Chapter 338
The three principalities of Cologne, Swart, and Akali quietly retreated.

Of course, they didn't dare to retreat with great fanfare, otherwise they would arouse the vigilance of other countries, and they might not be able to leave so smoothly.

In order to deceive others, these three countries brought most of their troops and knights into the nearby mountains under the pretext of field training.

Even on the Lorraine defense line, a certain number of soldiers remained, of course they were ordinary soldiers, and of course some knight lords who were not welcomed by their respective commanders were left behind in the Lorraine defense line under various names.

Doing this can not only allow some people to stay here to cover the evacuation of the large army, but the other side can well eliminate dissidents, so those who are left are all existences such as Fit Knight.

"Is this the big change Cousin Leylin mentioned!"

Pete followed Fett Knight Lord and was naturally retained, and because of Yado's teaching a few days ago, the news revealed made Pete keenly aware that things were not as Earl Nacoris said.

The kings of the three major principalities were attacked, then Duke Douglas, the commander-in-chief of the Duke of Cologne, was assassinated, and then Earl Collis rose strongly, showing the mighty power of senior knights and defeating several competitors in one fell swoop. Strongly took over the command of the frontline army of the Principality of Cologne.

Pete, who had been reminded by Yado, was keenly aware of the abnormality.

At such a time, neither the situation nor the reason is the time to start training, let alone three principalities with domestic problems conducting joint exercises together.

And more importantly, Pete discovered that those who stayed on the line of defense that the Principality of Cologne was in charge of were ordinary knight lords such as Feite Knights.

And the number is not too many, that is, about [-] knight lords, plus their soldiers and personal guards, an army of about [-].

Thinking of this, Pete's face became even more gloomy.

He found that most of these knight lords who were left behind were like Knight Feite, who had conflicts with Earl Collis in one way or another.

How can this prevent people from having a bad premonition about Earl Collis's intentions? He left all the knight lords who had conflicts with him or conflicted with him here, and he himself left with an army.

A thought suddenly rose in Peter's mind, Earl Collis left the line of defense with his army!
At this time, Peter was eager to find Cousin Leylin. He wanted to ask the truth of the matter. Is it as he guessed? He intuitively felt that Cousin Leylin must know something.

But even though he searched the entire defense line, he couldn't find this cousin.In other words, his cousin Leylin also left the defensive line.

Pete is just a boy under the age of 14. He is still a minor when he is transferred to the earth, and he is still under the protection of his family.But now, in this world, this boy has suffered too much, and even became a soldier and stepped onto the battlefield.

So, after feeling the crisis.

The young knight's eyes were full of fighting spirit.Afterwards, Pete was going to tell Knight Feite his guess, so that the knight lord could prepare early.

But at this moment, I saw a blazing beacon smoke igniting in the distant sky!
Immediately, the ear-piercing sound of the siren came to mind, and immediately the defenders on the entire defense line started to move.

The ground trembled and the mountains shook, and the violent tremors continued to come.

The soldiers who were defending had just been awakened by the sound of the alarm. They relied on the city wall and saw an endless torrent of countless blood wolf beasts on the northern land, rushing towards the defense line where they were stationed. Come.

There were ten times more blood wolves than the previous encounter, and there were countless of them all over the mountains and plains.

"This is no coincidence!"

Seeing this scene, Peter no longer had any doubts about the speculation in his heart.

The sudden death of Duke Douglas, Earl Collis took the throne, and the three Dukes joined forces to act.The defense lines of the three principalities have become empty. Even if the Principality of Rock is the closest to here, even if they receive the information and send people to come, it may be a drop in the bucket.

The most important thing is that with so many blood wolves now, the line of defense they stationed would not be able to defend at that time.

"Escape! You must escape quickly!"

Years of life at the bottom made Pete understand the current situation immediately.Without the defense of the Knights, once the blood wolves attacked the city wall, these ordinary soldiers could not resist at all.

As for the other ordinary soldiers, seeing this scene at this moment was a little frightening. The overwhelming, seemingly endless blood wolves, all of them opened their ferocious huge mouths. Pass it on clearly.

"Defense, defend!"

Knight Feite's gaze revealed an unprecedented solemnity. As a knight and a strong man with outstanding records, he has experienced countless wars and made countless achievements. Breathing method, become a noble knight, and then get a fertile back cover, become a knight lord.

So he easily judged that the number of blood wolf beasts in front of his line of defense alone was no less than 50, which was five times the number before.If the entire defense line is like this, then looking at the entire battlefield, there are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of blood wolf beasts!

If the army was still there and the Royal Knights were still stationed here, then so many blood wolves would definitely not be able to easily break through the line of defense.

However, now, on the line of defense that the Principality of Cologne is responsible for defending, there are only more than [-] people at full strength, and there are only more than [-] knight-level existences!

And until now, the signal for help has been sent out for so long, but not even a single reinforcement has been seen!
He is not a fool, so now, this hated knight lord has figured it out, and Earl Collis led the army away.

Then the sudden attack and death of Duke Douglas, the overwhelming attack of these blood wolf beasts, and the weakness of the defense line, there must be a black hand controlling everything!
Now there are two roads before him, one is to stick to the defense line until reinforcements from other principalities arrive; the other is to retreat immediately, so that one life may be left behind. A solid line of defense definitely has no possibility of survival.

Ordinary people, how could they outrun the blood wolf beast!

In the plains, these people were not enough blood wolf beasts to stuff their teeth, but stayed on top of the line of defense. For these ordinary people, there was still a slight possibility of survival.

