Chapter 33 Alsace
"Ah, this is, history has changed!"

In the bustling market in Stratholme, a dwarf loli in a yellow and white robe suddenly let out an exclamation.

At this moment, although the street market is noisy and the sound of hawking is still loud, Chromie has long been unable to feel the sound of the outside world.

In her mind, one picture after another kept flashing.

Starting from Dalaran, Jaina gathered people to go to Alterac to search for treasures in the ruins of the city of Alterac, but was surrounded by ogres in the treasure house and the treasure hunt failed. get away.

From Alsace's investigation of the plague in Lordaeron, to the discovery of Kel'Thuzad and the Cult of the Damned, to the killing of Kel'Thuzad in Andorhal Alsace, and to the prince's insistence on going his own way, Stratholme fell into the flames of purification and became one. sea ​​of ​​flames.

These piles, one by one, were extremely familiar, and had been seen thousands of times, as if the memories that had become part of her body began to become blurred, like faded photos, which began to become hazy.

Then, just when those pictures were about to disappear, pictures began to appear one after another.

Under the extremely dangerous situation in Alterac, Jaina successfully completed the treasure hunting mission; in the purifying flames of Stratholme, the civilians were evacuated in an orderly manner, and the terrifying demon king was beaten by the young mage and fled in embarrassment.

At first glance, these two sets of memories appear similar, but upon closer inspection, Yado does not exist in the memory of the first scene!
The memories of these two scenes are constantly swirling and colliding in Chromie's mind, and finally the memory of Yado that appeared after that has the upper hand, covering and covering up the memory of the first scene, and finally disappearing without a trace .

The doubts in Chromi's eyes immediately dissipated. She looked at the bustling market around her, and gritted her teeth fiercely, "Damn Eternal Dragon, dare to come back here, you must destroy their plan!"

"Chromie, what did you just say?" At this moment, a slightly green voice came from behind Chromy.

The sound is still the same, but there seems to be a little more unique taste in it, like green apples, which begin to ripen and become sweeter, making people feel at ease after listening to it, and can't help but want to listen again go down.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's nothing, by the way, Ossus, why did you go in for so long?" Chromy quickly changed the subject, but she didn't seem to be good at such words, and her cute big eyes were full of twinkles.

Is this the future arcane lord!The great man who single-handedly killed Kil'jaeden, and then invaded Argus, attacked the Burning Legion's lair, and finally sealed the Legion's leader Sargeras, freeing Azeroth from the shadow of the Burning Legion. character?

Chromie stared fixedly at the aristocratic young mage in front of him, really daring not to associate him with the wise and powerful arcane lord of later generations.

"Okay, let's go out of the city."

At this time, Ya Duo was concentrating most of his energy on the attribute column in his mind, so he naturally didn't notice the abnormality of the little loli in front of him, otherwise he might become suspicious again, and even couldn't help running away from here.

I saw that in his attribute column at this moment, among the ones mastered by spells, there is an extra skill [Brightness and Shine, lv9].

This is a skill with a proficiency level of 9. It is different from those low-level zero-ring spells. Behind this spell, there are lines of text explaining it.

Temporary legendary high-level skills, blessings from the Holy Light Narutoure. Narutoure foresees the changes in the world. It chooses you and blesses you with part of its power, allowing you to temporarily master this skill. Get rid of darkness and discern evil, bathe in the holy light and cleanse your heart.

Because the user's level is too low, the experience value consumption driver is used instead, which consumes 1 experience points every 500 minute. When the experience points are exhausted, the spell will be forgotten, and the skill cooling time is 6 hours.

It is precisely because of this that Ossus changed his original plan and prepared to go hunting outside the city, hunt more animals and monsters, and accumulate some experience to meet the needs of this spell.He had a feeling that such a powerful holy light spell would definitely be of great use in Stratholme in the future.

After all, even if he still has a few hundred experience points at this time, it is only enough to release this skill once.

So at this time, he decided to go hunting outside the city.

"Arthas!" Jaina's clear and powerful voice penetrated the noisy battlefield.

Arthas, who was dressed in silver-white delicate armor, quickly took care of a mummy before finding time to look at her.

Following the direction guided by Jaina, Arthas turned around. He immediately narrowed his eyes, a dangerous light emitting from his eyes.

Appearing on the mountain in front is obviously a group of human beings, and from their coherent and natural movements, it is obvious that they are living people.

These people were wearing large black robes that covered their whole bodies. They were gesturing constantly, probably casting spells. It was obvious that the people in black were commanding these zombies and launching waves of attacks on them.

"Over there! Get rid of them!" Seeing this, Alsace's anger rose immediately, and he shouted loudly.

Immediately, under the command of Dagar, the dwarves adjusted the direction of the fort, aimed at the man in black over there, lit the fuse, and the rumbling shells flew all of a sudden.

At the same time, Alsace's soldiers charged forward at the same time. They stared at the living man in black robes, and the horses, under the master's control, charged wildly, quickly killing a bloody path among the zombies.

The group of men in black robes obviously had extremely low combat qualities. They stopped all activities as soon as they were attacked. At the same time, the zombies that were attacking Alsace and others immediately stopped. They lost the command of their masters and became aimless. , started to wander around in place.

The men in black robes became the targets of dwarf artillery and soldiers. These people were completely vulnerable to attack, and soon several men in black robes died under the dwarves' shelling.

But soon the mages in black stood together, and some of them waved their hands and began to cast spells. Arthas noticed the familiar space vortex in front of him, and they tried to open a portal.

"Jaina, they are trying to escape, stop these scum!" Arthas swung the warhammer in his hand, and the holy light suddenly overflowed, and the huge force swept away the skeleton zombies around him and Jaina.

Jaina seized this opportunity and quickly released the spell. Her spiritual power began to spread forward continuously, and a bitter wind and snow suddenly formed on the top of the hill.

"Ice Nova!"

Jaina drank in a low voice, only to hear a loud bang, and the icy storm suddenly broke out.But at this time, most of the black-robed people had already walked into the portal, and only two unlucky ones were frozen in place.

(End of this chapter)

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