Chapter 109
Center for the Joint Dark Energy Initiative.Now all the original staff have been emptied, leaving only Shen Yi's team.At this time, news from the medical team came.

"According to the report of the medical team, it's not poisoning, nor is it a physical disease. It's a genetic disintegration. It's like someone has set a bomb in his genes. Once he wants to reveal a certain set of information, he will be killed. trigger."

"What level of technology?"

"It's very high-end, we can't even analyze it. According to the speculation of the Ministry of Technology, it may not be the technology on Earth."

"Seal this case. Don't continue to follow up. Ada, you go to form a team. We are going to start our own business."

"I'll go right away." Ada's face showed a sense of excitement that she had never seen before.After all, traveling through the multiverse is their biggest goal in following Shen Yi.

After Ada left, Shen Yi faced the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.At this time, a perfect energy barrier has been raised in the surrounding area to prevent the fluctuation of the Rubik's Cube from spreading.

Shen Yi directly extended his hand to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.At the same time, the crystal fragments in his body also began to vibrate slightly.And it's getting stronger and stronger.

A beam of light blue energy overflowed from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and was drawn into the body by Shen Yi.And the purple crystal in his body also began to emit a dazzling light.The surrounding air also began to twist in some way.That is an optical illusion caused by space distortion.

The flickering electric light is looming.In the air, a purple light spot slowly formed.The light spot began to expand slowly, and soon formed an irregular aperture.The aperture is slowly and difficultly expanding bit by bit.

The purple crystal in Shen Yi's body is undergoing some kind of change.The original broken fragment form is being gradually reshaped at this time.The energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is pouring in continuously.Traveling through the crystal begins a kind of self-healing and restructuring.

Shen Yi's entire consciousness was immersed in this phenomenon.Along with the reorganization of the crossing crystal, Shen Yi finally saw something in the process.

The huge ball of light was forced into the squad of traversers who fought in various worlds.And that buried deep underground, the original... the main god.

The core of the first main god was shattered in the battle.Time and space exploded, and fragments drifted into the multiverse.One of them was received by Shen Yi in the real world.Only then did everything that Shen Yi experienced later.

But that's not all.At least Shen Yi, as a person who experienced all this personally, saw more different things from it.First of all, why the fragments came into reality.Seeing the big ball of light, Shen Yi knew that it was a world of infinite terror.Some kind of special meeting point of the multiverse.

In reality, there is indeed a connection with the main god space.But far less dense than those sub-universes.In terms of probability, the chance of fragments falling into the real world is much smaller than falling into other multiverses.In this case, Shen Yi was unwilling to believe in coincidences.He prefers to believe that there has been some change in it that he has not seen.It's just that the secrets in it are obviously not something that he can trace now.

The crystal changes stopped.It has regained its original diamond shape.In fact, if you watch carefully, you will find it.Change doesn't really stop.Instead it becomes extremely slow.The whole piece of fragmented diamond-shaped crystal is actually still undergoing slight changes.Gradually evolve towards a more complete polyhedron.It's just that this process is extremely slow and may take thousands of years.

Shen Yi woke up from the state of immersion.Crystal has been completed to a certain extent.To a certain extent, it is because the crystal has returned to its original diamond-shaped fragment state in appearance.But the volume is much smaller than before.To restore the volume of the crystal to its original appearance, even the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is almost powerless.According to Shen Yi's calculations, this level of transportation wants to restore the size of the crystal.It takes about 700 years.

This is obviously impossible. It can only be said that relying on the power of the Rubik's Cube alone is still a bit short.

Fortunately, the crystal has been restored to its previous state, which means that the permission to travel has been restored.

With a thought of Shen Yi, a purple halo appeared in front of his eyes.But to his disappointment, the size of the gate of the plane this time is far from being comparable to before.This is a gate to a plane that can only accommodate one person.And the maintenance time is far shorter than before.

But no matter what, the basic traversal ability was finally restored.

Without hesitation, Shen Yi stepped into the purple light circle.Back to the first large base that I established when I traveled through different worlds.That is, it is located in the blacklist world, the base on the wilderness in northern Russia.

When Shen Yi stepped in again, he only heard a sound of panic coming from his ear.

"what is that?"

"What happened?"

"Where are the guards?"

Shen Yi frowned and looked around.The place where he appeared was supposed to be the shuttle point he had established before.But now it's clearly turned into some kind of laboratory.

A few blank-faced white coats were staring at him dumbfounded.Obviously they couldn't understand the scene.I don't even know Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked up at the time on the electronic calendar.After a little calculation, the result was obtained.

"Eight years have passed. Who is in charge of the base now? Jason Bourne, or Dr. Martin?"

"No, no. The person in charge of the base is General James. This is a high-level secret research center jointly established by the United States and Russia. If you break into the military base now, the security personnel will directly kill you."

Shen Yi's face became completely gloomy.The US-Russia joint research and development center and the military base made him understand something.Apparently, during his absence, the base was out of control.It has now been taken over by the government forces of the United States and Russia.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Dr. Martin or Jason Bourne. I remember they should be in charge here."

The person being questioned has clearly realized something.He pressed the siren himself.It stands to reason that the guards should have arrived long ago.But until now there has been no movement at all, apparently something unexpected happened.

"Dr. Martin should be in the biological experiment area now. He is the chief scientist of the biological side. As for Jason Bourne, as far as I know, he has retired."

"Retired? According to his age, he is not yet 50 years old."

"No, that's not what it means. As far as I know, he seems to have made some kind of deal with the government. He exchanged a brand new identity, and then gave up the command here. I don't know the specifics. I just came to It's been less than two years here."

"Haha, hahaha." Shen Yi laughed out of breath.

With a thought, a purple circle of light traveled around him.

"Call me a special team with heavy firepower. In half an hour, I will open the portal. Let Wesker lead the team himself."

All the subordinates on the opposite side can feel it.Shen Yi's voice was filled with a murderous aura down to the bone.

 The second change, this chapter has been changed many times, so it is late.

(End of this chapter)

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