wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 159 Under the Tunnel

Chapter 159 Under the Tunnel
"It's so simple, you just killed a stalker!"

Smith stared dumbfounded at the young man in front of him. It's not like he had never seen someone who could single out a stalker with a cold weapon, but no one could kill a stalker so easily and comfortably.

Could this guy be, could it be the rumored super soldier!

Originally, at Smith's level, he had no access to information about super soldiers.But who made Smith's elder brother the highest officer of the Gaia base's defense force, General Christian.

Therefore, he was able to learn of this confidential information under an extremely accidental situation.

Of course, he is not clear about the specific content of this plan. He only knows that the ultimate goal of this plan is to cultivate superhumans with physical fitness comparable to robots.

So when he saw Yado defeating the stalker easily, he couldn't help thinking of this plan in his mind.


At this moment, there was a huge roar, and three stalkers chased after him.

They broke through the wall from the south and rushed in.

"Find the target and clear it."

Three pairs of flashing red eyes fixedly stared at the two of Yado, and then the three hunters immediately launched an attack.

"Damn, damn, three stalkers came all at once." Seeing this scene, Smith spat hard, picked up the weapon in the book, and shot first.

The sound of bang bang bang was heard continuously, and the torrent of bullets suddenly slanted out, beating the stalker to a halt, but that was all.

"If my electromagnetic gun hadn't run out of power, I wouldn't have made you so arrogant."

Smith said viciously that ordinary gunpowder firearms would only cause objective damage if they hit the vital parts of these robots.Therefore, it can only be used as a secondary weapon. The firearms they usually use as commandos are electromagnetic guns.

It can launch a strong electromagnetic bomb, as long as it hits the robot, it can make the power supply of the hit part disorder and become paralyzed.

However, the power of the electromagnetic gun has been used up in the previous operation, and what is even more unfortunate is that the spare battery was lost during the escape, so at this moment, only gunpowder guns can be used.

Of course, this does not stop the pace of these hunters.

At this time, Yado made another move.

When he killed the stalker just now, he had already figured out the specific data of these guys, so even if three stalkers came at once at this time, he was not afraid.

The Thunder Black Steel Sword stabbed out quickly, but Yado didn't expect that the hunter in front of him didn't dodge, but ran straight into the long sword, and allowed the long sword to pierce through its chest.

Even Yaduo couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene. He habitually chased and pulled out his long sword, but the hunter held his weapon tightly.

At this moment, the other two stalkers launched attacks, one on the left and one on the right.


Smith let out an exclamation, and then changed the magazine, and the weapon in his hand began to shoot flames at the stalker again.

The attack of the firearm caused one of the robots to stop immediately.

Faced with such an attack, a normal person would have no choice but to abandon his sword.

But Yado is a wizard and can use spells.

When even one's mind moved, the arcane energy impact erupted easily, and the violent impact fluctuations erupted immediately.The powerful force immediately sent the three hunters around Yado flying.

"This, is this some kind of mutually exclusive weapon?"

Seeing this scene, Smith also only thought that Yado was equipped with some kind of secret weapon, a small portable mutual exclusion generator.


Ya Duo snorted coldly, and with a flick of the long sword, just one dash forward, and he decapitated any hunter in front of him with his sword.

Then he walked like the wind, and quickly slashed out the long sword in his hand. It was the slash he learned in World of Warcraft, and his power expanded by 50.00% in an instant.

A sword slashed down, even bringing about the sound of howling wind.

The stalker who attacked again quickly crossed his arms to block.

The long sword in Yado's hand slashed fiercely on the stalker's arm. The huge force caused the long sword to cut through the armor on the robot's arm, and went straight to the ground. It almost missed the stalker's arm. The victim's arm was chopped off.

Immediately afterwards, Yado kicked out fiercely, kicking the stalker away.

At this time, another stalker attacked again. Yado didn't even turn around. The arcane impact was launched again, and the huge impact immediately knocked the stalker away.

And Yado moved forward quickly, stabbing fiercely with the long sword in his hand.Facing Yado's stabbing attack at this time, the stalker with an injured arm wanted to dodge, but Yado's sword had aroused the power of thunder attached to the sword body, causing the stalker to be temporarily blocked. The turbulent electric field was paralyzed.

Therefore, the hunter who couldn't move could only watch helplessly as the long sword pierced his head, and the second hunter died.

At this moment, there was only one stalker left, and to Yado, it was nothing at all, and he quickly killed the last stalker.

"Hi, I think we get out of here immediately."

Because the stalker will pass on the information it obtained at the last moment to the nearest other stalkers when it dies, the longer you stay in front of the dead body of the stalker, the more dangerous it is.

Because it won't be long before those hunters who get the information will come after them.After all, on the ground, it is possible to be exposed to the surveillance of the robot's airship at all times.

"it is good."

Yado said, then he followed Smith and ran in a direction.

At this moment, in the underground of this city, in the subway tunnel, two figures are constantly moving forward.

These two people are Yado and Smith.

After the two of them left the ruins, they entered the underground tunnel of the city from the nearest tunnel entrance.

Here, they can get rid of the patrol airships in the sky.

Along the way, through the use of psychic power to exert a hypnotic effect, Yado obtained a lot of information he wanted.

It turns out that this is a highly developed technological world, and the technological development level of the entire world is about two or three hundred years ahead of the previous life.

As written in many science fiction novels, the continuous development of artificial intelligence, the increasingly advanced robots, and finally at some point.The robots awakened, they overthrew the rule of human beings, and established the kingdom of robots.

