of mutants.But the combined political wisdom of two people is not as good as that of a city councilor.Letting you lead the mutants is really hard for you.

The most important thing is that in that situation, none of you are willing to join forces.After half a century of internal fighting, the background of the mutants was exhausted.And then you hide and blame yourself? "

"We can't hurt innocent people. I'm just trying to keep the peace as long as possible. But I failed, my brain went wrong. I killed everyone. Scott, Ororo, Hank, Ray Wen...everyone, God, what have I done?"

"You can't hurt innocent people? Those dead mutants aren't innocent people? Is it hard to kill some people? You can make them die painlessly in their sleep. But do you know how your fellow humans die? ?They will be tied up on the operating table, drained of blood, spinal cord, brain tissue, and finally destroyed like garbage. And all of this, because you don't want to harm humans? You watch your fellow citizens die one by one, Then he warned them not to resist. Professor, take a closer look at this world and see what you have done? You destroyed your own race with your own hands."

"...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The professor's voice was still confused.He held his head and began to murmur disorderly.And in this case.Shen Yi still didn't let him go.

"Professor, you have never killed an innocent human being in your life. But in the end, you killed your last compatriots with your own hands. Are you worthy of yourself and your race?"

This sentence completely defeated the professor.He could no longer maintain this mental clarity.The great grief even caused his mind to become confused.An extremely oppressive mental force field began to appear faintly around him.Except for Shen Yi, the others had already started to recede into the distance.

But at this moment, Shen Yi's eyes froze suddenly.The huge mental power was condensed in an instant, and at the same time, the mind booster in his hand was running at full capacity.Mind enhancement can not only improve his spiritual power, but also make his spiritual power more inclined to the spiritual level.With the help of this feature, he successfully invaded the professor's mind when the professor was unconscious.

Invading the world's most powerful brain is obviously an extremely dangerous thing.But for Shen Yi who has multiple defenses, it's actually not that dangerous.The key is that Shen Yi has a huge doubt in his heart, which needs to be verified.

The professor's spiritual world is violent and disorderly.A picture composed of countless memory fragments, interlaced with each other.Formed a chaotic and disordered spiritual sea.Shen Yi just took a look and stopped decisively.This isn't the mental world of a one-sided guy like Dr. Banner.It is the most complex and deepest spiritual sea in the world.If you go deep into it by yourself, [-]% may not be able to get out.

Just because you can't get in doesn't mean there's no other way.Shen Yi is on the periphery of the sea of ​​spirits, using all his spiritual power.Sending a message to this chaotic sea of ​​spirits.After that, I waited quietly.However, Shen Yi's message was like a stone sinking into the ocean.After entering the chaotic spiritual world, he lost his trace.There was neither whereabouts nor echo.

Shen Yi waited for a long time, but there was no reply.He even thought he guessed wrong.At this time, the entire sea of ​​spirits suddenly changed drastically.Countless scenes flickered quickly like fast-forwarding in a movie.A large number of fragments began to reorganize and arrange.And finally, in the whole chaotic picture, a channel was split.And at the end of the passage, a bald man in a wheelchair was walking slowly like Shen Yi.

"Long time no see, Shen. If no one comes here, I won't be able to hold on any longer."

Seeing this scene, Shen Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, what happened?"

 Third watch, please recommend, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription.The collection is crazy, and I am speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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