wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 339 Lionheart City

Chapter 339 Lionheart City

The blood wolves' attacks day and night did not give the soldiers above the Lorraine line of defense a chance to rest.

In the end, these blood wolves attacked like a tide, crushing the defender.Countless blood wolves howled, howled, and rushed up the city wall with their teeth and claws open.

How could ordinary soldiers be the opponents of these ferocious beasts? Without the support of the city wall, they couldn't organize an effective defense at all, and the entire defense line encountered a bloody massacre immediately.

Even if more than 30 knights jointly attacked, they still could not save the situation. The front line was retreating steadily, and the soldiers fled in all directions. This is a true portrayal of the current defense line.

However, if you look carefully, you can still find that these blood wolves did not kill all the human soldiers, but they left the strong soldiers behind.

These soldiers are the purpose of their war. These dark red raw materials are stronger and more powerful, and the success rate of production will be higher. On the contrary, they don't need those weak humans.

Weak humans will be killed by them, and then transformed into new blood wolves to supplement the consumption of soldiers.

Therefore, although the blood wolves are difficult to compare with formal knights in terms of individual strength, they have always relied on their numbers and their terrifying contagion to set off a wave of terror like nothing in the sky, and become the confidant of the entire knight alliance. Being able to set off boundless terror in the Cavaliers Alliance has become an unspeakable terror.

In the face of absolute power, any resistance is futile.The blood wolf attacked the city wall and immediately turned into an unstoppable torrent, as if it had been blocked by a dam for a long time. All the power burst out at this moment, pouring down towards the vast plain behind the tall city wall fortress.

The Lorraine defense line has missed!
Cologne and other three principalities withdrew their troops privately, causing the defense line they were responsible for to completely fall, which in turn affected the defense lines of the other seven principalities, almost causing the entire Lorraine defense line to collapse.

But the good thing is that the military strength of the seven countries is still strong. Relying on the fortress, after paying huge sacrifices, they can barely hold the line of defense.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that most of the blood wolves began to pour in from the opened defense lines of the Three Kingdoms of Kelun.

"Hoo hoo!"

Pete leaned on a thick tree trunk, panting uncontrollably.His face was blood red, he was panting like a cow, and he continuously exhaled hot white air from his mouth and nose.

"Fortunately, I became a real knight, otherwise I would never be able to escape from that situation!"

After those blood wolves attacked the city wall, all the defenders naturally became chaotic and ran for their lives. Who cares about the orders of those knights.Pete had activated the seed of life a few days ago, and his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary soldiers. Coupled with Yado's previous reminder, he was mentally prepared for the blood wolf beast's attack.

So when he saw that the city wall was unstoppable, and there were no reinforcements coming, he simply chose to run away.

But even so, he was chased by more than a dozen blood wolves, almost driving Pete into a desperate situation.However, finally under this life-and-death crisis, Pete's life seed exploded, making him a real knight.

The strength has been greatly improved, and Pete immediately showed great power and killed all the blood wolves that were chasing after him.

But he has never specially trained knight combat skills, nor does he have a full set of knight equipment, so it is difficult to exert his due strength at all. The reason he was able to kill these chasing blood wolves is already because he practiced Yado The specially improved momentum breathing method has a stronger effect on the exercise of mental power, allowing him to be sensitive to the coming of crisis, and has avoided several crises before he can kill these blood wolves.

Although Pete is almost at the end of his rope now, he has finally escaped.

The morning light is faint in the distance, and there is the direction of home.

Pete took firm steps towards the direction of the rising morning light.

Time passed backwards, and soon three months passed quietly.

During this period of time, it can be said that the wind and clouds are surging, and the whole world has fallen into turmoil.

The entire Cavaliers Alliance was in chaos. The top ten duchies and several free territories were all plunged into unprecedented turmoil because of the crazy attacking blood wolf beast.

In particular, Cologne and other three major duchies suddenly saw the royal family that originally ruled the country actually being assassinated, and then overthrown by three frontline commanders who violated the Knight Alliance, a joint defense agreement between the grand duchies, and privately withdrew their troops and returned home. .

What's even more frightening is that these three countries have turned to the evil wizards and become the bridgehead for those blood wolves to attack the Cavaliers Alliance.

Now for the other members of the Cavaliers Alliance, it can be said that it has reached a moment of life and death.

On the one hand, there are quite a few elite knights in the major duchies in the Lorraine defense line. At this moment, these knights and the soldiers recruited by China Unicom are trapped in the Lorraine defense line.

On the other hand, the betrayal of the three major duchies including Cologne caused several neighboring duchies to suffer sudden attacks by blood wolves, causing heavy losses.

It can be said that this is a strong crisis different from the past.Because in the dozens of wars in the past, the blood wolf beast has never shown an inevitable offensive against the major duchies like it is now.

In history, although these blood wolves have broken through the Lorraine defense line more than a dozen times, at those times, the blood wolves have never shown such a strong aggressiveness like they are now.

At that time, the blood wolf beast went south all the way, like a straight line, destroying everything it encountered on this line.Until enough humans are plundered, they will retreat to the north, leaving humans with a chance of survival.

But now, these blood wolf beasts are indeed omnidirectional, spreading in all directions in a fan shape, plundering and destroying everything they encounter, completely showing a situation of destroying everything.

This is a life-and-death battle, and the remaining seven principalities are naturally unwilling to sit still. They unite their remaining forces to form the final coalition, trying to block the blood wolf beast's footsteps.

