wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 34 Kel'Thuzad

Chapter 34 Kel'Thuzad

The undulating hills are covered by artillery fire and have been bombarded with potholes.

It was attacked by Jaina's ice and snow spell again, and it was covered with a thick layer of ice. From a distance, the mountain bag was almost cut off by a layer.

It can be seen how much hatred everyone has for these black hands behind the spread of the plague in Lordaeron.

Of course, everyone held back their anger, or they stopped shooting under the order of His Royal Highness, and let go of the two men in black robes who were frozen on the top of the hill by spells.

"Gut, what should we do now?"

"Damn it, Ax, don't ask me. Who knew that this coming was so weird that it separated all of us. This world is so vast, and if it wasn't for luck, we wouldn't even be able to touch a piece of it. How can I be like this now? Know what to do?"

It turned out that the two people whose legs were frozen by Jaina's spell before they could enter the portal were Yado's classmates Gut and Ax.

At the beginning of the advent, the luck of these two people was near Lordaeron Brill, the son of a local rich merchant, and the other was born into a noble family.

This kind of start is very good for people like them who are equally talented.

Since the places where they descended were very similar, it didn't take long for the two to discover each other's existence, and they naturally got mixed together.Of course, several months have passed, and the two of them haven't met another classmate.

Later, the two joined the Cult of the Cursed God through Akers' father, a cheap grain merchant. With their apprentice-level mental strength and daring style, the two of them stood out from the crowd.

Soon he arrived in front of Kel'Thuzad, and began to learn psychic spells, and began to spread the undead plague.

I thought that the two of them would prosper from this, but I didn't expect that this time, they were locked here by magic before they could escape, and they became meat on the chopping board at this time.

"Why don't we just surrender, the leader looks like a paladin, he should be able to value honor, let us live." Ax looked at the guards who were getting closer, and then looked at the shining long sword in their hands. Jian said with some uncertainty.

Gut did not answer his words, but looked at the Silver Hand paladins who were approaching and shouted loudly to surrender.

When the guards saw the two captives in black robes in front of them, they immediately surrendered and begged for mercy without any morals, and they immediately looked at them with even more disgust.

"Your Highness, the captives have been brought."

The captain of Alsace's personal guard, Fari, whose hair has already turned gray, said respectfully, and directed the soldiers to bring the two men in black robes up.

"We were coerced by Kel'Thuzad. If we don't do what he says, he will kill us."

"Your Highness, Kel'Thuzad's base camp is in Andorhal."

Before Alsace could ask a question, Gut and Ax had already scrambled to confess.

"Have you finished?" Alsace asked coldly, even though he was furious, he still patiently listened to them.

"It's over, it's over."

Immediately, Alsace's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold as if substantive killing intent emerged from his body. He raised the war hammer in his hand high, ignoring the two people's begging for mercy.

The bright holy light began to shine, and then waved down vigorously, ending the lives of the two captives in front of them.

"Okay, we know the enemy is there, let's go right away!" He clenched his fists, "I want to catch that bastard who deliberately slaughtered my people!"

Before reaching the gate of Andorhal, Alsace and the others saw thick smoke rising into the sky and smelled the pungent smoke.

At this moment, Alsace wished that the town had been burned, in which case at least the grain would have been destroyed, but immediately he was ashamed of such indifferent thoughts, after all, there were still his people in this city.

Entering the city of Andorhal, Alsace found that there were buildings on fire all around him, and the thick black smoke pierced his eyes and choked his throat.

He looked around, there was not a villager here, nor any zombies.What the hell is going on here?
"I thought you were looking for me, boys."

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from the ruins of the town full of smoke and flames.Immediately a violent gust of wind blew away, pushing away the smoke and dust all over the sky, only then did Alsace see a figure covered in a black robe standing not far away.

Immediately, Alsace tightened his body, and the warhammer in his hand was gripped even tighter. This person must be Kel'Thuzad. The former Dalaran Council of Six finally got an archmage, and now the leader behind the Cult of the Damned .

The man behind the scenes who created some horrible plagues in Lordaeron and killed countless civilians.

Kel'Thuzad pulled down his hood, revealing a pale face full of hypocritical smiles, he looked at the young prince mockingly, and said contemptuously: "I'm here to convey a warning, curiosity can kill people! "

"It really is you!" Jaina saw the face clearly. When she heard the confessions of those two people, she still had a fluke in her heart, but until now, seeing the true face of the man in black, Completely shattered the luck in her heart.

Her voice shook with resentment. "You are a disgrace to us, Kel'Thuzad! First you did those unnatural experiments, and we warned you that it would bring disaster. But you didn't restrain yourself at all, changed, and became so intensified and frenzied!"

"Ms. Jaina Proudmoore,"

Kel'Thuzad said in a proud tone, "It seems that Antonidas' little apprentice has grown up. But my dear, contrary to what you said... You see, psychic spells possess unparalleled magical power. "

Immediately, wisps of black magic energy flowed out from Kel'Thuzad's palm, entangled with a corpse on the ground like tentacles.

I saw the corpse that had been dead for an unknown amount of time, under the action of the strange black energy, stood up unsteadily, and turned into a zombie.

"Enough!" Arthas roared angrily, "Necromancer, are you responsible for this plague? Are you the one who formed the cult?"

Kel'Thuzad turned to him, eyes glowing in the shadows, "I ordered the Cult of the Damned to distribute the plague-infested grain, but the real mastermind behind it is my master, the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis, who will command the Scourge Cleanse the earth and build a paradise of eternal darkness!"

For no reason, Alsace felt a chill, he asked angrily, "Wash what?"

"Nature is to cleanse all living beings from this world. If you want more truth, go to Stratholme!"

"For the sake of the Holy Light, die, monster!" Arthas couldn't bear it any longer, and he slammed his warhammer violently at that damned necromancer, Kel'Thuzad, in his rage.

At the same time, Jaina's spells were also ready, and the arcane energy began to stimulate, and the invisible fluctuations interfered with the surrounding space, blocking all teleportation spells.

Having had one experience, Jaina knew that the space must be sealed off before the battle to prevent these scum-like villains from escaping.

(End of this chapter)

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