Chapter 158 One Sword

This is Crome City, before the cataclysm, the capital of Constance, the most prosperous city in the south of Milan, known as the Star of the South.

Of course, after the cataclysm, this place has long been in ruins under the attack of robots.

And the rebels ventured into here, naturally because of the rich resources here.

After all, the consumption of a huge underground city is always terrifying.Moreover, after the production system of human society was destroyed, many things have become difficult to produce, so we can only rely on searching in the former cities.

This also led to Smith's actions, and this was not their first action.

"Damn it, after you go back, you must teach the guy who sent the child a good lesson."

In the base of the rebel army, the city of Gaia in the underground world, minors are protected, and they will not be sent to the battlefield until the last moment.

Smith thought of this, and then he stretched out his hand, ready to grab the boy and run away together.However, the catch that was thought to be a certainty, turned out to be in vain.

Smith didn't care about being surprised, because at this moment, the pursuer had already rushed out of the trap he made just now, and was constantly approaching here. He had already heard the unique roar of heavy steps.

"Come on, what are you still doing?" Smith shouted loudly.

To his surprise, the young man remained unmoved, his clear eyes staring closely behind him.

"Find the target, find the target, start the hunting mode."

At this moment, a mechanical sound rang out, and the hunter caught up to him just in a short while.

No, this is another one!
The roar of heavy steps continued to ring out one after another.So, here's another stalker.

Yado stared carefully at the black figure in front of him, a robot called the Stalker.

I saw that this robot only roughly has the outline of a human being, and this stalker is like a metal skeleton, very much like the Terminator in Yado's impression without wearing a human coat.

Inside the stalker's eye sockets were two scanners with red lights shining. At this moment, red lights were shooting out, constantly scanning the humans in front of him.

"Find the target, find the target."

"Please put down your weapons to avoid unnecessary harm."

When the stalker found Yaduo and the man beside him, he didn't charge up directly, but gave a warning first.

"Damn it! Why is there another one!" Smith cursed, then turned around and threw a grenade towards the stalker behind him.

Of course, he didn't expect it to be useful, after all, it was mainly to delay the attack of the stalker.

"The warning is invalid and force measures will be taken."

When the stalker escaped the bomb blast, he took advantage of the situation and began to rush towards Smith who was throwing the grenade.

The ferocious steel hand grabbed at Smith immediately.

Seeing this situation, although Smith was anxious in his heart, the movements of his hands seemed to be in order.Rich experience told him that at times like this, he had to be calm and calm.If you become impetuous, you will only go to death faster.

Smith's eyes were steady, the end of the gun in his hand was straight, and bursts of flames suddenly slanted out.The bullets whistled and hit every joint of the stalker.

Only the joints, in order to ensure the flexibility of the robot, there is no thick armor.

The stalker was extremely fast, and the bullets fired by Smith did not cause substantial damage to it.

"Damn it, the speed of these hunters has actually increased."

Seeing the stalker approaching, Smith quickly rolled to the left.

As soon as he got up, he quickly rushed forward again.But in just a few rounds, Smith fell into an absolute disadvantage. If it wasn't for the stalker who wanted to capture him alive, Smith would have been a corpse long ago.

"This stalker's strength has reached 20 points, and his agility has 15 points, but he has no constitution. Instead, he has an additional strength attribute, but the attribute is not too high, only 13 points."

Yado scanned the attributes of this stalker, and found that the attributes of this robot are not too powerful. Except for strength, other attributes are not as good as his wizard.

"Drop your arms and surrender immediately, or a fatal blow will be taken."

The stalker's attacks became more rapid, and soon Smith was cornered, and he was about to be captured.

At this moment, Smith only heard a metallic trembling sound, and then he saw a scene that shocked him.

He couldn't bear to see the result anymore, how could a cold weapon fight against a robot, even if this boy's sharp sword was sharp, how could it resist that cold and cruel robot.

But the imaginary scene didn't happen, and the long sword in the young man's hand actually stably cut on the arms of the stalker.

"Oh my God, is this Superman!"

Smith couldn't help but exclaimed. What did he see? He saw a young man who was able to fight the stalker head-on with just a cold weapon.

And it was only a few steps back, just weaker than the stalker in terms of strength alone.What's even more exaggerated is that the long sword is too sharp, it actually cut a deep hole in the hunter's palm, and he can clearly see the broken circuit with sparks shining inside.

What kind of weapon is this, so sharp!
I saw that the young man shook the long sword in his hand, and charged up again in an instant, fighting the hunter face to face with cold weapons.

Naturally, there are some human beings who can achieve this level, but all of them are extremely elite special forces soldiers. It would be unbelievable for a young man to achieve such a level if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Yado held the sword in his right hand, and using his powerful agility attribute, he was almost as fast as dragging out an afterimage, and he was in front of the hunter in an instant.

The long sword stabbed out quickly, and there was even a roar in the air, and it stabbed fiercely at the head of the hunter.

This move was so fast that the stalker had no time to dodge, and there was no such word as dodge in its battle database.

The long sword pierced the hands of the stalker standing in front, and then pierced into the stalker's head. After a while, the stalker stopped moving, apparently destroyed.

"Hey, kill the stalker and get 30 experience points."

The system prompt in his mind convinced Yado that the stalker had been destroyed.Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Yado to confirm whether a robot is 'dead' or not.

(End of this chapter)

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