A new era of comics

Chapter 126 See You Again

Chapter 126 See You Again

At the Mexican border, Shen Yi and the others did not cross the border directly to find Logan and the others.Instead, I waited for a while at the border.Until Wesker arrived and returned the psychic amplifier to Shen Yi.They just moved on.

Obviously, the previous riots were all operated by Shen Yi behind the scenes.Tesla in this world is different from other Tesla groups.They are engaged in anti-mutant research, and to a certain extent, they have the upper hand in public opinion.In this case, Shen Yi wanted to crush them completely.It must start from many aspects.

Of course, he can also directly use the army of strong colony armor to forcibly crush the opponent.But Shen Yi was not sure if he could really complete the crushing.For the vast majority of mutants, the gravity breeding equipment and the simulated breeding equipment corps have an absolute advantage.

But Teslak has been studying mutants for ten years.Who knows how many hole cards are hidden in their hands.This is the world of mutants.In the mutant system, those at the level of destroying heaven and earth are considered average.Those abnormalities such as traveling through time and space and modifying cause and effect appear in piles.Despite this timeline, there are no signs of that yet.But Shen Yi still decided to use conventional force to force the opponent first.

This desert belongs to no man's land.Neither Mexico nor the United States are interested in this place.Huge water tanks indicate that there was once some kind of settlement here.

But judging from the riddled rust, it has been abandoned for many years.I don't know how Logan found such a place.But because of this barren no-regret area, it is indeed the best place for the current Professor X to live.

Shen Yi kept the mind booster in his own hands, and then they moved on.Even though I know that Professor X generally does not peep into other people's minds at will.But Shen Yi still added a heavy insurance for himself.Moreover, the current professor is insane. If he loses control, he doesn't want to have no power to fight back.

A stretched Chrysler was parked at the door.Although it is a luxury car, it is covered with upper rails.Bullet holes and scratches make this car look like a story.

A man in a hooded robe stood in front of the door.

"I don't remember any guests coming today, you're in the wrong place gentlemen." This man was Caliban, a very special mutant.His ability is to sense the presence of other mutants.It's just that Caliban himself has severe albinism, and his skin has strong photophobia.

Shen Yi looked around, but did not find Wolverine.But the scan of mental power made it easy for him to find Wolverine hiding on the roof.

"We're not here to make trouble. It's just that some things have to be clarified in person. Logan, I know you're here, so we can be regarded as drinking buddies. I brought good wine this time. You don't intend to Have a drink?"

There was a touch.Logan jumped off the roof.But he staggered, almost unable to stand still.You can only reach out and hold on to the railing on one side.Barely maintained a balance.Wolverine, the mighty fighter of the past, can't even control this kind of action now.

"God, Logan. You're... old."

"But you don't look old at all."

"For some reason, my timeline is different from yours. I'm sorry for arriving so late. This world has become completely different from what I imagined."

"A bunch of bastards have the whole world in their hands. And there's nothing we can do about it. Leave the wine and go, whatever it is. I can't help you."

"You have done enough for this world, Logan. There is no reason for anyone to ask you to help again. I am here this time, not for myself, but for her." Shen Yi pulled Laura behind him come out.

"I do not know her."

"You should know, Logan. He is your daughter." The professor's voice came from behind Logan.

"Bullshit, I never had any offspring."

"She is not your daughter in the general sense. She is a female clone created by the Teslak Group using your genes. Your blood is flowing on her body." Shen Yi did not hide the slightest, directly revealing the truth of the matter.

"It's not true..." Logan Shunjiang froze on the spot.

"It's true. Logan, you have a daughter."

Logan stood where he was, motionless for a long time.He finally came to his senses.Logan glanced at Laura with a complicated look, then turned and walked into the house.

"I do not know her."

Gabriel was a little angry and wanted to rush to argue with Logan.But Shen Yi stopped her.

"Let him be quiet. For him, this news is too heavy. Logan's life is full of endless tragedies. All the relatives and lovers around him have left him one by one. In his bones, I don’t think I can call myself a father at all.”

Shen Yi asked Gabriel to bring the lost Laura back to the car.And he looked at the professor.At the same time, he unobtrusively stimulated his mind to increase his mental strength.The professor noticed the change in him, but he wasn't angry.

"Don't be nervous, my thinking is very clear now. You know, Shen. Many years ago, I tried to look for you, but failed. You just disappeared in this world and lost all traces."

"I went far away and was supposed to be back soon. But something went wrong in the middle. I got sniped and took a lot of damage. It took a long time to finally recover. Tell me after I left, What happened?"

"After you left, the Secret Order quickly got out of control. I know you created it. But the time was too short. The members of the Secret Order were divided, infiltrated by the government, and then split and cleared.

I'm sorry I couldn't help them.After defeating Apocalypse, the government launched a bloody crackdown on mutants.Our strength frightened them.Compared with the state apparatus, our experience is too shallow to resist.I can only lead a small number of people, struggling to survive. "

"And after that? The government doesn't seem to be killing them all."

"Yeah, after that. Eric started a war. We stopped him. That incident saved us some image."

"Wait a minute, the government launched a purge of mutants. Then Eric started a war of resistance. But it turned out that you stopped him? You helped slaughter your people and defeated your own? And you redeemed Some images describe it like this. So it is your fault that humans slaughtered mutants? Who saved the world when the apocalypse invaded? Why do you seek forgiveness from humans? What are you thinking, professor?"

(End of this chapter)

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