Human beings are naturally unwilling to do this, and have been resisting the rule of robots.They have built several huge shelters deep underground, quietly accumulating strength in the deep underground, preparing to overthrow the rule of robots one day.

After humans hid underground, although they gained a living space, the production system was naturally impossible to compare with when it was above ground.

Therefore, many materials must be returned to the ground to collect, as if this time, Smith, the commando, went to the ground for some kind of item in a secret warehouse in the city.

But I don't know why, since they came to the ground, their identity has been exposed.Chased by a large number of stalkers, they broke out after paying more than half of their casualties.

And under the pursuit of the hunters, they kept fleeing, and finally in the ruins, Smith and his teammates were scattered.

By chance, they met Yado who had come, and now the two continue to move towards the mat of that goal.

"Interesting, just too interesting."

Yado came from a higher world, or he was an outsider, and his vision and direction of looking at problems were naturally different from those of these natives.

Just a few words of introduction gave him a different view on the confrontation between humans and robots.

Those robots seem to be keeping humans in captivity on purpose.

After all, even when robots gained an absolute advantage, they did not drive humans to extinction, but left them with a glimmer of life.

Otherwise, the humans could be wiped out at the very beginning of these robot rebellions.

Even in the following hundred years, there were also several opportunities to completely exterminate human beings, but those robots did not do so.

Robots will always show their stamina at critical moments, and then take the initiative to retreat.

"Go, those annoying guys are catching up again."

The magic trap set up was triggered, and Yado naturally knew that those hunters were chasing after him again.And through simple induction, he found that there were not a few stalkers chasing up, at least forty or fifty.

This is too much chasing soldiers, even if Ya Duo makes a move, it will be difficult to eliminate them in a short time, and it is very likely to attract more hunters.

"Turn right ahead."

Smith looked at the electronic map, and according to the display, they were walking towards the right front tunnel.

Along the way, Smith was used to the vigilance of the young man beside him. Although he didn't have any monitoring equipment, this young man was always able to detect the chasing robots in advance.

At critical moments, help them avoid chasing soldiers.Therefore, it has developed a kind of blind confidence in Yado's words.

The two of them filed into a narrow passage. This was probably a temporary passage originally used to repair equipment. It was very narrow, so only one person was allowed to pass.

Soon the two reached the end of the tunnel, and a thick iron gate appeared in front of them.

But at this moment, the iron door is tightly locked, and the lock is on the other side of the door. In other words, the two of them are now inside the door.

At this moment, from the other end of the tunnel, there was the sound of neat steps.

Obviously, those hunters are about to catch up!
Seeing this, Ya Duo raised the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards the iron gate. Amidst a harsh friction sound, the long sword pierced through the iron gate.

Then, Yado began to cut the iron gate with his long sword vigorously, and quickly cut the iron gate open.

Even though he has seen Yado use this inhuman power many times, every time he sees it, Smith is still inexplicably shocked. He even suspected that this guy is a robot in human skin.

At this time, the footsteps of those robots were getting louder and louder, obviously they were getting closer and closer to Yado and the other two.

"After we pass in a while, you will blow up this tunnel, and you should be able to stop those hunters for a while," Yado said.

This tunnel is narrow, and as long as the explosion is powerful enough, it can easily collapse without causing too much danger.

Smith nodded, glued the remaining explosives on his body to the top of the tunnel, and began to lay the fuse.

At this moment, those hunters walked out of the corner and appeared behind the two of them.

When they saw the two of Yado, the glasses of these hunters flashed a fierce red light.He kept repeating in his mouth, found the target, found the target!

Then he accelerated his pace and rushed towards the two of Yado.

"If you block them, it will take another minute to arrange the lead."

Smith's forehead was already sweating slightly. Because a lot of explosives were used, the fuse must be long enough to avoid the range of the explosion, so someone must be able to block the stalkers in the tunnel.

"do not worry!"

Yado said, and then he stood upright with his sword, blocking the exit of the tunnel.

Because the tunnel only allows one person to pass through, the number advantage of these stalkers can't be brought into play at all, and they can only pass through here one by one.

Of course, how could these individual hunters avoid Yaduo's long sword in the narrow tunnel.Amidst the piercing sound of metal tearing, he was easily killed.

[Drip, kill the stalker, get 30 experience points]

[Drip, kill the stalker, get 30 experience points]

"Kill ten stalkers, once the main task is completed, the reward points will be credited to the account."

"Main task 3 is open: help Smith get T15-B30, and then return to Gaia base safely. 50 points will be rewarded for completing the task, and [-] points will be deducted for failing the task."

"The third main task will be opened after the second main task is completed."

In less than 1 minute, Yado killed four stalkers. At this time, the watch vibrated slightly, and a message came out.

After killing these four stalkers, Yaduo's main mission [-] has been completed, and the reward points for killing have finally arrived.

It's just that there is a penalty for the second mainline task, and the reward points are not enough to punish, that is, once this character fails, Yado's quest income in this world will be cleared directly.

At this moment, because of the entrance of the tunnel, four hunting corpses piled up, blocking the exit of the tunnel, and the hunters behind seemed to be aware of Yaduo's threat, and did not step forward again for a while.


At this moment, Yado instinctively felt an extremely dangerous feeling coming from the tunnel in front of him.

Without thinking about it, he immediately flew to the side, and as soon as he landed, he rolled forward at high speed, and ran a distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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