The two sides are now facing each other in the Ta'an River area, but according to the current situation, those blood wolves are gathering their forces. Once they wait until they will gather all the troops transformed since the invasion, they will all gather here.

Then the natural dangers and the surging Ta'an River that the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations rely on will no longer be able to stop the footsteps of these ferocious monsters, and it is very likely that the Seven Principalities will all fall into the trajectory of ruin in the future.

Therefore, now a war related to the situation of the entire continent is about to begin.

The eyes of the whole world are now gathered on both sides of this surging river.

Right now, in this tense moment.

Yado wandered around the capital of the Principality of Andres, Lionheart City.

This is the hometown of the Lionheart Knight, and it is a city named after this legendary hero. It is majestic and majestic and has the title of the number one city in the Knights League.

It's just that at this moment, the most majestic and sturdy city in the world is filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Therefore, business is very difficult now, and the whole city is extremely depressed.

Soon, Yado came to the door of a tavern with a brick and wood structure, and saw the mercenary tavern.

"Boss, you are back!"

As soon as he arrived at the door, Yado heard a flattering voice.The fat middle-aged man who spoke was wearing a gray cloth shirt, with two catties of fat hanging on his face, and his fat trembled when he laughed.

This person is called Qiaoba, in his forties, with a fat body, unlike the local residents of Lion Heart City, he does not have a beard on his face, but is very smooth.

"The business of the tavern is very good in the past few days when you are not here. If you don't have it, you can get hundreds of silver coins. You must know that in this year, such a business can be achieved thanks to the new recipe provided by the boss. .”

The fat middle-aged man wanted to step forward while saying flattering words, but then he thought of something and stopped quickly.

"Well, Chopper, you did a good job." Yado said, and then walked into the tavern.

Although the tone didn't change at all, it made Chopper feel very useful and honored.

This tavern was originally the property of Chopper, who was not good at running it. Coupled with the war, his life became even more difficult. He could not make any money every day, so he prepared to sell the tavern.

At that time, Yado had just arrived in Lionheart City and was planning to stay here, so he bought the tavern.

Of course, Yadoshi doesn't know how to manage it, but he has many different wine recipes in his mind. He randomly selects a few of them, remodels them, and saves this tavern that was about to close down.

The inertia of history is always surprisingly similar. After the tavern was brought back to life, many people focused on the idea of ​​these new wine recipes, but several waves of people came one after another, and they all suffered a big loss under Yaduo's hands.

In Lion Heart City, some people knew that there was a strong man behind this tavern, so gradually no one dared to make any decisions about him.

As soon as he entered the tavern, Yado was immediately surrounded by the noise and the smell of alcohol.

Most of the people sitting at the bar were local mercenaries, wearing leather jackets or windbreakers and hats, occasionally displaying weapons such as throwing knives, drinking and eating meat.

As a mercenary, it is normal to be precarious, and you may die on the battlefield one day, so carpe diem is the general psychology among them.

Ever since this tavern came back to life and gained a lot of fame, it has become a good place for mercenaries to relax.Because the wine here is strong enough to paralyze the nerves of these mercenaries licking blood.

"You heard that recently in the northern territory of the Principality of Cologne, a powerful knight rose up and led an army. He fought several battles with those bastards who betrayed the alliance!"

"That's right, that Storm Knight severely hit the arrogance of those human dregs."

"However, I've also heard that those blood wolves seem to have allocated part of their forces to encircle and suppress them. Alas, I'm afraid they will have a hard time in the future."

These mercenaries were buzzing with discussions and drank a large glass of oatmeal beer from time to time. The chilled oatmeal beer, with a bit of cold wine flavor, numbed their taste buds.

Wind Knight!Wind Knight Pete!A mighty intermediate knight!

Yado heard the discussion of these people, and the figure of that stubborn boy appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, he was not mistaken, that Pete really took advantage of the situation after surviving a catastrophe.

When the wind and clouds gather, the times create heroes, and this is the kind of person he is talking about.

The heaven and the earth work together, and in Yado's eyes, this Pete is obviously such a person.In this world, such a huge crisis has occurred.

The will of the world will naturally project more power down. Many of the so-called children of the world and protagonists of destiny have risen under such circumstances.

After this Pete met him, he became such a person. His own destiny has already turned a corner and flowed into an unknown future.Or, is this the future that should have existed?
Yaduo kept calculating and thinking, and all kinds of possibilities kept flowing in his heart. Slowly, he felt more and more that a certain law of operation in the world, footsteps, was opening a mysterious corner to him.

Unknowingly, Yado's already condensed core spiritual runes, which had already reached the limit of an intermediate wizard, began to rotate according to a certain trajectory.

An unspeakable change began to take place in Yado.The spiritual runes in my mind became more brilliant, and several complicated symbols gradually added to it, making it even more mysterious.

Soon, this change began to feed back to Yado's body. The most intuitive change was that his attributes, which had been stagnant for a long time, began to increase slowly. is increasing.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was just a moment, but Yado recovered from that state.

The wizard has strong mental power and is the most sensitive to his own state. He noticed the changes in himself immediately.

Although the improvement of various attributes was not too much, it really made his strength break through to the level of a senior wizard.

This also made Yado see a certain possibility, that is, after reaching the limit, even if there is no corresponding upgrade item, the level can still be improved.Of course, the degree of difficulty of this promotion must exceed the difficulty of normal promotion.

After all, no matter how much Yado tries now, he can't re-enter the previous state. It can be seen that the state just now is rare.

But what is gratifying is that Yado now has the strength of a senior wizard, so many things can be put on the agenda.

(End of this chapter)

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