"Immediately send a signal for help to other principalities! The highest state of emergency! Everyone stick to the line of defense."

In the end, the duty and honor of the knight, and at the same time, in order to let the soldiers brought out by Tasso have a chance of survival, the Fett knight issued an order to stick to it.

"Soldiers, today, we are about to face an unprecedented battle. Now, there are two roads in front of you. One road is to immediately abandon the defense line and flee towards the south. But for you, this road can be said to be We knights may still be able to escape, but ordinary soldiers like you will definitely not be able to outrun those monsters!"

Fett Knight said loudly, his voice was loud and spread throughout this line of defense.

He looked at the soldiers who were already looking tense and desperate, and then said: "But now, there is another way in front of us, and that is to hold on to the line of defense. As long as we can hold on until reinforcements arrive, then we can survive. So now, there is actually only one way before you, and that is to stick to the line of defense."

After Knight Fate finished speaking, there was a roar among the soldiers present. Their instincts made them run away quickly, but their rationality let them know that what Knight Fate said was the truth.

"Okay, everyone stick to the line of defense, we will definitely be able to wait for reinforcements to arrive!"

After Knight Feite finished speaking, he took the lead and guarded the frontmost position, on the bunker protruding from the city wall.

The knight, with his actual actions to prove that he will never escape without permission.He used his actual actions to tell these soldiers that he would stand guard in front of them.

Seeing what Knight Feite did, these soldiers suddenly felt a kind of determination in their hearts, and they also swore to defend the line of defense to the death.

In the distance, on a certain mountaintop, Yaduo stood tall.

His eyes were sharp, and even though he was more than ten miles away, he could still clearly see the situation on the defense line. Although he could not hear what they said, he had already guessed most of the situation.

"Sure enough, times make heroes." Yado said with a sigh.

Sure enough, this Feite knight has some knowledge, but the difference in strength is still too great. The fifty-fold difference in strength is definitely not something that can be smoothed out with a little determination.

If there were fifty thousand soldiers and hundreds of knights, then there was still a small chance of success in this battle with disparity in strength.

In the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for them to hold on.

Of course, it means that if someone here can lead these ordinary soldiers to hold the line of defense, then it is not impossible to repeat the great achievements of the Lion Heart Knight.

But in Yaduo's eyes, most of the soldiers on the entire defense line were unlucky. It was obvious that no matter what they chose, they would eventually encounter a bloody disaster today.

On the contrary, Pete, in such a desperate situation, has a bit of luck. If he can escape today's dead situation, then to use an old saying, it will be a blessing in the sky.

Is this the mystery of arcane magic?At this moment, in Yaduo's mind, suddenly it was his mentor, that face full of magic stick temperament.

Although he and the mentor have different specific directions of specialization, what they practice are all mysterious magic powers, and they have something in common in essence.So as Yado's level deepened, especially when he was about to enter the senior wizard level, there were some special changes in Yado's telepathy, a feeling similar to a whim.

Allowing him to sense changes in fate and detect dangers in advance so he can avoid them.

Is this the special feature of the mysterious magic power?
During this period of Yado's thinking, those blood wolves finally charged in front of the strong and tall city wall.

There were more blood wolves, and they attacked more fiercely than before. As soon as they came into contact, they built a high wall of flesh and blood, and rushed directly to the city wall more than ten meters high.All of a sudden, it approached one-third of the distance upwards, and the blood wolf beast behind was still rushing forward one after another.

Following the orders from the garrisoned extreme knight lords, the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time began to throw down the ignited kerosene and wood. At this moment, they had already given up long-range weapons such as arrow beds and crossbows. Instead, they concentrated all their strength on the defense of the city wall.

For a while, the wood was rolling, the fire oil was everywhere, and a scorched smell permeated the air.

The violent offensive of the blood wolf beast stopped immediately.

However, this also consumes a lot of defense resources that these defenders have just prepared.If more troops are constantly preparing and supplying defensive supplies in a circular manner, then they can last longer.

But now, there is no such condition at all.

Anyone can see that these people won't last long, and if no reinforcements arrive, it's only a matter of time before they collapse.

The life of the blood wolf beast is tenacious. Even if it encounters the impact of a giant tree and the burning of the flames of the ruins, except for the unlucky accident of being hit on the head, most of the others are injured by falls and some bones are broken. It is not much for these monsters. lethality.

Compared with their own strength, these blood wolves are more outstanding in infecting the plague and recovering ability, so the seemingly vigorous attack actually wiped out not many blood wolves, only a few hundred.This is a drop in the bucket for the number of hundreds of thousands, not to mention that there are the same number of blood wolves at the defense lines of the two countries.

The attacks of the blood wolves did not stop because of this casualty at all. They were still charging towards the wall of the Lorraine defense line, and during the attack again and again, as the number of blood wolves increased, Start to increase the height of the ascent continuously.

According to the current situation, it may not be long before these blood wolves will be able to rush to the city wall, and it will be a disaster for these ordinary soldiers.

"檑木, kerosene, don't stop, and then ignite the wire!"

Knight Feit commanded the soldiers, and immediately as a mechanism in the city was opened, on the vast plain outside the city wall, lines of fire several meters high were ignited, crisscrossing, and a large number of blood wolf beasts were killed. divided.

Slowly relying on everyone's concerted efforts, they actually defeated the attacks of those blood wolves again and again. Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon the sky gradually became late.

(End of this chapter)

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