Datang: Get Xiang Yu's divine power at the beginning

Chapter 366 The Method of Making Ice

Chapter 366 The Method of Making Ice
There is an ice cellar in the palace, but the storage conditions for ice in this era are not good, not to mention that it is still hot summer and the ice has almost melted.

And a few days ago, Li Chengdao drank iced goat milk and almost used up the ice cubes.

Although this iced goat milk is cold to drink, dairy products do not quench your thirst, and the more you drink, the thirstier you become, so it is better to make ice cream to make people more comfortable.

Li Chengdao is a time traveler, so he naturally knows how to use saltpeter to make ice.

In fact, this method has already appeared in ancient times, but it only appeared in the late Tang Dynasty. It is still not correct in this time period.

So when other people saw Li Chengdao waving his hands into ice, they were stunned. They all thought it was some kind of magic.

Li Chengdao first ordered people to bring half a tank of water, and then put a bucket full of drinking water in the tank. The water in the tank should not exceed half of the bucket, and it should not be mixed with the water in the bucket.

Then came the more critical step, which was to add saltpeter to the water in the tank and keep adding it until the water in the tank turned into ice.

Saltpeter is actually calcium nitrate. When calcium nitrate dissolves in water, it absorbs a lot of heat and can cool the surrounding water to below zero and freeze.

After doing this, you will get a bucket full of ice cubes.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this. In such a hot weather, His Majesty was able to turn a bucket of water into ice. What kind of magical technique is this? !

During this ice-making process, Li Chengdao specially called the Ministry of Industry to observe, and asked them to carefully study the process of making ice cubes by themselves, and write a paper of no less than [-] words.

These people from the Ministry of Industry are themselves capable men and strangers, and they are equivalent to ancient scientists.

Of course, more talented people are basically among the people, so Li Chengdao made a decree some time ago to call people who are good at extraordinary skills to work in the palace, and the remuneration is very generous.

Because Li Chengdao knew that science is the primary productive force.

So he is going to provide these people with the conditions to create, and guide them to develop good thinking and invent more practical things.

After all, it is still difficult for Li Chengdao to promote the scientific development of the entire Tang Dynasty alone. It is impossible for Li Chengdao to do everything by himself, so he wants to train a group of scientists in the Tang Dynasty.

Back to the ice making scene.

Li Chengdao took out the freshly made ice cubes and said to everyone in the Ministry of Industry.

"Did you watch carefully just now, how is this ice made?"

Everyone's faces showed embarrassment, they really didn't know how the ice came out.

someone said.

"I see, Your Majesty must be a fairy above the nine heavens, so he can use spells to make ice!"

Others also agreed with "sudden realization" after hearing it.

"Yes, it must be so!"

"I'm guilty of forgetting that Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, a god!"


Hearing their answers, Li Chengdao couldn't help but have black lines on his head, sighed and held his forehead.

Alas, it seems that there is a long way to go for them to become scientists!

"Li Daniu, go up and give each of them a head jump!"

Upon hearing this, Li Daniu regained his energy and cracked his fingers.

"Small obedience."

Then he went to give those guys who said the fairy spell just now, one by one.

Just like knocking on a watermelon, it makes a loud bang.

The people who were jumped could only look at Li Chengdao aggrievedly, wondering why His Majesty did this.

This is Li Chengdao said slowly.

"How many times have I told you that you are the scientists of the Tang Dynasty and the top talents of the Tang Dynasty. You must believe in science, not these ghosts and gods!"

"None of us know whether there are ghosts and gods in this world, but science and technology must exist!"

The Minister of Industry nodded in understanding. They had heard the word "science" from Li Chengdao many times, but they didn't understand its true meaning.

But they seem to understand now that science seems to be some kind of technology. For example, from primitive stone tools to bronze tools to the current iron tools, this seems to be science.

Anyway, they seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and there were some unspeakable cognitions in their minds. It was very mysterious. Maybe this was science.

After saying the above words, Li Chengdao looked like he hated iron.

At this moment, someone suddenly stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, I just saw that you added saltpeter to the water tank, and then the water turned into ice. Could it be that the water will turn into ice when it encounters saltpeter?"

Li Chengdao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly looked at the speaker.

It turned out to be a young man in his 20s.

It seems that Datang still has people who are more open-minded.

"Okay, well said!"

"That's right, I added saltpeter to the water, causing the water to cool down rapidly, so ice was formed!"

"You are very good, very good, I want to promote you, Minister of Works!"

When everyone heard this, their faces showed hot eyes. After answering a question, they were directly promoted. This person must be very lucky.

That person didn't expect that Li Chengdao would actually promote him because of this. He quickly bowed to Li Chengdao and said gratefully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your promotion!"

Li Chengdao waved his hand and said.

"Don't be too polite!"

Then he looked around at the people around him, and then said.

"The purpose of my doing this is to tell everyone that as long as you develop Datang's science and technology well, I will not treat you badly!"

These words instantly made everyone excited, all of them had excited expressions on their faces, and the headache just now seemed to stop hurting in an instant.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

They thought to themselves that they must work hard to invent in the future, make more contributions to the scientific cause of Datang, and realize their own life value!
Li Chengdao waved his hand to signal them to be quiet.

"Actually, in our world, when many things are fused with other things, wonderful changes will occur, just like saltpeter can freeze when put into water. This phenomenon is also called a chemical reaction."

"There are still many such phenomena, and we need to be good at discovering them. After we discover them, we can use them to achieve the desired effect."

Everyone nodded and suddenly realized that this wonderful change was called a chemical reaction.

This is the young man who asked Li Chengdao thoughtfully just now.

"Your Majesty, if the fusion of two things is called a chemical reaction, then we change the shape of one thing, such as kneading clay into a clay pot, what is this called?"

Li Chengdao looked at the man with even more appreciation in his eyes.

Good guy, he has learned to draw inferences from one instance to another. This young man is definitely a talent that can be made into a disciple. He may become a great scientist in the future.

He replied.

"The change of the state of matter you mentioned is also a physical reaction. If we think about it carefully, we can think of the difference between chemical reactions and physical reactions. One generates new substances, while the other does not."

(End of this chapter)

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