A new era of comics

Chapter 110 1 Cut

Chapter 110 Everything

Shen Yi just pushed open the door of the laboratory and walked out.Outside the door, there were piles of corpses.They just fell to the ground quietly, with no wounds visible on their bodies.

Shen Yi's right hand exudes a purple light.The material reorganization is in operation, with the cooperation of Shen Yi's super strong mental power.He can easily modify some important organs of the human body.Add something to them, or make them useless.Reflecting the reality, all the places Shen Yi passed by, those guards who tried to shoot him fell to the ground in pieces like cutting wheat.

No wounds, not even a death-struggle.Just like that, they turned into dead bodies.

Shen Yi frowned, because he hardly met any familiar faces along the way.Shen Yi's mental strength is extremely powerful, and his memory is also blessed.Can clearly remember all the people in this base.But along the way, he didn't even see any former employees.

The horrifying scene of the god of death descending into the world plunged the entire base into an unprecedented panic.At this time, in the command center, several people who looked like officers were passing through the monitoring facilities, watching what happened in the base.

"Is that that person? A visitor from another world? Why did he suddenly come back?"

"There are no clues for us to analyze, and the priority is not to analyze these things. It is to prepare the helicopter, we need to retreat. It is a superhuman, and looks angry. I will not face him at this moment."

"It makes sense." Another officer raised his hand and pressed a red button beside him, and the whole base suddenly heard a piercing chime.This is the siren for emergency evacuation.

Shen Yi heard the siren, but he just showed a sarcastic smile.He didn't change direction, and walked towards the biological laboratory in his memory.

But at this time, all the base staff who ran to the escape exit discovered a terrifying problem.The door is gone.Yes, the door is missing.All the exit doors were strangely turned into concrete walls.For a moment, they couldn't even tell whether their memory was confused or they had encountered a supernatural event.

And the group of officers in the command center is even more painful.Because they can't even get out of the command center.At some point, the entire command center had turned into a huge iron shell, trapping them inside.Everyone is trapped in the base.And at this time, the fear of being closed began to spread rapidly.

Existing like a devil while in a closed environment.This makes those untrained civilian staff almost collapse.

Biology laboratory.Dr. Martin dismissed all the students around him.Then he tidied up his clothes and faced Shen Yi alone.

"Long time no see, Shen."

"It's been a while. I've been out there... had a little problem and just solved it. However, I need an explanation now. Why is my property, now it doesn't belong to me?"

"I'm sorry, Shen. But you've been away for too long. A lot of things happened in between."

"Then let me tell you one by one. I can give you a little more time. The base has a complete defense system and complete procedures. Even the land under my feet was bought by legal means. I also More than one protective umbrella has been reserved. I don’t see the slightest intention to activate the armed forces inside the base, as well as the reserve forces.”

"...Because, there was no activation at all. In the fourth year after you left, Jason couldn't help it. You know, his identity is very sensitive, and he has been tracked by the CIA. He wants to get a true identity."

"He possesses power and technology higher than the entire world. You told me he gave up here for an identity?"

"It's not just that. He fell in love with a girl. And that girl doesn't want to live this kind of life. They want to find a place with mountains and water to live in seclusion. It's always because of women, isn't it? Hahaha." Martin said here Laughed.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a drama. But Jason has sunk. He is even willing to give up the dominance here for her. It is he who took the initiative to contact the government. He thinks you will never come back. Here Everything should be handed over to the government in order to better benefit mankind."

"Really? For the benefit of mankind. In other words, the information here is shared by all parts of the world? If that's the case, I feel a little better."

"...Obviously, that's impossible. In fact, only the United States and Russia got it. They sealed all the materials and conducted secret research."

"So, you just keep working for them?"

"I'm just a researcher. All the armed men were disarmed by Jason. We are powerless to resist."

"It's impossible for him to be disarmed. In fact, he can only command regular security forces. I'm in the security system and have secret orders."

"Jason was an intelligence officer. He knew you must have someone behind him. So he set a trap. The joint US-Russian special forces severely damaged the security force you left behind. Then they unlocked those energy weapons and repelled the Opponents. But in exchange for an even more crazy counterattack. All the guards who resisted were shot dead. The rest were also imprisoned. In this way, the government army occupied this place. And a comprehensive reorganization was carried out.

The previous resistance actions made them aware of your influence on this base.Almost all employees have been emptied.Except for a few senior scientific researchers like me.The former staff are no longer here. "

"...Where's Dr. Allen? He should be in charge of this laboratory with you."

"Alan...too extreme. He wanted to sneak away with some samples. But he was discovered by the guards and shot dead on the spot."

"Alan is not like you, he's an underachiever academic. I gave him everything and he hates the government. But I can't believe it, you're going to kill him. In my eyes, you two have always been good partners of."

"It wasn't me, it was the guards who shot him dead."

"It's you, Martin. You may not believe it when you say it. In the past, I could only roughly distinguish the truth of what others said. But now, I can hear more. Including those words that you didn't say in your heart. It was you who killed him." The mind booster in Shen Yi's hand was emitting a faint light.

"...I'm sorry. I really can't help it. The government army just took over here. Both of us are the focus of attention. They don't trust us. If there is a problem with one of us, the other will also be implicated. I can't afford to lose this job. But Allen is different, he wants to get out of here like crazy. We had an argument and I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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